Setting The Record Straight

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Setting the Record Straight Oct 03, 2009
I know, you are wondering how can someone who has what 21 posts, set the record straight. How can a newbie set the record straight.

Well I have been watching events unfold over the banning of members, 3 that we know of and possibly a few more that we don't know of. And then there are those who are probably bordering on being threatened with banning via PM.

Well here I am, Bora Bora, back to correct a few statements made by Chocs and to say goodbye to some friends. I hope some of you get to read this before she deletes the thread.

I did in fact receive PMs from Chocs with the threat of being banned. At that time we knew she didn't have the authorization to do that. Well, it seems that after the party with the "Old Guard" she managed to convince them to turn over banning power. As we know, many of the "Old Guard" are merely names on the forum. Obviously they don't know or don't care about what has gone one and has taken the word of one individual and didn't bother to check the history themselves. Boy, does she have them fooled!! With regard to the PMs, at no time was she polite in her delivery. When has she ever been polite?

Well, the day after the "Old Guard" party I found myself banned, as did SH. Not really much of a surprise there. I sent TWO emails to admin asking why I was banned and didn't they generally give a "warning". To date, no response. I guess Chocs now has control over that aspect of DF. I never received any notice that the banning was "temporary". Don't be fooled, it's permanent.

Apparently she is very busy sending out PMs and banning people. I guess she has reached her goal in life: Master of Nothing.

I don't have to elaborate on her. We know who she is. Offensive to newbies, insulting to everyone and uses this forum as a place to vent her anger and poison. Always the victim having to defend herself. Never the instigator. Up to today she is still name calling those who don't agree with her actions or behavior. As she would say: pot-kettle-black.

All I can say is she was pretty good at highjacking threads and trashing threads. Now she hit a new high - trashing a forum. Oh dear.

I know that I was no angel, nor was anyone else who was banned. But I do think I did bring some entertainment value to even my worst posts! Maybe that was something that Chocs couldn't deal with because she didn't provide any entertainment value, or any value actually, on her own, except when she was the source of a joke or the instigator of a fight.

I would like to say thank you for all of those who came out, for whatever your reason, to object to her actions and to point out where the fault fell. I would also like to thank those who supported me and SH, and now we can officially include MCL. I have a strong feeling that Desertdudeshj can be included. When this is over I'm sure there are going to be alot of bodies to be cleaned up. I know that Andyba does exist. Maybe the right direction to take is to PM him and voice your opinions. I really don't think he has a full picture of the situation, only one side of it.

Although Chocs thinks that no one can make a claim that they don't have any friends on DF, I beg to differ. The fact that we aren't her friend or a fan, doesn't mean that we haven't made friends. She brings to mind: With friends like her, who needs enemies?

To My Friends - In No Particular Order:

Red Chief: I'm going to miss all those compliments you paid me. And when you talked dirty to me - WOW, I was over the moon. You are a big teddy bear under it all.

RobbyG: my toyboy. What else is there to say?

SH in absentina: I will miss your intellect, humor and your flirting. It was fun. Even when we agreed to disagree, we kept it cool.

DesertDudeshj: And just when I was getting to know you.

Dresden: My big puddy cat. No more snuggling for us.

MCL in absentina: Your sarcasm was developing and reaching new heights. I applaude you for your honesty and openness. You are a rare breed. I wish you all the very best hon.

Melika: I like your style. Be careful, you may be on the "hitlist" which I imagine is growing every day.

Puppypup: Although can't say we were friends, I would like to say that I love your passion for nostalgia. You have good taste.

Chocoholic: Enjoy your little world. If I wanted to crush you I could do it in one phone call, which would mean shutting down DF, but that would deny others the pleasure of taking you apart piece by piece. You are a very sad person and I have nothing but pity for you. And pity is truly ugly.

Although we are gone, there will be more just like us so Chocs should be prepared. Banning us isn't going to put a stop to her. She will ban those that she can't control, and keep those she can insult without fear of a reaction. But there are newbies now, and newbies to come that she will have to deal with.

