Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Charge

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
shafique wrote:RC - As I said before, you are entitled to your view that the Europol stats do not reflect reality in Europe.

I maintain that they do. Brievik was just the last example of that.

The fact that the separatist threat in Russia happens to be from Chechens does not change my view at all. In fact it reinforces my view that the stats show that the perception is indeed incorrect.

But, you are free to believe otherwise.


Chechens terrorists contradict with Europol stat in much larger scale than Mr. Brevik activity confirms but you chose the latter and ignore the former. Why? :wink:

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Well it seems that the British courts think the accused Asian men are a little more than numpties as they are now banged up in a top security prison until their next Court appearance in October.

No surprise that Sir Shafique finds it impossible to condemn his Muslim brothers but chooses to defend them, even though they were a serious threat to our people.
No surprise that during the recent riots he could not bring himself to comdemn the black boy who kicked the old white man to death.

No wonder he will never be accepted as English.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Well it seems that the British courts think the accused Asian men are a little more than numpties as they are now banged up in a top security prison until their next Court appearance in October.

No surprise that Sir Shafique finds it impossible to condemn his Muslim brothers but chooses to defend them, even though they were a serious threat to our people.
No surprise that during the recent riots he could not bring himself to comdemn the black boy who kicked the old white man to death.

No wonder he will never be accepted as English.

What I find interesting about the Mad Wizard is his need to put forth all those other horrible, horrible non-Muslim terrorists (who have killed far less people that his brothers - with the exception of Hitler). I can't figure out if he does this to distract from the fact that they are Muslims or justify their actions. :shock:
Bora Bora
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
The point is Bora is that the reality is that 99.6% of the horrible terrorists happen to be the non-Muslim variety.

The 0.4% that are Muslim are just as horrible and should be dealt with in the same way. That 6 potential Muslim terrorists have been caught is a great thing - it will reduce the 0.4%. I wish it were zero.

BM's rants and RC's tantrums about Chechen seperatists can't change the actual terror attacks that are being carried out by Brievik and his ilk.

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
shafique wrote: RC's tantrums about Chechen seperatists can't change the actual terror attacks that are being carried out by Brievik and his ilk.


And those Irishmen, whom you so like to rant about, are not the threat al all. Oh, Jeez, they are Catholic and whites. Take them... No objections.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Thanks. You reminded me that in the UK the 99 viable terrorist bombs that were planted last year didn't come from Muslims. ;)

We make a good team. :D

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
shafique wrote:The point is Bora is that the reality is that 99.6% of the horrible terrorists happen to be the non-Muslim variety.

The 0.4% that are Muslim are just as horrible and should be dealt with in the same way. That 6 potential Muslim terrorists have been caught is a great thing - it will reduce the 0.4%. I wish it were zero.

BM's rants and RC's tantrums about Chechen seperatists can't change the actual terror attacks that are being carried out by Brievik and his ilk.


The article is about 6 Muslim terrorists.

My point is your 0.4% killed far more people that the 99.6% and you keep bringing up that 99.6%. At the end of the day they are all terrorists, the difference being the 0.4% you mention have done the most damage and are a bigger threat to western countries, as well as to their own and neighboring countries.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
While religion contributes in many cases to increased feelings of loyalty toward a kindred community that may be oceans away from an individual’s country of citizenship, the primary cause of these horrible phenomena is foreign occupation.

Muslim first, Kuffar nationality second.

Just like our other forum member who identifies with religion over his homeland.

But what's interesting, is what the number of British Hindu/Sikhs arrested on terror charges against their homeland vs Muslims arrested on terror charges is.

shafique wrote:What confused you about my answer?

How is correcting the wrong perception with facts 'evidence of bigotry'?

