the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Andyba wrote:I remember those good old days when my salary was 8500 dhs and I could save 1k usd monthly...
puppypup wrote:Would I assimilate and 'fit in' perhaps blend in an Asian country?*Puppypup ponders*
Seriously I don't think I could do it. I like eating while I walk. I could leave crumbs. Isn't Singapore strict about things like that?
puppypup wrote:Would I assimilate and 'fit in' perhaps blend in an Asian country?*Puppypup ponders*
Seriously I don't think I could do it. I like eating while I walk. I could leave crumbs. Isn't Singapore strict about things like that?
pinoy1 wrote:puppypup wrote:Would I assimilate and 'fit in' perhaps blend in an Asian country?*Puppypup ponders*
Seriously I don't think I could do it. I like eating while I walk. I could leave crumbs. Isn't Singapore strict about things like that?
No you won't. I'm sorry:
Yes, if you leave crumbs, they'll catch you and put you in jail. They don't tolerate messy eaters.
If a singaporean guy asked you "are you singapoean, lah?" and you answer back "I'M NOT ASIAAANNN!!!", they'll cane you and then deport you.
puppypup wrote:
I saw a joint Filipino/Singapore movie starring some Italian-Filipina actress. It was a dumb movie but made money. The Italian-Filipina played a maidwho works in a Chinese-Singaporean household and makes all sorts of faux pas during a Chinese holiday causing bad spirits to take over. Oh I think the title is THE MAID.