For anyone that I missed that I have shared banter with, good luck to you.

I will miss you all, but don't worry - Mafia Wars keeps me busy.



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Re: Setting the Record Straight Oct 03, 2009
Nocturnal wrote:I know, you are wondering how can someone who has what 21 posts, set the record straight. How can a newbie set the record straight.

Well I have been watching events unfold over the banning of members, 3 that we know of and possibly a few more that we don't know of. And then there are those who are probably bordering on being threatened with banning via PM.

Well here I am, Bora Bora, back to correct a few statements made by Chocs and to say goodbye to some friends. I hope some of you get to read this before she deletes the thread.

I did in fact receive PMs from Chocs with the threat of being banned. At that time we knew she didn't have the authorization to do that. Well, it seems that after the party with the "Old Guard" she managed to convince them to turn over banning power. As we know, many of the "Old Guard" are merely names on the forum. Obviously they don't know or don't care about what has gone one and has taken the word of one individual and didn't bother to check the history themselves. Boy, does she have them fooled!! With regard to the PMs, at no time was she polite in her delivery. When has she ever been polite?

Well, the day after the "Old Guard" party I found myself banned, as did SH. Not really much of a surprise there. I sent TWO emails to admin asking why I was banned and didn't they generally give a "warning". To date, no response. I guess Chocs now has control over that aspect of DF. I never received any notice that the banning was "temporary". Don't be fooled, it's permanent.

Apparently she is very busy sending out PMs and banning people. I guess she has reached her goal in life: Master of Nothing.

I don't have to elaborate on her. We know who she is. Offensive to newbies, insulting to everyone and uses this forum as a place to vent her anger and poison. Always the victim having to defend herself. Never the instigator. Up to today she is still name calling those who don't agree with her actions or behavior. As she would say: pot-kettle-black.

All I can say is she was pretty good at highjacking threads and trashing threads. Now she hit a new high - trashing a forum. Oh dear.

I know that I was no angel, nor was anyone else who was banned. But I do think I did bring some entertainment value to even my worst posts! Maybe that was something that Chocs couldn't deal with because she didn't provide any entertainment value, or any value actually, on her own, except when she was the source of a joke or the instigator of a fight.

I would like to say thank you for all of those who came out, for whatever your reason, to object to her actions and to point out where the fault fell. I would also like to thank those who supported me and SH, and now we can officially include MCL. I have a strong feeling that Desertdudeshj can be included. When this is over I'm sure there are going to be alot of bodies to be cleaned up. I know that Andyba does exist. Maybe the right direction to take is to PM him and voice your opinions. I really don't think he has a full picture of the situation, only one side of it.

Although Chocs thinks that no one can make a claim that they don't have any friends on DF, I beg to differ. The fact that we aren't her friend or a fan, doesn't mean that we haven't made friends. She brings to mind: With friends like her, who needs enemies?

To My Friends - In No Particular Order:

Red Chief: I'm going to miss all those compliments you paid me. And when you talked dirty to me - WOW, I was over the moon. You are a big teddy bear under it all.

RobbyG: my toyboy. What else is there to say?

SH in absentina: I will miss your intellect, humor and your flirting. It was fun. Even when we agreed to disagree, we kept it cool.

DesertDudeshj: And just when I was getting to know you.

Dresden: My big puddy cat. No more snuggling for us.

MCL in absentina: Your sarcasm was developing and reaching new heights. I applaude you for your honesty and openness. You are a rare breed. I wish you all the very best hon.

Melika: I like your style. Be careful, you may be on the "hitlist" which I imagine is growing every day.

Puppypup: Although can't say we were friends, I would like to say that I love your passion for nostalgia. You have good taste.

Chocoholic: Enjoy your little world. If I wanted to crush you I could do it in one phone call, which would mean shutting down DF, but that would deny others the pleasure of taking you apart piece by piece. You are a very sad person and I have nothing but pity for you. And pity is truly ugly.

