Plastic Scouring Pads?

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May 29, 2006
arniegang wrote:you do it a lot, it was doing my head in

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

It was DK that started me off on that one I have to say - guess I got that confused!!
Its like people that buy stationary - how can they buy "standing still"?? :lol:
I can hear my old boss now - "E for Envelopes"

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May 29, 2006
this is one of the craziest posts ever
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May 29, 2006
Concord wrote:I spotted it too and I thought Zoot was being funny and since this is serious business I simply ignored it.

Oh, erm, obviously I'm being deadly serious! This is my whole future we are talking about - its my nestegg for old age!
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May 29, 2006
you are right Zotts DK spells it "bored" too. I will be having words with him later.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

DFM Motto

"Strive for perfection and those that dont get the concrete foorwear" Conform or suffer eternity in concrete".

can anyone trans into latin??
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May 29, 2006
I don't think the word "footwear" existed in Latin or "concrete" for that matter. But then again, I don't know latin. Been to Latin America!
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May 29, 2006
the_zooter wrote:
arniegang wrote:Zoots

Bored = fed up

Board = directors

:wink: :wink: :wink:

Oh, erm, I knew that.
Must have been a freudian slip of the tongue (and keyboard)!

or perhaps the "chairman of the bored" hahaha(loud embaressed laugh) :oops: :oops: i know i know bad joke...sulks away...
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May 30, 2006
constantine wrote:or perhaps the "chairman of the bored" hahaha(loud embaressed laugh) :oops: :oops: i know i know bad joke...sulks away...

Erm, I think Cons was making a joke about "the firm" - concrete overcoat time??
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May 30, 2006
Cons is sound, i think we will just issue a warning this time Zoots.
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Bid to buy Scourer's R'Us May 30, 2006
To: The Board of Directors,

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Board,
I have been following your very interesting and stimulating discussion about the potential growth in the market for Scourers and am pleased to disclose that my Board of Directors has decided in a meeting held on the 28th May 2006 to offer to buy the business idea of Scourer's R'Us.

Kindly send your offer in a closed bid to me personally, after which I shall deliberate the aforementioned and will revert within 7 working days.

For any member of the senior Management and Dirtector level, there will be opportunity of acquiring share equity and to remain on the decision making panel with half a vote each.

I trust you will consider seriously and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

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May 30, 2006
Can I be the Bussiness Developement Manager :?: :?: :!: :!:
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May 30, 2006
Concord wrote:Dear Ms. Kanelli,

In response to your latest letter, we enclose herewith some SPS' for your use as apparently your glasses need scouring with our soft naturally dyed SPS'. It is obvious that our letter was only partially read or comprehended. To be fair we attribute that to the smudge on your reading glasses (thus the enclosed SPS').


Environmental Group
Scourers R Us.

P.S. This is the last time we will respond to a letter from REPA (regardless of signator or whoever is cc'ed on it) unless accompanied by a duly issued subpoena.

Dear Mr. Concord,

Thank you for providing further evidence of your harmful product. We are sending that on for testing to be used as further evidence of non-compliance.

I do apologise for not addressing the subpoena issue. I'm sorry to inform you, but subpoenas are rare in this country and are only necessary for investigating fraud, theft or hidden evidence. Since your product is easily available without a subpoena, we can test it as we like and issue our orders with authority.

You now have 58 days to comply or your company will be forced to cease operations in this country.

Yours Truly,
Ms. Kanelli
Enforcement Officer REPA
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May 30, 2006
Wafaey wrote:Can I be the Bussiness Developement Manager :?: :?: :!: :!:

Wafaey, All applications for future Management positions to be submitted to me personally formy perusal... Inclde CV & CL with package expectations.
Thanks and regards
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May 30, 2006
This may be a silly question - but did Fayz ever get the scouring pads?

(sorry, I don't have the will power to read the thread!)

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May 30, 2006
kanelli wrote:
Concord wrote:Dear Ms. Kanelli,

In response to your latest letter, we enclose herewith some SPS' for your use as apparently your glasses need scouring with our soft naturally dyed SPS'. It is obvious that our letter was only partially read or comprehended. To be fair we attribute that to the smudge on your reading glasses (thus the enclosed SPS').


Environmental Group
Scourers R Us.

P.S. This is the last time we will respond to a letter from REPA (regardless of signator or whoever is cc'ed on it) unless accompanied by a duly issued subpoena.

Dear Mr. Concord,

Thank you for providing further evidence of your harmful product. We are sending that on for testing to be used as further evidence of non-compliance.

I do apologise for not addressing the subpoena issue. I'm sorry to inform you, but subpoenas are rare in this country and are only necessary for investigating fraud, theft or hidden evidence. Since your product is easily available without a subpoena, we can test it as we like and issue our orders with authority.

You now have 58 days to comply or your company will be forced to cease operations in this country.

