Racism Is BAD!

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Racism is BAD! Dec 29, 2010
I find DF a pleasant experience mostly. Its only the occasional snide racist remark or snigger that leaves a bad taste.
I found a BBC panorama program rather enlightening.....
This will also be informative for those planning to emigrate...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... 8e6lS7T9yI

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Re: Racism is BAD! Dec 29, 2010
I've been on the DF for a while now and I think the racism (overt anyway) is not too bad. I had pointed it out only once.

but then I only EVER visit the General forum :oops:

p.s. no one will disagree with you not even the racists.
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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 29, 2010
I only visit the General Forum too, and that too occasionally.
Here is some more I found on Youtube.
Of course, all this is not for the Racists. Racism, I think, is a hereditary condition, and its prognosis is bad.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_GWy82o ... detailpage
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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 29, 2010
zonker wrote:I only visit the General Forum too, and that too occasionally.
Here is some more I found on Youtube.
Of course, all this is not for the Racists. Racism, I think, is a hereditary condition, and its prognosis is bad.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_GWy82o ... detailpage

Hereditary??? It's not a genetic disorder Zonker.

Racism is taught. People are taught to hate. Generally it starts in the home with the parents who pass on their hate, dislike and most importantly, their ignorance to their children, either directly or indirectly. Children don't see color as something to hate, they learn that people are different until that thought is corrupted by the teachings of others.
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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
I like the way you put it Bora. Racism is taught, indeed.

I got olive/tanned skin colour, black straight hair, brown eyes, with caucasian features. A typical Eastern man with different backgrounds (still Eastern), mainly from the Iranic/Persian race. However, as a I kid I never recognized any of these facts, nor it caught my attention. I never addressed others with their features/looks or even nationality unless it was too different or unique, which was too rare to happen.

Ideas started to cross my mind after hearing comments from different people, and also TV.
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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
RIA (Racism - Ignorance - Arrogance) Principle
1. amount of RACISM portrayed is directly proportional to level of IGNORANCE
2. level of IGNORANCE is directly proportional to the amount of ARROGANCE

Note - Behavior is the indicator of the - amount and level - of intelligence you have
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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
zubber wrote:RIA (Racism - Ignorance - Arrogance) Principle
1. amount of RACISM portrayed is directly proportional to level of IGNORANCE
2. level of IGNORANCE is directly proportional to the amount of ARROGANCE

Note - Behavior is the indicator of the - amount and level - of intelligence you have

Would you say that Emiratis are racist toward expats?
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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
Yes and vice versa
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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
herve wrote:Would you say that Emiratis are racist toward expats?

I have not yet had any direct interaction with them, so I am unable to comment at this time. :mrgreen:
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Re: Racism is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
you dont need to meet them , it s official, in the mouth of Dubai chief police, expats are bad!
http://www.newkerala.com/news/world/ful ... 13143.html
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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:
zonker wrote:I only visit the General Forum too, and that too occasionally.
Here is some more I found on Youtube.
Of course, all this is not for the Racists. Racism, I think, is a hereditary condition, and its prognosis is bad.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_GWy82o ... detailpage

Hereditary??? It's not a genetic disorder Zonker.

Racism is taught. People are taught to hate. Generally it starts in the home with the parents who pass on their hate, dislike and most importantly, their ignorance to their children, either directly or indirectly. Children don't see color as something to hate, they learn that people are different until that thought is corrupted by the teachings of others.

Generally, I agree with you, however, its my own theory, not proven yet of course, but the way I find racism endemic to certain races makes me think there must be some gene operating somewhere that makes people racists. :bigsmurf:
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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
zonker wrote:Generally, I agree with you, however, its my own theory, not proven yet of course, but the way I find racism endemic to certain races makes me think there must be some gene operating somewhere that makes people racists. :bigsmurf:

And what are your thoughts on individuals who go through life with a big chip on their shoulder Zonker? People who suffer from an inferiority complex? Is this in their genetic make up or has it been instilled in them over time by the ignorance and arrogance of their peers?

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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
Dillon wrote:
zonker wrote:Generally, I agree with you, however, its my own theory, not proven yet of course, but the way I find racism endemic to certain races makes me think there must be some gene operating somewhere that makes people racists. :bigsmurf:

And what are your thoughts on individuals who go through life with a big chip on their shoulder Zonker? People who suffer from an inferiority complex? Is this in their genetic make up or has it been instilled in them over time by the ignorance and arrogance of their peers?


