When the era of reason dawned on the planet and science began to expose the mystery of how things worked about 200 years ago, we thought we would soon have all the answers, including to the Big Questions.
We were told that everything in the Universe is made of 'matter'; and matter is made of microscopic particles called atoms. We were clever enough to discover that atoms were made of even smaller particles called 'electrons', 'protons' and 'neutrons'.
All very good and well.
But now, the newly discovered science of Quantum Physics, all of a sudden, tells us that the 'atom' is 99.99% empty space!! And the 'electrons' and other small particles are not solid but just vibrating, whirling energy fields!!
Big minds and scientists have been in a raging controversy over whether the electron is a solid particle or a wave of energy. They have finally settled on a theory that is called 'the wave-particle duality', which is self explanatory.
The electron has some very strange qualities.
It behaves one way when it is being observed (when it appears like a solid particle), but when you are not watching it, it dissolves into a wave of energy that is spread all over the place.
So, when you are not watching it, nature gets blurred and gritty like an untuned TV screen.
Another quality is that the same electron can be at many situations at the same time!!
We (you, me) and everything else around us, are all made of billions of electrons. That is, we are made of NOTHING!
We, and the things around us are not even there when we are not watching them! And there are several copies of us identical in every way, walking around, the so-called 'Many worlds' theory.
All the colour and diversity that we take for the World are just fleeting images, constructs of our brains which picks up the signals through electro-magnetic waves, and it is our brain that tells us what to think.
This mechanism is the same as when we dream!
So, its all just an illusion, as many people have been telling us for millenia.
But, we still have to live (and die) as we have been taught since birth!