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St.Lucifer wrote:craigindubai wrote:SparHawk wrote:St.Lucifer wrote:craigindubai wrote:Could of been worse.....
You could of taken in an Indian....
Now there's a prejudiced group for you. Prejudiced against everyone. They think the world is against them.
BuahahaCricketing world is prejudiced against the cash rich BCCI, so we decided to invite SA home and lose some matches..
Business world is upset abt Tata's acquisition of Jaguar and Land Rover. Laxmi mittal's sucess etc.
P.S : Is that an aussie fashionable way of writing.. substituting 'of' for 've?
you cud maybe have mentioned somewhere in ur post that 4 of the top 10 richest ppl on this planet right now are indiansand thts obviously making the business world prejudiced against indians
What he could of mentioned to was that 300million Indians still live in abject poverty.... But why ruin a good story with the truth?
Yes, true and sad but we are working towards a better tmw. Even after all our corrupt politicians've filled up their pockets, we are getting better in terms of money and Govt. policies to help the poor people.
We are just a developing nation with a huge population. But the term abject poverty cant be applied to the mentioned 300 million by any means.
You are dead set kidding yourself. Living under a piece of tin with no clean water, education or medical care is abject poverty anyway you cut it.
raidah wrote:I’ll start this post with 2 remarks. One is that racism and prejudice is in all of us to a certain extent. We might not realize it sometimes, but is there. Some take it to extreme, some know that even thou its part of human nature, we cannot, we should not generalize based on one bad/good experience. My second remark is that I belong to this second group who knows, stupid/mean/dirty/superficial people you find in every society and the opposite of all these also.
As I said before, I stay on SZR in a large shared apartment. About 1.5 month ago one of the rooms was rented out by an Aussi girl. I do not have words to describe this woman and as much as I try to find an excuse for some of the things she did/does and blame myself/the house for being too intolerant, I cannot. From day one she was a pain is the a.s.s. Left one of the washrooms after using without cleaning up after herself (not gonna get into details, I’m sure you can figure it out), several times left the gas open in the kitchen with the risk of all of us blowing up/die of intoxication (specially when does the cooking late at night and the rest of us are sleeping), burned the cooking pots and never bothered to replace them, generally speaking after she uses the kitchen, you have to go and clean up, close the fridge door so the food doesn’t get spoiled, close the cupboard doors, turn off the light, etc. As if this was not enough, 24/7 she walks around the house as if irritated to hell and slamming doors, waking up everybody. We even got a complaint from the administration because the neighbors reported us for being noisy and having our doors slammed so laud they could not sleep.
Now when she was told to be more aware of her surroundings and the fact that we are not there to play babysitter or maid, she started raising her voice. After the last time when I pointed something out to her, she began screaming her lungs out, calling names….you name it.
Of course she was told to leave and during the time given to her to find something else, we tried to bring some girls to see the room. I could not believe my eyes…everything on the floor, from dirty cups, to her underwear, shoes on the table, clothes hanging everywhere…you could not enter the room, because her luggage was right at the entrance and just the whole room in a horrible mess. Who would want to rent that place out?
Now the last move is to accuse me of having taken her hairdryer….and threatening with the police. Fine, bring the police. I almost wish she did that, so we could file a case against her for all her crap plus false accusation.
Anyways, besides that fact that I guess I needed to let this out, getting back to the 1st paragraph of my post, I found myself refusing to show the room to a girl who called and said she was Aussi as well as her.
I know only a few people from this country and they have not given me any reason to think badly of them. In my head I also know that just because this retard is the way she is, it doesn’t mean anything and does not qualify the nation in any way, yet I’m pretty sure the one replacing her will not be from the same lands.
Has this ever happen to you? On the long run a bad experience like this should not influence the way we think of people, but have you managed to ignore it on short term, immediate decisions?