Dillon wrote:A question for Arniegang?
For what reason has BM attracted a 24Hr ban? I ask for the purpose of clarity for myself and other forum members, it was obvious from Chocoholic’s response she felt it was a derogatory remark, regardless of the ‘Very Happy’ Smiley or was the reason because it was simply off topic?
Additionally, a question for DesertDudeSHJ, after talking openly about your recent weight gain and making light of the subject with a smiley in your conversation with Chocs, did you find the following comment by BM, Offensive or Funny?
I understand there has been discussion on the Forum regarding changes in moderating guidelines and procedures, if this is part of these changes I think it would be a good idea to publish the changes somewhere so everyone knows exactly what’s happening on the Forum.
24 Hours without BM!

How on earth am I going to cope?

No problem i am happy to respond Dillion.
Beside the post you mentioned, she was rude and made other personal comments in another thread. Like Bora and you Dillion i am absolutely fed up people posting off topic just to abusive someone. If this continues and BM doesnt take heed from this, i can change the ban period to 7 days or longer if they prefer. I have also had 2 complains by PM about BM.
And this applies to everyone including you and bora. I am getting daily pm's complaining about a small minority of you, that causes most of the trouble and upset in General.
Just for info as i am only one here with Admin Privilges when i do a 7 days or more i also block the ip most used by the person in question. So like with other forums people banned can re register with a new username. On DF the ban includes their ip so when they go, they go with no return.
I am not asking anyone the impossible, all people need is keep on topic, cut out the squabbles, stop the personal attacks and baiting others. Its quite simple.
If anyone who needs to make a complaint or have got any construction to say about Moderation or DF then please feel to pm either me or Sage. All pms received will treated in the utmost confidential on our part.