Saudi Gays Flaunt New Freedoms: 'Straights Can't Kiss In Pub

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Saudi gays flaunt new freedoms: 'Straights can't kiss in pub Mar 26, 2009
Saudi gays flaunt new freedoms: 'Straights can't kiss in public or hold hands like us'

In the glass and marble shopping malls of this cosmopolitan and comparatively laid-back city on the Red Sea, young Saudi Arabian men are taking advantage of the emergence of an increasingly tolerated Western-oriented gay scene.

Certain malls are known as cruising areas, and there are even gay-friendly coffee shops. A big gay disco takes place at a private villa in the north of the city once a week. And young Saudis who frequent these venues, many returnees from the United States after the 11 September 2001 attacks, say that they get to know one another through the internet.

The paradox of Saudi Arabia is that while the executioner's sword awaits anyone convicted of the crime of sodomy, in practice homosexuality is tolerated.

"I don't feel oppressed at all," said one, a 23-year-old who was meeting in one of the coffee shops with a group of self-identified "gay" Saudi friends dressed in Western clothes and speaking fluent English. "I heard that after 11 September, a Saudi student who was going to be deported on a visa technicality applied for political asylum because he was gay," he added, provoking laughter from the others. "What was he thinking of? We have more freedom here than straight couples. After all, they can't kiss in public like we can, or stroll down the street holding one another's hand." ... 70584.html

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Mar 26, 2009
I have to say that I'm not entirely convinced. I do see the point though. Here in the middle east, my experience is that gays may be mocked but I have never heard of incidents more serious than "light" verbal abuse. In the US and other supposedly tolerant countries, muggings, murders, and assault that target gays are still a problem.
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