Since I feel everyone is in the mood for caring for animals, I wondered how many of you know about the government's poisening of the seagulls?
Specially in Sharjah, you can often see dizzy seaguls walking drunkly on the ground then falling down then getting up and walking again.
The first one I saw was on the beach at Al-Qasba canal. There was a seagul on the shore, soaked in sea water and just sitting there. Openning it's peak and closing it in a rythm. I thought it's legs were broken, but when I held it his body had nothing wrong in it, but as if he was drugged. I had to leave it behind because everyone who was with me at the time was screaming "PUT IT DOWN! IT HAS BIRD FLUE!!!111"
Days after I saw the dizzy ones, then one day someone told me that the government is poisening thier food cause they're scared of bird flue and want them dead.
Anyone else aware of this? And is it "seagul" or "seagull" ?