Again, let me quote from the official Europol report:
Islamist terrorism is still perceived as being the biggest threat worldwide, despite the fact that the EU only faced one Islamist terrorist attack in 2008. This bomb attack took place in the UK…Separatist terrorism remains the terrorism area which affects the EU most. This includes Basque separatist terrorism in Spain and France, and Corsican terrorism in France…Past contacts between ETA and the FARC illustrate the fact that also separatist terrorist organizations seek cooperation partners outside the EU on the basis of common interests. In the UK, dissident Irish republican groups, principally the RIRA and the CIRA, and other paramilitary groups may continue to engage in crime and violence.

pg 7


Are you chronically stupid or what?

Why did you, after RC repeatedly pointed this out, say Brievik added to the EU stats when Norway is not a EU member?

If you're going to include Norway, then include the number of people killed by Islamic terrorists in Russia and the local regions thereabout by an Islamic insurgency.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
This article is about 6 wannabe terrorists apprehended by unarmed police before they could carry out a terrorist attack.

I applaud this capture of these guys.

The separate point is that of the terrorists that actually carry out attacks in the EU, 99.4% of them aren't Muslim terrorists.

Terrorists in the EU are 99.4% of the time going to look like Brievik and the UK terrorists who planted 99 bombs last year.

Even if you factor in Chechen separatists and their terror attacks, the majority of attacks will still be by non-Muslims. Do the math.

And the reason I keep stating these facts is:

Perception is not reality. Due to the right wing’s influence and propaganda, people mistakenly think that
Islamic terrorism is the greatest threat to the Western world. It is even a commonly held belief that Islamic terrorism poses an existential threat–that the very survival of the Western world is at stake. Of course, the reality is that there are other groups that engage in terrorism on a much larger scale, yet these terrorist incidents are minimized. Acts of terrorism committed by Muslims are purposefully sensationalized and focused upon, culminating in the idea that “(nearly) all terrorists are Muslims.”

The refusal to accept these facts is very interesting.

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Even if you factor in Chechen separatists and their terror attacks, the majority of attacks will still be by non-Muslims. Do the math.

Why don't you do the math. What is the number of Islamic terrorist attacks in Russia/surrounding regions for last year?

I also like how your stats are padded with attacks intended to wound/kill no one and then the report says that Islamic terrorists are focused on.

Gee, is it really that difficult to understand why that would be?

The 0.6% Islamic attacks in the EU killed far more than the 99.4% of non-Islamic terror attacks during the same period.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Your ego is writing cheques your body can't deliver, young one.

99.4% of terror attacks by non-Muslims. Those are the stark facts. Trying to spin it otherwise will be interesting to watch.

The figures and actual attacks are out there - you tried to dismiss the non-Muslim attacks as fire-crackers etc, but yet make a song and dance when 6 numpties who are 'thinking' of carrying out attacks are caught by unarmed police.

Just wishing that the ETA and pIRA bombings were 'trash can fires' or not intended to kill is sad and funny.

But what is clear, you can't provide any evidence to back up your belief. 99.4% - cold hard stats.

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
99.4% of terror attacks by non-Muslims. Those are the stark facts. Trying to spin it otherwise will be interesting to watch.

Padded with incidents that were intended to cause minimal amounts of damage.

Your report 'concluded' that Islamic terrorism receives too much coverage but it is Islamic terrorism in the EU that regularly has a body count or seeks to inflict mass casualty attacks. No other terrorist groups seeks this on a regular basis - or, if they do, fail spectacularly since the body count of Islamic terrorists is far higher than non-Islamic terrorists.

Anyways, I'm still waiting:

Even if you factor in Chechen separatists and their terror attacks, the majority of attacks will still be by non-Muslims. Do the math.

Facts over hype. Come on.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Yes, thanks for posting my invitation for the doubters and believers to do the math. (BTW, it appears you are still confused - like herve was - I do not work for Europol, or the FBI. The report and conclusions aren't my words.)

I've presented the Europol stats for you guys. Surely you'll enjoy proving that your fantasies are reality.

Facts, not hype indeed.

(Just remember to show your workings)

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
shafique wrote:Even if you factor in Chechen separatists and their terror attacks, the majority of attacks will still be by non-Muslims. Do the math.

It's your assertion, not invitation.

