Question For UAE Kid...

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Re: Question for UAE Kid... Sep 06, 2010
Bethsmum wrote: As for me being racist, well I believe I am free to make any comments I wish about my own country and if you feel that's racist, well I can wear that badge.

:shock: I give you credit for willing to admit it. Most racists willl not admit it.

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Re: Question for UAE Kid... Sep 06, 2010
Kid, OK I will backtrack slightly and say that it's not necessarily 'locals' being against others, although this can happen anywhere. BUT discrimination across the UAE as a whole is rife, from the work sector, where certain nationalities get paid more than others, just because of where they are from but are not necessarily more qualified, to clubs where some are asked to pay and others not. It goes from the top to the bottom and is a shame. It's just about seeing people equally. Yet sadly on a daily basis, many people witness the 'wasta' and self riteous attitude of some and it's sad.
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Re: Question for UAE Kid... Sep 06, 2010
Chocoholic wrote:Kid, OK I will backtrack slightly and say that it's not necessarily 'locals' being against others, although this can happen anywhere. BUT discrimination across the UAE as a whole is rife, from the work sector, where certain nationalities get paid more than others, just because of where they are from but are not necessarily more qualified, to clubs where some are asked to pay and others not. It goes from the top to the bottom and is a shame. It's just about seeing people equally. Yet sadly on a daily basis, many people witness the 'wasta' and self riteous attitude of some and it's sad.

there has to be discrimination in a country with over 200 nationalities and god know how many religions. Its just human nature .locals are included ,but again human nature.

now, I was talking about my country, my government and my people .certain nationalities get paid more than others and clubs where some are asked to pay and others not has nothing to do with UAE as a government . it’s businesses that you should be blaming if you should blame anyone ,governments can’t interferes in private contracts or clubs entrance fees, that’s a free choice .

its good we cleared that up.

wasta is also a human behavior to prefer some on others and now a days its called recommendation LOL it’s a competitive market ,everyone will do his or her best to get the job ,at the end it will hurt no one but the company it self when it keeps hiring unqualified staff.
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Re: Question for UAE Kid... Sep 06, 2010
uaekid wrote: there has to be discrimination in a country with over 200 nationalities and god know how many religions. Its just human nature .locals are included ,but again human nature.

now, I was talking about my country, my government and my people .certain nationalities get paid more than others and clubs where some are asked to pay and others not has nothing to do with UAE as a government . it’s businesses that you should be blaming if you should blame anyone ,governments can’t interferes in private contracts or clubs entrance fees, that’s a free choice .

its good we cleared that up.

wasta is also a human behavior to prefer some on others and now a days its called recommendation LOL it’s a competitive market ,everyone will do his or her best to get the job ,at the end it will hurt no one but the company it self when it keeps hiring unqualified staff.

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Re: Question For UAE Kid... Sep 06, 2010
uaekid wrote:I’m proud of this country regardless of anything. Its achievements to its self developing from nothing to something in a short time and being recognized internationally . the achievements for its own people and you all know what this country is doing in this field . the rest I really don’t care for much .

For the the people who only look at achievements in a matter of money, well stop being shallow , life has more important things in life and in term of livings. Job security ,good economy ,minimum crimes, good government services and facilities ,affordable housing and finance, tax free living, good health and education facilities ,an international country for all humans with no discrimination from it locals compared to other countries and religious tolerance and how it diversified its economy and how its going toward being eco friendly . I traveled around and I give UAE and who ever achieved this 2 thumbs up compared to those places I went to. And I always feel proud and say it out loud that “ I am Emarati and proud of it “ and I always feel happy talking about where ever I am bcz in my eyes, it will always be number 1.

Choc, stop being dramatic with the blood thingy and relax ,yes everything comes with a price, hell the west industrial revaluation started bcz of the World wars, you know, to kill each other, there is enough blood for you.

For the rest of the UAE problems and mistakes hunters, if you want a place with zero of all those thing, feel free to travel to the moon .

how its going toward being eco friendly

It has to be said, that apart from the odd sustainable tower built in Dubai, I’ll stand corrected but only three come to mind that meet the full requirements of BREEAM Excellent or LEED Gold standard? which by the way are developed privately and are not part of any Government funded project, the only direction that, not only Dubai but other Gulf States, are heading towards being eco friendly, is to talk about it!

