Well, there was I in the Zonker-mobile, all bleary eyed, waiting for inspiration to strike, when out popped this bit of news from the radio: Britney Spears' body gaurd Mr. Fernando Flores has sued her for........wait for it.....sexual harassment!!

Yes, it appears that she made "repeated sexual advances towards him" (lucky devil!) by exposing herself in front of him in her home. At one stage, it is alleged, she purposely dropped her cigarette lighter, and then bent over to pick it up, not wearing any undergarments, you understand, so that Mr Flores was made to view the full scenery! How

Mr Flores has also said that Ms Spears "picks her nose, farts a lot, and keeps very poor hygeine!" It is said that this last bit is unlikely to have any direct bearing on the law-suit. This was just a little added tid-bit.
Wanna read it for yourself? Then go here: http://www.tmz.com/2010/09/01/britney-s ... arassment/
Now here is my question: Who wants to be Ms Spears' body guard?