Yours Truly,
Ms. Kanelli
Enforcement Officer REPA

Just so you know how confident "Scourers R Us" are about their product you are requested to publish the results in the newspaper. I suggest you contact Terranova, self proclaimed "Favorite Reprter No. 1" (who is busy at the time chasing his own tail with a fiction novel to be titled "DFM Mafia).

In closing I am sure you in your over zealous effort, testing and subsequent reporting will bare in mind the consequenses of "Libel" and "Slander" in the case of statement made in print and orally, respectively.

Scourers R US
Leave us alone already. Aren't there any one-eyed toads needing environmental advocates?

P.S. By the way PETA and Greenpace already placed a huge order for PP's and will appear in commercials.
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May 30, 2006
shafique wrote:This may be a silly question - but did Fayz ever get the scouring pads?

(sorry, I don't have the will power to read the thread!)


sadly no, but Arnie is bringing some the next time he comes to Dubai and EJ mentioned they exist here i'm just not looking in the right places.
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May 30, 2006
Concord wrote:Just so you know how confident "Scourers R Us" are about their product you are requested to publish the results in the newspaper. I suggest you contact Terranova, self proclaimed "Favorite Reprter No. 1" (who is busy at the time chasing his own tail with a fiction novel to be titled "DFM Mafia).

In closing I am sure you in your over zealous effort, testing and subsequent reporting will bare in mind the consequenses of "Libel" and "Slander" in the case of statement made in print and orally, respectively.

Scourers R US
Leave us alone already. Aren't there any one-eyed toads needing environmental advocates?

P.S. By the way PETA and Greenpace already placed a huge order for PP's and will appear in commercials.

Excellent work again. These environmental types are always trying to ruin hard working people in industry with their do-gooders attitudes. They aren't helping anyone, least of all me!!
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May 30, 2006
totally agree with you zooter, these tree hugging save the world crackpots are a pain in the arse.
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May 30, 2006
arniegang wrote:totally agree with you zooter, these tree hugging save the world crackpots are a pain in the arse.

That's one way to put it!! I was trying to be more tactful about it!!
Anyway, one thing is for sure, its not going to be tolerated by Scourers R Us and the DFM either!!
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May 30, 2006
DK lots of "marks" see if you can get a Volume Discount from the crew!
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May 30, 2006
GULF NEWS May 30, 2006


Colleagues and family have reported a young woman missing. When Ms. Kanelli did not turn up to work at the Regional Environment Protection Agency this morning, colleagues became alarmed and phoned her family. They searched her residence and found no trace of her, just the morning coffee pot still on, and her laptop open with the Dubai Forums website in the browser. Her shoes and handbag were still at the door.

Ms. Kanelli is in her early 30's, 5' 10", brown eyes and reddish-brown medium length hair. If anyone has spotted her, please call Dubai Police.
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May 30, 2006
Let this be a warning to anyone that wants to mess with, or cross the DFM

:shock: :shock: :shock:
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May 30, 2006
And you won't need your shoes either - they are fully supplied by the DFM
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May 30, 2006
Correct Zoots, and any more attempts to cross us and Liban's donkey "gets it".

:evil: :evil:
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May 30, 2006
arniegang wrote:Correct Zoots, and any more attempts to cross us and Liban's donkey "gets it".

:evil: :evil:

yeah, could end up the same way as EJ's cute little doggie!
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May 30, 2006
Yea and does require more effort due to the fact we need 4 concrete boots. May the doggie be yapping and barking in heaven.
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May 30, 2006

Based on the untimely disappearance of environmentalpatient "K" (according to the above report) there will be no need respond to absourd allegations regarding SPS'.

Good work DK - a bonus may be in order for the "crew".
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May 30, 2006
Nosher and the boys are proud of their work and perfectionists to the core...they were happy with the case of dodgy Indian vodka and the 3 packs of Rothmans I slipped them last night.

Bonuses are due at end of contract, but the list of 'andy motah's Nosher has given me might be hard to find here. Anyone know of the whereabout's of a 1982 3.0 Ford Granada in gold with a black vinyl roof? Apparently if it's good enough for the Sweeney, it's good enough for Nosher!

We must look more into the potential hostile takeover bid from the mutant German space hairdressers...perhaps there may have to be a further mix of concrete ordered?

Your man disguised as a park bench in Knowledge Village with his eye on EJ...tasty!!!

8) 8) 8)

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May 30, 2006
Dubai Knight wrote:Your man disguised as a park bench in Knowledge Village with his eye on EJ...tasty!!!


I trust your eye's are on EJ for purely professional reasons?!?
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May 30, 2006
Off topic i know, but do you think this topic is a DF record holder ?
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May 30, 2006
arniegang wrote:Off topic i know, but do you think this topic is a DF record holder ?

Yep - it certainly is!! It beats the 258 posts on another Fayz topic:
"Fayz attempts DF meeting"

Congratulations to all involved for creating a new record!!!

And I think the message is...... don't mess with the DFM!!
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