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Pets. Jan 28, 2012
We seem to be a forum of pet lovers on DF! I'm a dog person myself. I thought I would introduce Alfie to DF.
Alfie is a very important member of the BM household and has been with us since he was eight weeks old. He was Beth's Christmas gift, seven years ago. I told her we were going to pick up the turkey and the lady presented Beth with a puppy who proceeded to wee all over her. It was love at first sight for both of them.
Alfie has a very nice life. He has fields were he can roam about and likes to visit his badger friends of a morning. I'm not that keen on his friends as they smell quite awful and it tends to rub off on Alfie.
I've noticed Alfie likes to stay close to home lately. I think he must be getting old and doesn't like the cold so much.
He has taken to sitting close by the fire. So close, he smells like a burning badger.
This is Alfie, by the fire.


Anyone else have any pet pictures to share?

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Re: Pets. Jan 28, 2012
This is my little furball who I rescued when she was left by the pool. Her name is Aki, which in Japanese means "second chance". Should have named her Princess because she certainly thinks she is one!!! I've had cats over the years but this is by far the smartest one I have had.

Aki.jpg (3.32 KiB) Viewed 2399 times
Bora Bora
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Re: Pets. Jan 28, 2012
I was at my local Spinney's yesterday, buying a large bag of Winalot Complete dog biscuits for my loyal pet and was in the checkout queue when the woman behind me saw the dog biscuits and enquired whether I had a dog?


On sheer impulse, I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, I was starting the Winalot Diet again. I added that I probably shouldn’t, because I ended up in hospital the last time I tried it, but I'd lost 2 stones in as many Months before I eventually woke up in intensive care, connected to several life support machines and being pumped full of pain killers through an IV drip.

I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pockets with Winalot nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and I was going to try it again. Practically everyone in the queue was now listening open mouthed!

Horrified, she asked me how I ended up in intensive care? had the dog food poisoned you? I told her no, I stepped off the kerb chasing an Irish Setter and got run over by a taxi.

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Re: Pets. Jan 28, 2012
Dillon ,

Dilllon, I actually believe you.

But, to be fair, alot of people feed stray dogs and cats or donate food to the rescue centers.
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Re: Pets. Jan 28, 2012
Bora Bora , It happened, really :!:

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Re: Pets. Jan 28, 2012
I don't see you as a dog owner somehow, Dillon.

I wouldn't fancy picking up after a dog that devours a large bag of Winalot Complete.
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Re: Pets. Jan 28, 2012
I love Alfie!!! <3 <3 <3

I am a dogs person, but more big dogs: Pitbulls, Rottweilers, Dobermans. Our latest dog was a Pitbull, we had to give her away, she does a very important job now :-).

And I like stray dogs. We 'domiciled' two. Not really domiciled, but they got their shots, vet check ups and feed them. Rolly walks always besides me if I am walking or biking, but never let me touch him, which makes me suspicious he was mistreated. He is always so happy when 'the boss' comes home. And 'accident'. I don't know why she is called that why, but that's her name.

Sorry, no pics, will look for it later on.
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Re: Pets. Jan 28, 2012
I've had a variety of dogs in my time FD and one of my favourites was an English Bull Terrier called Miss Lucy. She didn't last long I'm afraid to say. My (then) husband turned up with her one day when she was a pup. It wasn't a very wise thing to do as we had two Jack Russell terriers at the time. After a time it became too much and they formed a pack and all had a go at me one day when I was feeding them. I had bite marks all over my arms and had to have them treated at A&E. One of the Jack Russells, called Barker, went round the back of me and bit my backside also. That hurt!
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Re: Pets. Jan 28, 2012
Ouch! :-(
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Pets. Jan 29, 2012
Bethsmum wrote:I don't see you as a dog owner somehow, Dillon.

