xibit wrote:i know a bengali guy he lived in the uae for more that 40 years and worked for the uae armed forces his childern were born and raised here they dont even know how to speak the bengaldishe language and speak only arabic, last year they kicked him out coz he completed his retirment age, he is now in bangldish he has no family and relatives there and had to stay in an hotel for the first six months, his childern cant get in to any school.
i feel sorry for him, he should had seen this coming and prepared him self.
I do feel sorry for him as well, but c'mon do not you think that he already knew this was going to happen, I mean eventually you will returning home, even if you spend a lifetime here, oneday, you are home again,.. he should have thought of buying a house there, learn his Children their home language, take em to vacations in summer so they can get to know their homeland... anyway that's what I think should have been done..