Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Charge

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Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Charge Sep 26, 2011
Congratulations to the West Midlands Police Force for again saving the UK from being subjected to terror plots from our Muslim friends.
I've read the report twice and can find no mention of a Shaun amongst those arrested. I hope this won't interfere with Sir Shafique's stats that we are more at risk for the Irish :D

I can't wait to see the spin on this.

Six men arrested following a major police operation last week have been charged with terror offences, it was confirmed last night.
Police confirmed that four men had been charged with preparing for an act of terrorism in the UK while two more were charged with failing to disclose information.
One of those two has also been charged with terrorist fundraising, police confirmed.

Irfan Nasser, 30, Irfan Khalid, 26, Ashik Ali, 26, and Rahin Ahmed, 25, are all charged with engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorist acts, contrary to the Terrorism Act 2006.
It is alleged that between Christmas Day 2010 and September 19 this year, they were preparing, or helping others prepare to commit acts of terrorism.

For Nasser, from Sparkhill, Khalid, from Sparkbrook, and Ali, from Balsall Heath, this is alleged to have included planning a bombing campaign; stating an intention to be a suicide bomber; collecting money for terrorism; making or helping make a homemade bomb for terrorism; and recruiting people for terrorism.
Nasser and Khalid are also accused of travelling to Pakistan for training in terrorism including bomb making, weapons and poison making, as well as making a martyrdom film.
Ahmed, from Moseley, is accused of helping others travel to Pakistan for terrorism training, collecting money for terrorism and investing and managing money for terrorist acts.
Ashik Ali's brother Bahader Ali, 28, and Mohammed Rizwan, 32, both from Sparkbrook, are both charged with failing to disclose information about acts of terrorism.
It is alleged that between July 29 and September 19 this year, both had information which they knew may help prevent the commission of an act of terrorism but did not disclose the information.
Bahader Ali is also charged with terrorist fundraising. ... l?ITO=1490

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 26, 2011
It's amazing how Muslims lightly take the issue of Islamic militancy in Britain's Muslim population.

Despite the thousands of anti-Israel posts, I've never seen any serious attempt to confront and acknowledge Islamic militancy from these Muslims (although they are quick to label others as 'Islamophobes' if they get too vocal against Islamic extremism).

Wonder why.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 26, 2011
It's amazing how loons have short memories.

Muslims in the UK are actively working against numpties such as these guys and support all the efforts being made to root out these Brievik/McVeigh wannabes. Thank God they are less competent than Brievik (who got all his bomb making skills off the internet, remember).

The moral is that being sent to Pakistan seems to make you less efficient a terrorist than if you spend time getting your bomb making skills off the internet. Either that, or my original theory that these are wannabe McVeighs is right.

The police went in unarmed, so knew that the numpties were harmless. I'm glad that the book is being thrown at them - the fewer numpties out there the better.

The frightening thing is that there are other Brieviks out there. The stats show that they are much more successful.

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 26, 2011
For as long as you believe in erasing a complete native nation from its own land, and replacing them with a compilation of complete aliens by all means of brutality and injustice, and then defending it with the most lame reasons - -
You got no right to complain and cry when your own creation of those extrimists try to bite your ass ;)

No sympathy to donate, except for those clueless European nations who are being controlled by the Extreme Jewish lobby.

In our own Muslim World, we already are suffering from those extrimists which you created, but as blind & lame as you have always been, always eager to make up excuses to put blame on others (mainly Islam), then drag the entire world into another war.
Had you never intruded with brutality into our region, none of that would've happened to us or you.

The Western politics is being controlled by a bunch of corrupted Jewish extrimists, aka the lobby, who are responsible for all the mess in this world. Keep begging, you'll only be served more ;)
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 26, 2011
Thank God they are less competent than Brievik (who got all his bomb making skills off the internet, remember).


Right, like the guy above didn't go to Pakistan.

Anyways, it's funny you were silent on the other thread when I wondered how many Hindu/Sikh terrorists have been rounded up in recent years in comparison to Muslim terrorists.

Both have a similar history in the UK but we see the Sikh/Hindu and Muslim populations go on very divergent paths - with Hindus/Sikhs integrating and Muslims going on welfare and their communities becoming the hotbed for religious extremism in the UK.

False analogies are fun, but they never manage to convince anyone.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 26, 2011
The police went in unarmed, so knew that the numpties were harmless. I'm glad that the book is being thrown at them - the fewer numpties out there the better.

Well I'm so pleased you are convinced they were harmless sunshine!
I'm not so sure I would have wanted to be sitting next to them on the tube as they attempted to blow themselves up. Maybe you know something we don't :shock:
But I'm pleased that you haven't strayed away from your usual path of spinning things.
You never mentioned the Irish, by the way.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 26, 2011
Hey, don't blame me for reporting what the police said.

I'm glad that these numpties are caught before they can do harm to others (and themselves).

Brievik and McVeigh were successful terrorists - the scary thing is that there are still guys like them out there. But hey, numpties are low hanging fruit and should be kept off the streets for their benefit and ours.

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 26, 2011
shafique wrote:Hey, don't blame me for reporting what the police said.

