arniegang wrote:Right you guy. This EJ is giving me some serious cause for concern here. She is a definately a hustler. All this sweet and innocent stuff i dont believe. She's a shark and a smooth operator. We better watch our backs guys.
Conc - love the idea of Scourer Man
I agree - but she has got us over a barrel! If it turns out to be true, and there is already a wholesaler in Dubai, then our plan is in tatters! I think this is where we need Fayz to do a recon mission to establish whether this is true or not. If it turns out to be a hoax, then we can count EJ out of our plan, but if its true, then we need to buy her silence!!
Fayz - are you up to the recon mission?? The fate of our plan is in your hands (oh no - what have I done!