Please back it up or retract your statement.

Oh, and I'm still waiting for the numbers of Hindu/Sikhs rounded up in anti-terror raids in the UK in the past decade.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
shafique wrote:The figures and actual attacks are out there - you tried to dismiss the non-Muslim attacks as fire-crackers etc, but yet make a song and dance when 6 numpties who are 'thinking' of carrying out attacks are caught by unarmed police.

Just wishing that the ETA and pIRA bombings were 'trash can fires' or not intended to kill is sad and funny.

But what is clear, you can't provide any evidence to back up your belief. 99.4% - cold hard stats.


You and EH have taken this thread off track to prove a point. Now you bring in the ETA and IRA. :roll:

Are you saying these six were arrested for "thinking" of carrying out attacks? :shock:, and because they were just "thinking" of doing it, then that would mean that they are not actually terrorists because they didn't actually carry out an attack? and are just numphies for getting caught for "thinking"??? Were they wearing their tin hats when the government picked up on their thoughts???

Good lord, now people can be arrested for "thinking"? :shock: For some people that shouldn't be a worry because their thoughts, when put to paper, are for the most part empty!!

Here's some more people that better watch what they think. Oh my, it seems that Muslims and Non-Muslims are uniting!!!!!
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Planning becomes thinking

Wife beating becomes non-violence

No one should take shafique seriously. His arguments are nothing more than double speak.

I'm just waiting for shafique to prove his claim that the number of attacks by Chechens, etc in Russia/Dagestan et al is dwarfed by the number of mostly harmless bombings in the EU stats.

Any day, I'm sure.

Btw, for comparison's sake, how many British Hindu/Sikh terrorists have been rounded up in the past decade by UK authorities? Number of Muslim terrorists?
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Facts, not hype young one.

Surely you know how to add numbers together. Were you always afraid to 'do the math'?

Show us the evidence and show us how wrong I am. Should be quite simple - I mean, RC will surely help you out with your calcs.

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Why would I do your homework for you?

I didn't claim what you said. You did.

I'm asking you to back it up.

Tut tut.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Nice one - but unfortunately for you, I'm the one that gave the doubters the challenge to 'do the math'.

I'm not the one who is doubting the evidence in the Europol and FBI stats. That would be you.

But hey, if you do have trouble with the maths (or more likely know you'll be failing yet again), I'll understand why you won't add a few numbers together.

Go ahead, blame me for your failings again. 99.4% - pretty high statistic. What can you bring it down by if you add the Chechen attacks?

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Two of the men are said to have traveled to Pakistan where they received terrorist training and made suicide videos before returning to build a bomb.

The men were under surveillance as part of an “intelligence led operation” by MI5 and the police as they discussed their plans, which were picked up by listening devices.

Two other men allegedly helped raise £12,000 by collecting for charities which was said to be used for the purposes of planning their attacks. A sixth man was accused of failing to inform police.

As the men made their first appearance in court, Deborah Walsh, prosecuting, said: "The terrorist ideology behind these offences is to commit mass murder in the UK."

Irfan Nasser, 30, from Sparkhill, Birmingham and Irfan Khalid, 26, of Sparkbrook, Birmingham, are accused of plotting their attacks between Christmas Day last year and their arrest last Monday.

The charges say that they travelled to Pakistan for training in terrorism including bomb making, weapons and poison making.

While there they are said to have made a “martyrdom film” and later began planning a “suicide bombing campaign or eve[...]

Ashik Ali’s brother, Bahader, 28, and another man, Mohammed Rizwan, 32, both from Sparkbrook, Birmingham, allegedly knew of the plans but failed to inform police “information as soon as reasonably practicable

Thinking of terrorism

Any idea how many Hindus/Sikhs have been rounded up on terror charges?
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
shafique wrote:But hey, if you do have trouble with the maths (or more likely know you'll be failing yet again), I'll understand why you won't add a few numbers together.

Go ahead, blame me for your failings again. 99.4% - pretty high statistic. What can you bring it down by if you add the Chechen attacks?

