A "Real" Wild Child

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A "Real" Wild Child Jan 17, 2010
It occured to me a while back that the contributor "UAEKID" was either

(a) A genuine UAE national


(b) An expat posing as a UAE national, acting as an agent provocateur

If (a) is true can we take his stance on the Dubai Financial Crisis, City of Hope and the Torture Tapes as being representative of the majority of MALE UAE nationals ? (I highlighted MALE as it is my general observation that you get a lot more sense from Female Emiratis) Feel free to condeme this view if you think it incorrect.

If (a) is true and it does represent the majority view, how and why has this come about ?
Are they taught in school or at the knee of an elderly uncle that they are superior ?
Is it a function of time, that is to say that the UAE is still in its infancy and the rest of the world should give them the social leeway to make mistakes before steps are taken to correct them ?

What are the general social and political ramifications of this view becoming widely made globally public ? (I would think horror and amusement in equal amounts.) Could you imagine the worlds press getting hold of it ..........

In closing if (b) is true then, well what can I say, job done and Kudos :wink:

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Re: A "Real" Wild Child Jan 17, 2010
viking-warrior wrote:It occured to me a while back that the contributor "UAEKID" was either

(a) A genuine UAE national


(b) An expat posing as a UAE national, acting as an agent provocateur

If (a) is true can we take his stance on the Dubai Financial Crisis, City of Hope and the Torture Tapes as being representative of the majority of MALE UAE nationals ? (I highlighted MALE as it is my general observation that you get a lot more sense from Female Emiratis) Feel free to condeme this view if you think it incorrect.

If (a) is true and it does represent the majority view, how and why has this come about ?
Are they taught in school or at the knee of an elderly uncle that they are superior ?
Is it a function of time, that is to say that the UAE is still in its infancy and the rest of the world should give them the social leeway to make mistakes before steps are taken to correct them ?

What are the general social and political ramifications of this view becoming widely made globally public ? (I would think horror and amusement in equal amounts.) Could you imagine the worlds press getting hold of it ..........

In closing if (b) is true then, well what can I say, job done and Kudos :wink:

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Re: A "Real" Wild Child Jan 17, 2010
some of the mis-spellings are highly suspect.
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Re: A "Real" Wild Child Jan 18, 2010
I opt for answer a): A genuine national

I think the kid is not poor, well trained to listen to his 'honourable' Elite's and gets an allowance for sprouting rubbish on international fora like DF. :lol:

The only way to get him to shut up is to talk with consistent reason and batter his Emi-Arab a-$$ up to the limit with sensible arguments. Then he feels tarnished pride, a bit insulted and knows he can't argue with logic.

Yes, its UAE infancy. If you watched the Doha debate I placed about Dubai and you listen to this Emirati fella you hear him say that Dubai had capitalism at its best. At its best for crying out loud! I'm sorry, but those kind of statements make me laugh extraordinary hard, especially when they point to the USA (last decade) as their role model. UAE (never had) and USA government (responsible for elimination of glass-steagal act, runaway financial innovation etc) screwed the regulatory framework that limits capitalism from running wild.

Without good governance, true capitalism runs amok and socialist tendencies prevail once again to make right what Bush/Greenspan/Bernanke did wrong in economic, foreign and taxation policies. Thats why Barack Obama and his Change were so resoundingly popular to the ears of the common people.
What Barack instead brings is essentially a status quo or worse, an exacerbation of the problem at Wall Street. Nothing really changes for the common man, except for record deficits and record national debt burden to be serviced for the next generations to come...

If only there was a Libertarian party in the USA. A third party with Ron Paul as the stature of that movement. Then you will have pure capitalism and pure competition for capital and other (international) resources.

Ahhhh the other Utopia :D ;)
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Re: A "Real" Wild Child Jan 18, 2010
yes, finally I made the head lines :lol:

umm you guys are not stocking me ,are you ? and why I'm I so interesting to you ?

ok here is the deal.. you believe in democracy and the freedom of expressing your opinion yet you fight it all the time !!! not only with me but with your won kind ! how many ppl have you pushed away from this forum when they seemed to be in constantans disagreement with you ?

we are not here to win a battle , many of you takes it too seriously some times, you just have to prove so badly that UAE is NOT GOOD and you are really trying too hard guys it is pathetic when you have nothing to do with it , not living here (robbyg)....or think such bashing will give you your job back (Viking-warrior) when you discuss something you don't have to win the argument ! you just have give others your opinion and that’s it.

