rudeboy wrote:herve wrote:rudeboy wrote:Misery Called Life wrote:At this point I'm quite in awe of Herve. Any comparison with him should be a compliment!

i honestly think hervve was responsible for the mumbhai bombings. he did admit that he was able to flee to india and oh well you know the rest.
bloody french ex-spy indian agent corrupt worker for DW. dont worry herve there are many like u in dubai. they come to dubai, earn millions and then run away. they then come on dubaiforum and say all the bad things about dubai.
definition of "flee" webster dictionary: to run away from danger or evil, hence Dubai.
Thank you rudeboy for the credit. Sure the fact that I was able to "walk" the streets of Mumbai without being checked by authorities created some stir, however my knowledge of how to exit and enter a country without being detected does not make me a terrorist. It did not help Indian Police either to catch the terrorists who entered the country the same way i did months later to bomb the hotels. All the details are explained in my book.
But the fun part is how I got out of Dubai.
man herve i dont care how u did it. how u got away from the evil dubai. i have seen ppl come to dubai and earn millions and live a perfect life. i have seen ppl who have lost everything in one day and they still live here trying to get on with their lives. yeh crap goes around in dubai. but you telling me that london, new york, mumbhai is perfect? I have also come across high officials working in government organisations who have set up their own private companies in order to process the purchase orders something like you did. yeh i do complain about these pppl. you might have seen me bash out at "corrupt indian buggers". but life goes on.
ur agenda is direct. you made money out of dubai. you ran away with the money and you still want more money by publicising your book. sorry mate i aint no john rainbow and i definitely dont want to know what a spy does. my morales arent low as you so dont worry wont be planning on getting a dingy, tying it to the back of a oil tanker and whisk away to india.
fact is dubai is the only place on earth that has changed so quickly. and in my 10 years here, it was worth it. and i admit i was a fool that i hadnt moved here ages ago. but i am still happy to be able to see dubai change quickly.
for once your post is not filled with hatred and blind accusations, almost fair and balanced, only you just dont know what you are talking about. i did not make millions, i did not leave with millions either, i lost millions, i was brought to Dubai, i did not go there like you, that is different. don't beleive what is in the papers controled by the government. you probably have not lived anywhere else but Dubai, so you cannot compare with other cities. there are no perfect cities, granted, but the reason you bring forward for your thrill to be in Dubai, is not even valid. Let me tell you about a thousand year old fishing village, may be a thousands souls back in 1980, then established as an economic zone, today a megalopole of 9 millions people, 6 times Dubai, towers, hi tech buildings, but i guess your biased vision towards the smoke and mirrors of Dubai has prevented you to look at Shenzhen in China. i have been there, i saw. that is different.
and i bet you, when Dubai turns to a ghost city, Shenzhen will still be growing. Man, travel a bit, open your eyes.