I'm glad that these numpties are caught before they can do harm to others (and themselves).

Brievik and McVeigh were successful terrorists - the scary thing is that there are still guys like them out there. But hey, numpties are low hanging fruit and should be kept off the streets for their benefit and ours.


Probably I'm biased but I bear in mind 9/11 or September 2011 after reading the article. Those member of the Breathren were much more "successfull" than Brevik and McVeigh combined. Moreover it looks like those kind Pakistani guys share the same view, ideology and religion as Al-Quaeda.

So I would not underestimate the Breathren. :wink:
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 26, 2011
9/11 is definitely an outlier - and many of eh's fellow countrymen don't believe it was done by less than 2 dozen Saudis, Egyptians etc.

Now, if Al Qaeda was this super-duper terrorist training organisation that can successfully hijack 4 planes armed with nothing more than box cutters and evade all the US air defences, then you'd expect at least one or two successful bombs to be let off in the 10 years since.

What we find is that 7/7 is carried out by 4 young English guys, Madrid by another small cell. And... well, you get a lot of small 'Al Qaeda inspired' attacks.

But Brievik and McVeigh are the successful terrorists - and indeed, you could argue that McVeigh and Brievik are also outliers. Look at the number of terrorist attacks in Europe and USA - the majority are by non-Muslim (over 90%) and the most successful ones again have been by non-Muslims (with the exception of the few outliers).

So yes, we should indeed be wary of another big event like Oklahoma and 9/11 - but the reality is that terrorist bombs that have been set off are not coming from Islamists.

The Hutaree Christian Militia in the USA, for example, were caught with more ammo than all the Islamic terrorists caught in the USA since 9/11 - contrast this with the 6 in the OP - they had not progressed to anything more than thinking about being like McVeigh/Brievik/7/7 guys.

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 26, 2011
As a European I know for 100% that most attacks here have been commited by people, who happend to be Muslims. I don't need any stats for that because it happend quite regularly on a distance less than 20 km from my home: 2 high reised residential buildings were totally collapsed at night, a dozen suicied attacks in the subway and Domodedovo International quite recently. All of them were extremely "successfull" and bloody.

Sorry but your mantra does not convince me. :albino:
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 26, 2011
To be fair I have never seen any articles about the Muslim communities in the UK dealing with these extremists. The post is not about McVeigh, 9/11. Brievik or anything else but about our countries battle with Islamic extremists, to point the finger at other people is just denying the problem and quite clearly there is a problem. It does not mean that all Muslims are terrorists but like all organisations/religions they have their problem areas. I would love to see headlines where they have been dobbed in by people from within but sadly we don't.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 26, 2011
Russians = Europeans??
I think we got a lot of identity issues here :D
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Anyone????? Red Chief back to you.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
I was hoping someone interested in stats would look at the number of Sikhs/Hindus rounded up in anti-terror sweeps in GB and compare it with the number of Muslims rounded up.

Strange, both communities (Hindu/Sikh/Muslim) have a similar history in GB but I never hear of Hindus or Sikhs trying to blow up their (adopted) country.

Now, why is that?

And why is the person interested in facts over hype not interested in answering the question for why Hindus and Sikhs aren't committing acts of terror in the UK?
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Red Chief wrote:As a European I know for 100% that most attacks here have been commited by people, who happend to be Muslims.

I know that Europol says otherwise:

But thanks for sharing your personal view that you disagree with these official police statistics.

My view is that the stats show the reality. Brievik's terrorist attack just adds to the numbers of actual terrorists.

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Anyone who's into stats want to look at the number of Hindus/Sikhs rounded up in anti-terror raids to number of Muslims?

Why are Muslims - and not Sikhs/Hindus - so keen on blowing up their homeland?
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
patience wrote:To be fair I have never seen any articles about the Muslim communities in the UK dealing with these extremists.

They don't get prominent coverage - but they do make it to the media. Indeed we've tackled the initiatives by Muslim groups and the government a few times here. I've said that it is indeed a problem within the Muslim community and it is being treated seriously. British mosques ban the likes of Anjem Choudary and the Government has joint initiatives with the Muslim communities.

However, the other aspect is important too - over hyping the danger means that resources are taken away from those who are actually carrying terrorist attacks in the EU and USA. Brievik is a prime example - and a good counter-point to the profiles of the wannabe terrorists that typifies the 'Islamist' numpties of this and other threads.

On the specific reasons for the suicide attacks on the UK and US, it's worth reading the thread in the politics forum- here's an extract:

While religion contributes in many cases to increased feelings of loyalty toward a kindred community that may be oceans away from an individual’s country of citizenship, the primary cause of these horrible phenomena is foreign occupation.


(It doesn't condone the terrorist act in any way - but addresses WHY the crimes were carried out).

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
shafique wrote: My view is that the stats show the reality. Brievik's terrorist attack just adds to the numbers of actual terrorists.


Norway is not the member of EU as you know about that. So Brevik didn't add to this stats anything and you know about that, you are the shameless bigot. On the other hand Russia is a part of Europe. Stop junggle the terms Europe and EU in your political goals. Your clownade would be funny if it was not about human lives.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
My point is quite serious too.

