Just waiting for everyone to list down the mannerisms that they hate... Guess it would b as good as being a zombie after eleminating all those that different people dont like..
Like Jeev said, there are hundreds of mannersims that i dont like..... but then we dont live in a perfect world and its an ever changing ever evolving place.. especially dubai, a potpourri of ppl from diff cultures..
1. Not using the words, Please,Thank you, Welcome.
2. Looking at some ppl in a derogatory manner.
3. Being rude under normal circumstances
4. Snorting in public
5. Swearing in public (for some its like a style statement, I'm not talkin abt forum, in real life with no consideration of ppl around)
6. Showing dis respect to elders and making fun of aged
7. Talking excessively loud at public places
8. Coming out in public after taking a dip in ultra strong perfumes, athar.
9. Taking food with the same hand that is being used for eating.
10. Burping and breaking wind loud with no sorry or Excuse
11. Keeping their entire heavy arms on a shared arm rest
12. Crackin sarcastic jokes on others
13. Using 'had I been in your shoes' at every given chance.
14. Objecting others mannerisms
List is endless but then its not my world, people do things their way. I dont like them so i dont take some.. Not denying the fact that some are really bad... like the first three listed by asc... I remember one of my colleages, a senior Tech Analys scratching herself in the most

ing way even at presentations.. Eeeew... and one of our guests who would fart loudly and laugh n ask for excuse.