Aww don't beat Ajoy up, i kinda got it. she probably read aussie's post as his friend's were getting a bit saggy or down and needed to be uplifted, I don’t think she meant it as an insult just maybe not the funniest of jokes.
Back on topic, I’m personally not for them, one of my roomies while in school got hers done, she was hot to begin with and was a beer tub girl at one of the bars, so believe it or not work paid for them. It did help her confidence and tips increased, plus for the first month someone had to do the tough job of massaging them every night to ensure the most natural look by preventing hardening

, so not all bad. But after she got them done, she started getting self conscious about her nose, it is downward spiral imho
It is sad that society forces so many young women and increasing number of men to be so disappointed with what they see in the mirror.