Are you being serious? I honestly can't tell your tone from your post. If you're being sarcastic, fair enough.
If you're being sincere, wtf? I'm not going into detail into why that suggestion is a. stupid b. useless and c. wrong but I'll instead refute what you mentioned in your post.
michaeldubai wrote:All sites - facebook, orkut and the sorts only give an oppurtunity to scamsters and criminals a chance to manifest themselves.
The same could be said for any medium. In fact, scams on social networking sites have ridiculously low success rates because there are very many people who can spot it and say to potential victims (since they're all networked) that it's a scam. Email scams are much simpler and will have higher hit-rates. Are you suggesting email should be banned?
michaeldubai wrote:A simple glance over the posts on Dubaiforum will reveal that some posters are (potential) criminals.
There's a lot of spam on and many people here have surely broken a law at one point in their lives. In your view, would that make all of us criminals?
michaeldubai wrote:Social networking never did anyone any good.
That's just ridiculous. The #1 reason that people join social networking sites is to catch up with friends. At a very distant second place, people join social networks to meet new people. Are you saying that those goals are negative things?
michaeldubai wrote:A simple post on doing charity to someone will gather minimum views ; a post targetting a society will garner views and replies running into hundreds/thousands.
Some villians like Cpt Australia will make a show of their bootlegging experiences and influence others into doing it.
I don't really understand the point you're trying to make here. Are you saying that we should withhold information and prevent communication because people may be "influenced"? I'll not invoke Godwin's Law here but it's right at the edge of my fingertips, begging to be typed out.
michaeldubai wrote:All these sites should be closed down.
No. If you disapprove of these sites, then block them at your home. Don't try and force your closed-minded views on the rest of us.