Although we are gone, there will be more just like us so Chocs should be prepared. Banning us isn't going to put a stop to her. She will ban those that she can't control, and keep those she can insult without fear of a reaction. But there are newbies now, and newbies to come that she will have to deal with.

For anyone that I missed that I have shared banter with, good luck to you.

I will miss you all, but don't worry - Mafia Wars keeps me busy.



Hey BB,

I for one had no idea that you were banned, I was in fact wondering where you were.
sage & onion
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Oct 03, 2009
Sage, what is going on? She's like a loose cannon now. Have the admins lost their minds?? Apparently a lot went on at the party you didn't attend.

Edited to add: Sage, she is totally out of control. She just banned Melika!! She's lost her mind with this new found power. If anyone needs to be banned it's her!!! You need to talk to the admin before she bans you just for "talking" to me.
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Oct 03, 2009
Bora, you said it all very good, thank you, we have nothing to say more on this...

This is Melika, keep posting...
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Oct 03, 2009
Bora baby, love you too hon.

Talk soon.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Oct 03, 2009
WTF ! Melika you too. This place is starting to look like a mass murder, crime scene !

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Oct 03, 2009
desertdudeshj wrote:WTF ! Melika you too. This place is starting to look like a mass murder, crime scene !


Hey DD, nothing to do with me I'm afraid.
sage & onion
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Oct 03, 2009
No what I was asking is since your a MOD you must have some kind of say in these matters ? You should really talk to the " old gaurd" or whatever. Come on man, I visited some really nasty forums but bannings on this scale are unheard off ! Looks more like massacre.

And for what ? just for having an opinion or a little personal tiff with someone. Your the only other active ( kinda ) mod other the wicked witch of the east.

For the sake of sanity, don't let this blood crazed woman run this place. Most will end up banned rest will just leave and then not long before either one of you bans each other !
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Oct 03, 2009
desertdudeshj wrote:No what I was asking is since your a MOD you must have some kind of say in these matters ? You should really talk to the " old gaurd" or whatever. Come on man, I visited some really nasty forums but bannings on this scale are unheard off ! Looks more like massacre.

And for what ? just for having an opinion or a little personal tiff with someone. Your the only other active ( kinda ) mod other the wicked witch of the east.

For the sake of sanity, don't let this blood crazed woman run this place. Most will end up banned rest will just leave and then not long before either one of you bans each other !

And then there were none...................

Someone stepped up and did something. Otherwise I wouldn't be posting under my original nic. Now, if she is put under control, or even better out of business, then I know there is a GOD.
Bora Bora
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Oct 03, 2009
Wow. My congratulation, dear. It's something!!! 8)
Red Chief
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Oct 03, 2009
Red Chief wrote:Wow. My congratulation, dear. It's something!!! 8)

Come here you big teddy bear and give me a hug. :)
Bora Bora
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Oct 03, 2009
This is sweet... I ll check my account too
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Oct 03, 2009
hmmmm... I'm still banned, but it's ok, I like my new username :D
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Oct 03, 2009
Lets set the recored straight here Bora Bora

I am old guard, very old guard so let me tell you how it is because you make far too many presumtions.

Just because the old guard dont post here doesn't mean people like MOI doesn't look here and in my case its nearly every day. Just because i dont post it does not mean i do not know what goes on.

I have the ability to ban and/or suspend accounts.

Nothing about this forum was discussed when some of us went out last week, and i can tell you for a fact Chocs isnt a bleeter. If she has something to say, she will say it.

However, a lot of what i have been reading on here saddens me that "certain people" cannot express themselves without using rude and foul and on occasions abusive language.

I do not intend engaging in tit for tat and discussing this further. Take fair notice that if people cannot conduct themselves on here in what i, other mods or admin consider in a reasonable manner they will be banned or suspended, and if they re-register the same will apply.

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