Practical Replacement For A Human Maid

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Practical Replacement for a Human Maid Jun 07, 2011

With an 80 percent success rate, there's a pretty good chance that Justin here is better at playing catch than you are. This old German Aerospace Agency-designed robot, which we first saw in 2009, learned a new trick -- he can track thrown objects as they approach, calculate their flight path, and snap his cold, soulless hands around them before they hit the ground. Better yet, he can catch two objects at the same time. For his encore, Rollin' Justin uses his tactile finger sensors to prepare you a cup of coffee, just so you know there's no hard feelings once's he's done schooling you at three flies up. The 'bot can be controlled via iPad and acts totally grateful when you get him a tie for Christmas, even though it's not what he really wanted. Video after the break. ... o-replace/

In the beginning it will do house chores , Then progressively as learning circuits become faster and more powerful ( , It'll be juggling human heads

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Re: Practical Replacement for a Human Maid Jun 07, 2011
It would have to be painted brown and learn to say 'Sirrmaaam!' to get a job here. Then it would need to learn to be abused, not paid and finally abscond and live in a lean-to roof top shelter in Sharjah...

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: Practical Replacement for a Human Maid Jun 08, 2011
That would absolutely scare the crap out of me...

I'd have nightmares for weeks :(
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Re: Practical Replacement for a Human Maid Jun 08, 2011
Surely this would be more up your street Zubber, I know it would be up DDS's LOL

You Muslim men are all the same!

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Re: Practical Replacement For A Human Maid Jun 08, 2011
You Muslim men are all the same!

come one BM, its your 3rd or more post today I see with Muslim in it, irrelatively...
:D robots are getting more and more in life, i don't want to deal with machines all the time, thats cold...

I wish they can give technology developing a break for 6 months at least...
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Re: Practical Replacement For A Human Maid Jun 08, 2011
Mahmoud04 wrote:come one BM, its your 3rd or more post today I see with Muslim in it,

That's the flavour of the day Mahmoud, big up the Muslims! I'm just joining in on DF! :D
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Re: Practical Replacement For A Human Maid Jun 08, 2011
loool... u making me laugh BM :D ... enjoy
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Re: Practical Replacement for a Human Maid Jun 08, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Surely this would be more up your street Zubber, I know it would be up DDS's LOL
You Muslim men are all the same!

And dont you forget it, Soon you will all bend to our will

-- Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:32 am --

bushra21 wrote:That would absolutely scare the crap out of me...

I'd have nightmares for weeks :(

Well they will be skinnable soon , in the same way you change your winamp skins , Those androids say for example could look like anybody , even hitler
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Re: Practical Replacement for a Human Maid Jun 08, 2011
And dont you forget it, Soon you will all bend to our will

Only in your wildest dreams Zubber, and my worst nightmare!

-- Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:05 am --

Well they will be skinnable soon , in the same way you change your winamp skins , Those androids say for example could look like anybody , even hitler

Have you tried seeking professional help for your problems?
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