Brievik and his kind are a real threat and should not be under-estimated. Chechen terrorists are indeed a problem in Russia and no one has disputed this.

But in the rest of Europe and the USA, the official police stats don't match your belief that most terrorists are Muslim. Quite the opposite.

However, these are just official records of actual terrorist attacks - herve and other loons don't believe the stats are a true reflection of their world. I happen to believe in the evidence. You are free to make your choice.

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
shafique wrote:the rest of Europe

Shafique has just invented a new term? What does it mean? Europe without Norway and Russia, what the selective stats cover or what?

If Chechens are a real threat only in Russia, but Mr. Breivik only in Norway respectively why do you add the latter to the EU stats but exclude the former? The reply is evident because former are Muslim, and latter is not.
It's the evidence of your bigotry.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
LOL - stop playing dumb RC.

The issue addressed in the respective threads is quite clear:
Perception is not reality. Due to the right wing’s influence and propaganda, people mistakenly think that
Islamic terrorism is the greatest threat to the Western world. It is even a commonly held belief that Islamic terrorism poses an existential threat–that the very survival of the Western world is at stake. Of course, the reality is that there are other groups that engage in terrorism on a much larger scale, yet these terrorist incidents are minimized. Acts of terrorism committed by Muslims are purposefully sensationalized and focused upon, culminating in the idea that “(nearly) all terrorists are Muslims.”


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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Don't be evasive and reply on direct question as a man.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
What confused you about my answer?

How is correcting the wrong perception with facts 'evidence of bigotry'?

Again, let me quote from the official Europol report:
Islamist terrorism is still perceived as being the biggest threat worldwide, despite the fact that the EU only faced one Islamist terrorist attack in 2008. This bomb attack took place in the UK…Separatist terrorism remains the terrorism area which affects the EU most. This includes Basque separatist terrorism in Spain and France, and Corsican terrorism in France…Past contacts between ETA and the FARC illustrate the fact that also separatist terrorist organizations seek cooperation partners outside the EU on the basis of common interests. In the UK, dissident Irish republican groups, principally the RIRA and the CIRA, and other paramilitary groups may continue to engage in crime and violence.

pg 7

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
If Chechens are a real threat only in Russia, but Mr. Breivik only in Norway respectively why do you add the latter to the EU stats but exclude the former?
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
I haven't updated the EU stats for Brievik's attack - but stated that his attack in Norway adds to the point made in the EU report that the reality (as quoted above) is different from the perception. This is the conclusion of Europol.

Note that Europol classify the majority of terrorist attacks as coming from groups including separatists - outside of Russia, these separatists aren't Muslim. In Chechnya the separatists are Muslim. I'm sure you can connect the dots.

In Russia, the attention should be against the main threats - i.e. the Chechen and other terrorists.

Outside of Russia, the attention should be against the main threats. The Stats show what these are.

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
shafique wrote:I haven't updated the EU stats for Brievik's attack - but stated that his attack in Norway adds to the point made in the EU report that the reality (as quoted above) is different from the perception. This is the conclusion of Europol.

My view is that the stats show the reality. Brievik's terrorist attack just adds to the numbers of actual terrorists.

Brievik attacks confirm the EU finding but numerous and bloodest Chechens contradict? Chechens attacks did not add to the number of actual terrorists, did they? Or after the half-educated student you don't treat Russia as a part of Europe?
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Hey, don't blame me that Russia wasn't included in the Europol report which showed only 0.4% of terrorist attacks in the EU were carried out by Muslims.

Brievik's terrorist attack does indeed show that the problem in Europe is not from Muslims, but from separatists and other kooks. In Chechnya, the separatists happen to be Muslim - so on that point, Russia is not that different from the EU.

I trust you read beyond the first sentence of the quote I gave above.. 'Perception is not reality....'

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
shafique wrote:Hey, don't blame me that Russia wasn't included in the Europol report which showed only 0.4% of terrorist attacks in the EU were carried out by Muslims.

I blame you that you voluntary USE word Europe instead of EU to make your statement louder. Your stats reflect the situation in Europe as good as stats of Tower Hamlets borough the situation in the UK.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Red Chief wrote:
shafique wrote: My view is that the stats show the reality. Brievik's terrorist attack just adds to the numbers of actual terrorists.


Norway is not the member of EU as you know about that. So Brevik didn't add to this stats anything and you know about that, you are the shameless bigot. On the other hand Russia is a part of Europe. Stop junggle the terms Europe and EU in your political goals. Your clownade would be funny if it was not about human lives.

Russia is in Asia, not in Europe.
If Russia is part of Europe, then surely Turkey is 8)

We're talking regional wise, maps, geography.
As per ethnicity, thats totally different.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
RC - As I said before, you are entitled to your view that the Europol stats do not reflect reality in Europe.

I maintain that they do. Brievik was just the last example of that.

The fact that the separatist threat in Russia happens to be from Chechens does not change my view at all. In fact it reinforces my view that the stats show that the perception is indeed incorrect.

But, you are free to believe otherwise.

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