I'm sorry for being such a pain in your a..... ,It seems to me that I'm making some of you uncomfortable (which is the reason why I'm here 8) ) so man up, stop crying and face UAEKID :twisted:
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Re: A "Real" Wild Child Jan 18, 2010
I think he is a "genuine" emirate with either a USA or UK passport and will be the first one on a plane at the first sign of real trouble.
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Re: A "Real" Wild Child Jan 18, 2010
and since when we seek such passports? I am emirate and proud baby . now ,play dead.
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Re: A "Real" Wild Child Jan 18, 2010
. now ,play dead.

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Re: A "Real" Wild Child Jan 18, 2010
He is definitely genuine, and lots of his words resonate with what I have heard other Emirati speak like.
He is quite a nice person....

I enjoy having him here, as more often than not, he brings a new perspective into the mix. :)

For e.g., if I remember correctly, Bad driving is ok because "Its our country, our roads".....

He also made me realize that the recent court case wasnt that bad, as it was the ingenuity of the lawyer rather than the court system to blame (OJ anyone)
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Re: A "Real" Wild Child Jan 18, 2010
BlackburnRovers wrote:He is definitely genuine, and lots of his words resonate with what I have heard other Emirati speak like.
He is quite a nice person....

I enjoy having him here, as more often than not, he brings a new perspective into the mix. :)

For e.g., if I remember correctly, Bad driving is ok because "Its our country, our roads".....

He also made me realize that the recent court case wasnt that bad, as it was the ingenuity of the lawyer rather than the court system to blame (OJ anyone)

some ppl just don't seem to understand black rover or accept anything but their view , so you got to wake them up to reality sometimes.

Whatever my opinion is in the past or future is just my opinion like it or scroll down to the next post, I don't always have to agree with you to like me .

Spending your time collecting ONLY bashing materials about UAE is not I repeat is not "constructive criticism" ! in order for your criticism to be valid as a constructive one you have to debate the alternative solution of the practices you are criticizing instead of only saying it is wrong ,bad or does not work with me and god know only 2 -3 persons in this forum knows how to critics constructively but the rest got a habit of only pointing fingers and setting back, this how fare their intelligent goes.

But hey I might be wrong and we'll just have to wait for the next thread of "UAE is bad" and your posts will prove my point.
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Re: A "Real" Wild Child Jan 18, 2010
BlackburnRovers wrote:He is definitely genuine, and lots of his words resonate with what I have heard other Emirati speak like.
He is quite a nice person....

I enjoy having him here, as more often than not, he brings a new perspective into the mix. :)

For e.g., if I remember correctly, Bad driving is ok because "Its our country, our roads".....

He also made me realize that the recent court case wasnt that bad, as it was the ingenuity of the lawyer rather than the court system to blame (OJ anyone)

Ah, but where is OJ now and for the next decade?
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Re: A "Real" Wild Child Jan 18, 2010
uaekid wrote:and since when we seek such passports?

Only since 38 years 1 month and 15 days from the date of this post.
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Re: A "Real" Wild Child Jan 18, 2010
Personally, I look forward to the time when the UAE runs out of oil (which really won't be long) and uaekid and his friends are all working as laborers in India :bom:
Dr Strangeglove
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Re: A "Real" Wild Child Jan 18, 2010
Dr Strangeglove wrote:Personally, I look forward to the time when the UAE runs out of oil (which really won't be long) and uaekid and his friends are all working as laborers in India :bom:

Lol, dream on
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Re: A "Real" Wild Child Jan 18, 2010
sage & onion wrote:
Dr Strangeglove wrote:Personally, I look forward to the time when the UAE runs out of oil (which really won't be long) and uaekid and his friends are all working as laborers in India :bom:

Lol, dream on

Good one Doctor. :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:

Following the treatment and dignity those Indians are receiving now, there won't be much sympathy for the Emi-Arabs when the Indians start employing them as ratcatchers.

That would be an equal opportunity for the Kid, right? :twisted:

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Re: A "Real" Wild Child Jan 18, 2010
Well unless your going to get some sort of retirement visa then whats point buying property etc here.

Once the remnants of the construction industry go, you have a very seasonal holiday season - its too hot in the summer and ramadan is hassle when there are so many other countries. Everything is expensive for what it is, dubai not just guilty of this, otehr gulf states too.
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