And you would be exactly right BM, not to say I don't like dogs, I just don't think Dubai is a suitable or very friendly environment for them, and I have never considered keeping a lapdog or a toy breed confined within domestic premises very fair on the dog either, I had a Boxer who looked after the family one time, she would move everyone away from the open fire when ever they stood in front warming the backs of their legs, and you wouldn't want to pick up after her when she'd been eating garlic either, she enjoyed it I'm sure but dealt with it like sweetcorn, I'm sure it multiplied on the way through!

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Re: Pets. Jan 29, 2012
Well I think everyone here knows I love my fur babies. Currently I have two cats Neo and Chloe, Neo is 12 and I've had him since he was 6 weeks old. He's travelled all over the place and world with me, recently had to have his last teeth pulled so he's on a liquid diet these days. Chloe is my rescue cat, we think she's about 16. She was an abandoned pet sit, basically the owners just never came back for her :(

I also have a rescue dog Toby, who I've had since he was 3 months old. He was rescued from the Municipality pound and Toby is special because he's disabled. He was born with a birth defect, that means all the bones in his back legs are basically back to front, his muscles are basically atrified so they act more like tendons and his back legs are straight and don't bend, neither of his hip joints are in their sockets either. But you know animals don't feel sorry for themselves and they adapt, Toby is normal as far as he's concerned and in his way he still manages to run about, it's more like hopping, how he gets up and down the stairs in the villa is pretty incredible.

Finally I have 'Douche fish' whom I adopted from Dubaidog when he left the country. There was another fish 'greenie' who sadly passed away and was flushed to fishy heaven a while back.
Toby all grown up
Rescue cat Chloe
My cat Neo
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Pets. Jan 29, 2012
Nice pics Bora and Chocs! We have cats but they are feral. They live in the barn and you can't get near them. I've just boiled some lamb that I couldn't use for anything else and dumped it in the barn. There was no sign of the cats but the lamb won't be there tomorrow.

Cats are a bit too independent for me, they go where the food is and wouldn't give you a second thought. Dogs are much more loyal to their owners.

That's definitely a Dutch Mountain Dog you've got there Chocs!
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Re: Pets. Jan 29, 2012
Sweet pics Chocs. I have a thing about "damaged" animals. They can steal your heart and somehow when you think you can't love an animal any more than you do, they bring that little bit extra out.
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Re: Pets. Jan 30, 2012
Ah thanks ladies. Toby is actually just your typical Heinz 57 desert dog. He's cheeky as anything and I can't give him special teatment because of his disability or he'll take full advantage lol. I just thought that the cute animals have a hard enough time finding a home here, so what chance did he have?Some people look at him funny, but when they see him shoot off and playing just like any other dog, they realise he's not so different.
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Re: Pets. Jan 30, 2012
Thought I'd chime in for a sec. Firstly, hope you are all well, it's been a while for me! As Chocs can attest, I have a pretty demanding lifestyle Down Under and keep quite busy with the Golf, the Pub and the pool.

I knew of Greenie's passing a while back, and glad that Douchefish is still going strong. We got him more than four years ago now! He likely wouldn't fit down the bowl anymore!

I have no pics to post right now, but we have a clouder (real word) of rescue cats and a parrot named Penny.

Our old girl, Bella stowed away on a lorry about 12 years ago in Whistler, BC and when the owners were contacted, they did not want her back as she was so mean. She lived with us and within a week, she was magic. Our second is Chip, a big boy from small town Canada, he lived under a hotel and the proprietor fed him every day. He was brought to the Mrs. vet clinic during a coldsnap (he had frostbite on his nose, etc) and they looked after him for a while as a clinic cat. He went nuts being put in a cage at night (bloody paws and face from trying to get out over night). He loved people and was friendly, so I suggested the wife bring him home for the weekend so he could chill. That was seven years ago. He is definitely my buddy and follows me around the house, yard, loves the car, etc. Both Bella and Chip moved to Dubai with us from Canada and on to Australia now. They are well traveled but I think they are enjoying the climate here now!

