Political Ambitions

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Political ambitions Dec 23, 2011
I was out and started to talk about politics. Everybody had to mention their main point if they would run for elections. So we got, less taxes, more taxes, more immigrants, less immigrants, yes Euro, no Euro, phuck the Greek etc etc. My main point was halving the price of beer. This went down amazingly well with the crowd and my political ambitions started to gain momentum. I really don't see my self as a politician, but it got me thinking. Elections are up in 2013 I believe and I need a few thousand signatures (I already got a few dozen) and some money. I'll take the program of Pim Fortuyn and take it from there. At your service. :D

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Did you or have you political ambitions? Local or national?

Any locals here ever were in politics? How was that?

Flying Dutchman
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Re: Political Ambitions Dec 24, 2011
I've never had any political amitions. I'm not allowed to even be a member of any political party in my job. I've worked for current employer for nearly 20 years and intend to be there until I retire or they carry me out in a box.
I was once invited to apply to be a Magistrate. I quite fancied that.
I used to appear before the Magistrates twice a month to prosecute no-hopers on behalf of my employer and one day the top gadgy got me on the side and asked me to join them.
I applied but I couldn't sit in my area as it would be a conflict of interests and my employer would only give me half a day of their time to do it. It meant I would have to take two days holiday a month to sit and look at scum bags. No chance!
I think the criminals in my area had a lucky escape. One sniff of guilt and they would have been history. For 6 months anyway as that's the max magistrates can dish out.

May be when I retire I will join the parish council and then the skys the limit. Strasborg, here I come! (Thats where the big money is to be made)
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Political Ambitions Dec 30, 2011
I respect political ambitions driven from disgust to current leadership or deep-rooted respect for change. I don't, on the otherhand, like to see individuals just opting to be a politician as a carreer or out of hunger for power.

If there is enough points you are passionate about to motiviate you (I am afraid, it is going to be something other than beers), I say go for it. And good luck to you.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Re: Political Ambitions Dec 30, 2011
To be or not to be in politics is not only dependent on your interest and passion. Being in politics you should have the required amount of skill set which is overlooked nowadays. It requires you to have exceptional leadership qualities and the love for your country more than the love for ownself. My post is not limited to UAE but it is a wider perception of politics.
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