I guess we're going to have to remain at 99.4% vs 0.6% and have to listen to more spin instead of hard stats. ;)

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
More news on the 6 Asian men arrested in Birmingham on terror charges!

A six-member gang of suspected Pakistani-origin suicide bombers have been arrested for plotting a terror attack in Britain similar to 9/11, police said.

However, no specific targets were identified when the men were produced at the West London Magistrates' Court Monday, The Sun reported.

Irfan Khalid, 26, Irfan Nasser, 30, and Ashik Ali, 26, are accused of plotting to be suicide bombers and recruiting others for terrorist training.

Nasser and Khalid are also charged with travelling to Pakistan for terrorism training.

Rahin Ahmed, 25, is accused of helping others get training and for collecting money to fund terrorist acts.

Ashik Ali's brother Bahader, 28, is charged with allowing money or property to be available for terrorism.

The men are all from Birmingham. They have been remanded to custody to appear in court again next month.

Tapes revealed the group had practised making bombs and poisons at a training camp in Pakistan, the court heard.

One suspect was allegedly recorded as saying: "This is revenge for everything they're doing. It is another 9/11."

The gang planned to drive around Britain to make suicide strikes on various targets, the court heard.

The plot was reportedly drawn in revenge for cartoons of Prophet Mohammed that appeared in a Danish newspaper.

Police said the men aimed to fund their operation with money raised for a Muslim charity. But the plan backfired after the gang gambled away thousands of pounds on the stock exchange.

The gang allegedly collected cash from Muslims during Ramadan, claiming to be raising funds for charity. Police found five buckets containing 1,500 pounds in raids.

The gang also made "martyr videos". One suspect allegedly recorded a warning, saying "suicide bombs on the streets, spilling so much blood you won't believe it".

It seems they've even ripped off their own kind by collecting money for a Muslim charity then gambling it on the stockexchange!
I thought gambling wasn't allowed in Islam?

Anyways congratulations again to the West Midlands Police for arresting these Muslim terrorists before they could cause carnage on the streets of Britain by spilling so much blood you won't believe it.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
The plot was reportedly drawn in revenge for cartoons of Prophet Mohammed that appeared in a Danish newspaper.

Woah, hold on there.

Does shafique/Ron Paul know about this?

On page 2 we saw shafique *already* concluding - before the facts were in - this plot was about political reasons, not over satirical images of his prophet he wants to see criminalized (and his fellow Muslims want blood over).
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Overview: Russia continued to endure terrorist attacks linked to instability in the North Caucasus. The most visible and largest attacks occurred in two Moscow Metro stations in March. Radical militants calling for a Caliphate within the Caucasus continued to constitute the main terrorist threat.

2010 Terrorist Incidents: Terrorist attacks in Russia continued to emanate from the ongoing unrest in the North Caucasus. Officials in mid-December cited 529 terrorist attacks over the course of the year in which 218 victims were killed and 536 injured. Suicide bombings at two Moscow Metro stations on March 29 by two women from Dagestan killed 40 and injured about 100 civilians. Other terrorist attacks occurred in the North Caucasus Federal District, particularly in the republics of Dagestan, Ingushetia, North Ossetia, Chechnya, and Kabardino-Balkaria.

The most serious terrorist attacks in the North Caucasus were a March 31 suicide bombing in Kizlyar, Dagestan, which killed 12 and injured 37; a September 9 car bombing at a market in Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia, which killed 18 and injured 140; and a May bombing in Stavropol, which killed seven and injured over 40.

About EU:

At the same year, 249 terrorist attacks were reported in the 9 member states. Several member states were successfull in preventing attacks by terrorist groups including those by Islamist terrorist groups. ... at2011.pdf

529 attacks, commited by terrorists in Russia, against 249 in total in EU in 2010.
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
event horizon wrote:
The plot was reportedly drawn in revenge for cartoons of Prophet Mohammed that appeared in a Danish newspaper.

Woah, hold on there.