We know about the Masdar Initiative in Abu Dhabi and Enpark in Dubai but they are just 6 and 1 sq km’s of themed Free Zone real estate, and to put their size into perspective, both would fit into Dubai Silicon Oasis with a little room to spare. If the region really wants to move towards being sustainable and eco friendly then their policies have to roll out across their entire communities, they need to do a lot more than they currently plan.
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Re: Question for UAE Kid... Sep 06, 2010
Well VW I must apologise for I had told you a big fib when I said I only read the VIZ, but you knew that really didn't you, you being the Inch High Private Eye? You see it occured to me when I was flicking through my Ann Sommers catologue that this was also a publication! I agree, I do need to brush up on my English skills so instead of just looking at the pictures I decided to read so that I can contribute to our discussions with big words, like what you use, init? To my surprise you came immediately to mind when I saw the But Plug. Just the thing to stem the flow of your verbal diarrhea! £8.99 and p&p free within the UK. A word of warning though....if you attempt to import this into the UAE your parcel may be confiscated at Customs, when you will be summonsed to the Police Station to explain yourself to the rather nice young and good looking Emirati First Corporal.

Brit, middle aged, not very bright, gobby and gagging for it ... must tick every box on your wish list

Be careful what you wish for VW!
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Re: Question For UAE Kid... Sep 07, 2010
Dillon wrote:
uaekid wrote:I’m proud of this country regardless of anything. Its achievements to its self developing from nothing to something in a short time and being recognized internationally . the achievements for its own people and you all know what this country is doing in this field . the rest I really don’t care for much .

For the the people who only look at achievements in a matter of money, well stop being shallow , life has more important things in life and in term of livings. Job security ,good economy ,minimum crimes, good government services and facilities ,affordable housing and finance, tax free living, good health and education facilities ,an international country for all humans with no discrimination from it locals compared to other countries and religious tolerance and how it diversified its economy and how its going toward being eco friendly . I traveled around and I give UAE and who ever achieved this 2 thumbs up compared to those places I went to. And I always feel proud and say it out loud that “ I am Emarati and proud of it “ and I always feel happy talking about where ever I am bcz in my eyes, it will always be number 1.

Choc, stop being dramatic with the blood thingy and relax ,yes everything comes with a price, hell the west industrial revaluation started bcz of the World wars, you know, to kill each other, there is enough blood for you.

For the rest of the UAE problems and mistakes hunters, if you want a place with zero of all those thing, feel free to travel to the moon .

how its going toward being eco friendly

It has to be said, that apart from the odd sustainable tower built in Dubai, I’ll stand corrected but only three come to mind that meet the full requirements of BREEAM Excellent or LEED Gold standard? which by the way are developed privately and are not part of any Government funded project, the only direction that, not only Dubai but other Gulf States, are heading towards being eco friendly, is to talk about it!

We know about the Masdar Initiative in Abu Dhabi and Enpark in Dubai but they are just 6 and 1 sq km’s of themed Free Zone real estate, and to put their size into perspective, both would fit into Dubai Silicon Oasis with a little room to spare. If the region really wants to move towards being sustainable and eco friendly then their policies have to roll out across their entire communities, they need to do a lot more than they currently plan.

To walk a hundred mile you need to take that first step, which is the green sustainable energy the second step is AD green building codes , check it: ... uDhabi-UAE
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Re: Question For UAE Kid... Sep 07, 2010
Kn0b jokes and butt plugs ...

Wow, .... still waiting for that witty, clever or insightful remark :(

Do you really spend your days thinking of people on this forum ??? How then is it, with all that time on your hands, and evidently access to the internet, that this pathetic drivel is the best you can come up with ?

Come back when youv'e done your "ology"

I wish it were not true, but it is .........
Wouldn't do you, not even with UAEkid's
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Re: Question for UAE Kid... Sep 07, 2010
VK it is quite clear from your posts that you want me. LOLx2 :bounce:
But sadly :( Viking Warrior

BM wouldn't even ride you into battle.
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