I dont go through life with a big chip on my shoulder.
I have a feeling you were offended by my posting the two Panorama programs here.
Some people dont have the stomach to face the truth. Others are just plain hypocritical. Peace. :bounce:
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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
I'm white so am automatically deemed racist :wink:
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Re: Racism is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
zonker wrote:I dont go through life with a big chip on my shoulder.
I have a feeling you were offended by my posting the two Panorama programs here.
Some people dont have the stomach to face the truth. Others are just plain hypocritical. Peace. :bounce:

And others couldn’t recognise the truth, through their ignorant and arrogant outlook on life if it were to look at them full in the face.

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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
kanelli wrote:I'm white so am automatically deemed racist :wink:

No but that you had to tell us that you are white is telling. As there are Black, Japanese, etc who are racist.
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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
See, point proven :lol:
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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
kanelli wrote:See, point proven :lol:

point proven, point lost :P
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Re: Racism is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
Dillon wrote:
zonker wrote:I dont go through life with a big chip on my shoulder.
I have a feeling you were offended by my posting the two Panorama programs here.
Some people dont have the stomach to face the truth. Others are just plain hypocritical. Peace. :bounce:

And others couldn’t recognise the truth, through their ignorant and arrogant outlook on life if it were to look at them full in the face.


And that truth would be.........?? Your presumption that I am ignorant as well as arrogant?? You dont even know me.....

@Kanelli: You have got to be careful and guard against racism. Its an infectious disease,in particular for white skin. You can catch it easily when its all around you.
My skin is kind of tanned color, so I am immune to it. :D
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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
It was pretty funny in one discussion on this forum there was a brown guy and myself agreeing on something. I got called a racist, and the other guy said "I'm brown, I can't be racist!" and he was let off the hook. That experience really opened my eyes a little more.

zonker, clearly you are not immune!
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Re: Racism is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
herve wrote:you dont need to meet them , it s official, in the mouth of Dubai chief police, expats are bad!
http://www.newkerala.com/news/world/ful ... 13143.html

So all of us Emaratis are racist just because one joker made a stupid judgement?
You're totally arrogant and ignorant.
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Re: Racism is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
zonker wrote:And that truth would be.........?? Your presumption that I am ignorant as well as arrogant?? You dont even know me.....

I didn't presume, I evaluated and I was correct.

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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
kanelli wrote:It was pretty funny in one discussion on this forum there was a brown guy and myself agreeing on something. I got called a racist, and the other guy said "I'm brown, I can't be racist!" and he was let off the hook. That experience really opened my eyes a little more.

zonker, clearly you are not immune!

You are definitely wrong there. I am not racist at all!
I do not put on any airs of superiority, ....... I am naturally superior! :lol: (Just kidding)
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Re: Racism is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
Here is what I think on Racism.

I think we are all racist to a degree.

The problem is that the “image” of racism is some crazed “red neck” /KKK or neo Nazi goons as being the only racist. Surely they are racist (and the extreme element of it) but by far not the only racist.

Naturally one would prefer people of the same race over others (with all other things being equal) just like one would prefer people from one’s own country, religion, company, school, etc.

Whilst some non-racist comments may be taken as racist (as perhaps happened in the Canada thread) many racist comments are made without the person realizing that they are making a racial comment (or thinking that others won’t realize it is a racial comment).

The vast majority of racist will be the very first to be “offended” at being called racist and no one ever admits to being a racist!

I’ve meet many people who’s “best” asset is the color of their skin…(different colors mind you).

I think racism is just a big a problem as terrorism and some would argue that they are related.

Luckily they’ll be none of that in 2011…
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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
Of course we are all racist to some degree. Some people seriously think that because they are non-white that they aren't racist, which I find quite funny.
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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
I think racism is something we can overcome and we are not born racist. In my extended family we have white, black, Arab, Indian and even chinese people - and we've tried to ensure that racism in our kids is not 'ingrained' or 'learnt from parents'. Mixing with other races in schools etc is the best way to overcome these traits, I think.

The test is really when asked to describe a friend - and skin colour comes way down the list.

That said, racism does indeed occure in every society - sometimes it manifests at tribalism or even religious differences, and I'd also class the Indian caste system as racism. It occurs in Africa and Asia and indeed the Middle East.

I find the overt and casual racism in Dubai etc one of the most unattractive 'features' of the Middle East.

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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
Definitely, it was one of the most racist places I have ever lived. Singapore is as well, but it is still more harmonious.
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Re: Racism is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
Dillon wrote:
zonker wrote:And that truth would be.........?? Your presumption that I am ignorant as well as arrogant?? You dont even know me.....

I didn't presume, I evaluated and I was correct.


Your intellect obviously drowned somewhere in the Marina! :lol:
Peace! :bigsmurf:
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Re: Racism is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
Err so are we discussing racism or reverse racism here?

My two cents, both are just as bad!
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Re: Racism Is BAD! Dec 30, 2010
kanelli wrote:Definitely, it was one of the most racist places I have ever lived.

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