So are you still without plastic scouring pads then Fayz?? Have you come up with a strategy of how you can avoid this potentially dangerous situation from happening again??
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
arniegang wrote:This idea has been raised. Also i will do an emergency mission next month.
the_zooter wrote:Ok, here is my (brief) market research.
It is based on Fayz being a "normal" Dubai resident.
And I believe there are about a million people living in Dubai (for the sake of arguments, we'll say there are!!).
Now, Fayz is so far the only member of this forum to admit to having a plastic scouring pad addiction. There are currently 5324 members - so he is one in 5324.
If we assume this is an accurate sample, this means that there are 188 people in Dubai desperate to get their hands on some plastic scouring pads! There has to be enough demand there surely? Especially as we'd be a monopolistic supplier?!?!
arniegang wrote:Cool buddy. Could you recalculate figures based on need in a XL doc, projecting supply based on your figures to include the population of Dubai and the other Emirates, then maybe we lcould ook at Franchising this throughout the Middle East.
the_zooter wrote:arniegang wrote:Cool buddy. Could you recalculate figures based on need in a XL doc, projecting supply based on your figures to include the population of Dubai and the other Emirates, then maybe we lcould ook at Franchising this throughout the Middle East.
Sure I can partner. You want me to produce some nice graphs too - maybe in the same 5 colours the pads come in?
arniegang wrote:That would be brill if you could Zoots. I was thinking of booking the presentation night for "Scourers R' Us" at the Burj Al Arab". If we had the Spread Sheets and Graphs done in the same pastel colours, we could extend it to our corporate image.
And heres the really cool bit. We could ask the management at the Burj to display the outside lighting to match the same colours also.
arniegang wrote:Got it!!!
DK is into events, we could see if he could set up matching pastel lazers. Also if his set up was in the Jumeira Beach Hotel, we could hire some seriously heavy duty projection gear and project moving images of "scourers" all over the Burj
arniegang wrote:Yes deffo Zoots. If we bring him on board i reckon we could clear a million each in the first year no probs
arniegang wrote:Dirty Dishes ?? No more as endorsed by Fayz the rare miricle Scouring Pads that will change your life forever"
What you think Zoots for the TV Commercial??
arniegang wrote:I was thinking of casting someone like Catherine Zeta Jones to Support Fayz.
And we can get her to wear rubber gloves oooooohhhhhhhh errrrrrr
Cue CZJ at sink with rubber gloves on, Fayz comes into shot and says.
"darling these dishes are sooooooooo clean"
CZJ replies
"ohhhhhhhhh my darling these are the ultimate Scourers, you are the perfect husband"
Cue Fayz - picks up plate with a exagerated sparkle from studio lights.
"i just wanted us to have the cleanest pots, pans and dishes in the middle East darling, there is nothing i wont do for you"
cue CZJ
"awwwwwwwwwwww Fayzy baby, i am so lucky to have you, i love you so much"
What you reckon Zoots