Excerpt from article:
Dubai: A police lieutenant colonel, six lieutenants and six officers have been referred to court on charges of using torture and extensive beatings during an interrogation which allegedly led to the death of a Pakistani man and left two others with injuries.
Prosecutors levelled a number of charges against the 13 Dubai Police personnel, varying from abuse of power, unlawful detention of the deceased B.K. and his two compatriots, torture, extensive use of force during interrogation, forgery and giving a false statement during official questioning by a public prosecutor.
Dubai Police's forensic doctor testified that B.K. died after being badly beaten which left him with acute bleeding in his brain.
The 13 suspects, including nine Emiratis, two Pakistanis and two Omanis, are scheduled to appear before the Dubai Court of First Instance on May 31.
http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/uae/crime ... y-1.806668
I notice that amongst the charges, there is no mention of murder.