Does shafique/Ron Paul know about this?

On page 2 we saw shafique *already* concluding - before the facts were in - this plot was about political reasons, not over satirical images of his prophet he wants to see criminalized (and his fellow Muslims want blood over).

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
Well done RC - that's what I call statistics! So, in 2010 there were 3 Islamist terror attacks out of the 249 total in the EU - so that's 1.2% up from 0.6%.

Well, I have to admit - Russia has far more terrorist attacks in total than the rest of the EU. 529 attacks means that on average there are more than one attack every single day. Wow.

However, RC - the same US report states:
The bloodiest of the attacks were carried out in Russian capital on March 29, when two suicide bombers blew themselves up in Moscow's busy metro during morning rush hour, killing 40 people and injuring some 100 others. Other major terrorist attacks occurred in the volatile North Caucasus region, particularly in the republics of Dagestan, Ingushetia, North Ossetia, Chechnya, and Kabardino-Balkaria.

While these attacks were designed to cause mass civilian casualties, far more numerous were attacks targeting security forces and government facilities in the region,

It would be good to get a breakdown of how many were military engagements. Attacks against government workers I'd class as terrorism, but attacking soldiers I'd say is not. (It may change the numbers quite drastically).

But, taking the numbers at face value, I guess I'll have to start saying Europe, excluding Russia, 98.8% of terrorist acts are carried out by non-Muslims. RC - you da man. I concede, in Russia you guys have a big problem with the Chechens if there are over 500 terror attacks each year. They hardly make the news in the West though - only the big ones.

Now as to the 6 men arrested - how come the loons are inventing excuses for them on my behalf? I've only said I'm glad they were taken off the streets before they could harm anyone, and nabbed at a stage when unarmed police could go in. What is it with loons and their fantasies? Can't you guys stick to the facts?

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 27, 2011
shafique wrote:But, taking the numbers at face value, I guess I'll have to start saying Europe, excluding Russia, 98.8% of terrorist acts are carried out by non-Muslims.

As I was tought English language don't like longueurs and Englishmen artificial expressions. So In 2010 68,3% of terrorist acts in Europe are carried out by people, who happend to be whom? :?

As for
security forces and government facilities in the region
, not necessary soldiers, I remember your rant about killing a policeman in the occupied part of Irish republic and you called it as terrorism, even religious one as I remember. :blackeye:
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch Sep 28, 2011
Attacks against government workers I'd class as terrorism, but attacking soldiers I'd say is not.

So you have evidence attacks against military targets in Spain and GB are not counted as terrorism in the Europol report?

@RC - nice sig :lol:
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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 28, 2011
RC - thanks to your updated statistics, we can now update the stats for terrorist acts in the EU - 3 were carried out by Islamists in 2010 and 246 carried out by non-Muslims.

The 3 attacks were all by numpties who didn't actually manage to carry out their attacks successfully - i.e. far less competent than Brievik, say. All three seem to be connected with a specific issue over the cartoons of the Prophet - so not targetting westerners generally. I'd argue it shows the real extent of the threat - numpties going after cartoonists.

You didn't give me a breakdown of Muslim vs Non-Muslim in the 500+ separatist terrorist attacks in Russia. Were they all carried out by Muslims?

So, when we look at EU we have 98.8% of terrorist attacks carried out by Non-Muslims. If we add in Russia plus EU (so excluding Norway etc) AND assume that all 500+ attacks are carried out by Muslims, we find 68.3% of terror attacks are by Muslims.

Quite a stark difference.

Therefore the main threat in EU and Russia combined is from Chechen/Dagastan separatists - then followed by other non-Muslim separatists and at the bottom of the list the 3 Islamist terrorist attacks.

I'll ensure I am more precise when I use the 98.8% statistic and ensure I am clear I'm excluding the separatist terror attacks in Russia. Happy? ;)

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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch Sep 28, 2011
They all fear Islam :lol: - - Seriously, if you fear it, then simply do not intrude, and be safe :D
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