We also had a cat in Dubai that we called Grandma. She was 15-20 years old and was brought into the wife's clinic by a local family. Her rear leg was hanging off her like a piece of meat as the bones were all smashed. The clinic amputated the leg and when the family came back to get her, they did not care for the stitches or shaved patch. They paid all the bills but said they did not want her. She was a teeth, stone deaf and now 3 legs! She ended up at ours for a week to recover, and almost three years later we still had her, she hobbled around on three legs like a champ and was put to sleep when she was no longer eating and getting around. She could have been older than 20, we have no idea.

When we moved to Australia, the cats had to endure quarantine, kennels, etc. but they adapted within a day or so once we had them home. We had them flown up from Sydney the day after we got back from Africa. It was truly amazing how they settled in.

Since moving here, we adopted an Alexandrine Parrot we call Penny. She is most certainly the boss and the cats are terrified of her. She was hand raised by the Mrs' colleague and is friendly as anything. We took her rather than have her end up in a pet shop. This bird lives the life! A monster cage to hang out and sleep at night, an indoor parrot gym and outside perch. Smart as a whip (about the intelligence of a three-year-old). I am teaching her words such as "oh-oh" when she drops her toys, her name, obviously, as well as a few others. She is having a tough time with "douchebag", however.

We also have the wife's cousin's cat for 2 years while she is away teaching in Bali. "Bubbles" (we didn't name him) is remarkable. He is such a lizard or bug to big, he'll bring 'em home. He also loves our beach (AKA his toilet). We kept finding fish, shrimp and this week a crab! at the door, and could not figure out how he got them. A week or so ago, I saw him on the edge of the boat ramp LYING IN THE WATER, tracking a fish. When he knew he could get it, he lunged for it.....a in the sea! How bizarre. Some mornings he is just gross, covered in algae and stuff from swimming. Thank god he sleeps outside!
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Re: Pets. Jan 31, 2012
parrots are cool, cats are cool, dogs I hate :P
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Re: Pets. Jan 31, 2012
dubaidog ,

Wow, that's the most I've ever seen you write on DF! I was right when I said we were a forum of pet lovers.

--- Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:42 am ---

tony89 wrote:dogs I hate

Dogs can tell when you are frightened of them Tony.
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Re: Pets. Jan 31, 2012
I was gutted I didn't get to meet Penny *knock, knock, knock* she looks like and awesome parrot.
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Re: Pets. Jan 31, 2012
Dogs can tell Hitler's life story for all I care. I hate them. Ugly, drooling creatures with big teeth. Why do they have sharp teeth anyways, they eat biscuits !
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Re: Pets. Jan 31, 2012
tony89 , Because canines are carnivores and have teeth for crunching bones and ripping flesh. Remember they are pack animals.
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Re: Pets. Jan 31, 2012
So then sweetie, who keeps carnivores that crunch bones and rip flesh as pets ! Remember we are flesh and bone too :P
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Re: Pets. Jan 31, 2012
tony89 , Homosapians are Omnivores, we eat both vegetation and meat, hence the different types of teeth. Dogs and cats haven't 'evoloved' to a change in domesticated diet and many people do feed their dogs a raw meat diet. It's actually healthier for them as it's what their bodies are designed to cope with. Every dog owner I know gives their dogs hide chews to get their teeth stuck into, it helps keep their teeth and gums healthy.
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Re: Pets. Feb 01, 2012
Thanks for the info chocs. :)

So what wud you prefer, cats or dogs?
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Re: Pets. Feb 02, 2012
tony89 , I have both and they're all as mental as each other lol
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Re: Pets. Feb 05, 2012
So get rid of them...go adopt babies instead, like Jolie. Atleast they'll grow to be of some use :P
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Re: Pets. Feb 05, 2012
Nah I love the crazy fur babies. Can't imagine ever not having animals about the house.
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Re: Pets. Feb 16, 2012
African Grey Parrots are the best
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