Recommendation Please

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Recommendation Please Oct 11, 2011
Can I get some recommendations for some other forums where there are people who are more social? Where they don't rehash and re-rehash and re-re-rehash old crap - keep bringing old crap up over and over either for no reason at all or to stir something up. Where there are different topics open for discussion with intelligent debate or fun topics or where people actually get along. Where people don't hold grudges. Where people don't hide behind multiple usernames or name call because someone doesn't agree with them.



Bora Bora
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Re: Recommendation Please Oct 11, 2011
Bora - you should ask for people to PM you the recommendations. Otherwise you risk infecting those forums should the usual suspects turn up there! ;)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Recommendation Please Oct 11, 2011
Thanks for the heads up Shaf. It could also be a clue as to where not to go!!!!! :D

OK, PM me please. :wink:
Bora Bora
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Re: Recommendation Please Oct 11, 2011
There are many many many forums out there, admitedly not many for Dubai or UAE in a paticular. If you have a hobby for example join one that is dedicated to that. For me is its offroading and I'm a member of most of the UAE off road clubs and have met some great friends who share the same intrests and gone on some wonderfull trips around the country with them and a few have some great online discussion as well a light hearted banter and jibber jabber.

And not taking a swipe or jab at anyone, I would have recommened a great one where not much talk of regional politics or religion and where there is proper moderation and good discussion but I'm afraid you might bring some baggage with you, if you know what I mean, sorry :(
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Re: Recommendation Please Oct 11, 2011
I know what you mean, but I need a diversion. This forum has become down right silly. I hope you aren't going to refer Have no interest in "community" forums. There is another forum I go to (all by myself) that has thousands of members!!!! too many to "connect". Just need a forum where there is some sanity!!!

Hobby. Hmmmmmmmmm. I do read alot, but I don't think there would be much to discuss on a forum.
Bora Bora
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Re: Recommendation Please Oct 11, 2011
Expat woman !!! Jeez no woman, we have enough estrogen and hormone breakout in this place that I would go out looking to swim in a sea of hormones ! ewww...

Anywhoo, as for reading I found a few places which seem to be pretty busy, have a look
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Recommendation Please Oct 11, 2011
Give me a break will ya?? I read a book, finish it, put it in a box and when the box is full give it to charity. I don't do "book clubs". Boring!!!!!
Bora Bora
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Re: Recommendation Please Oct 11, 2011
Easy there big fella ! I was just trying to help ! Look up something else that intrests you.

Here is an idea, start your own ? There are free forum hosting services, read up a little on how manage a forum, not really difficult or techy.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Recommendation Please Oct 12, 2011
I don't think I've ever lurked or been a member of an internet forum that doesn't see all of the above behaviour sometimes. However, a forum that controls this kind of behaviour with consistent and fair moderation tends to be a much better place to hang out.

You could try Care 2, which has tens of thousands of groups on various topics. You can have some great discussions there on subjects that interest you, like human rights, environment, politics, hobbies etc. If the groups aren't moderated well then you will still see some poo flying from time to time - it is the nature of the internet I'm afraid.
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