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XPT wrote:Ghadafi has declared JIhad on Switzerland and asked that all muslims boycott Switzerland and Swiss products..
XPT wrote:Ghadafi has declared JIhad on Switzerland and asked that all muslims boycott Switzerland and Swiss products..
symmetric wrote:XPT wrote:Ghadafi has declared JIhad on Switzerland and asked that all muslims boycott Switzerland and Swiss products..
That man is simply a JOKER
XPT wrote:Ghadafi has declared JIhad on Switzerland and asked that all muslims boycott Switzerland and Swiss products..
sage & onion wrote:XPT wrote:Ghadafi has declared JIhad on Switzerland and asked that all muslims boycott Switzerland and Swiss products..
Post the link.
Misery Called Life wrote:A great thread XPT.
I'm sure all the sycophants will love him even more for it. Nevermind that to make a stupid point with the swiss over his own son breaking the law, thousand of his own people suffered and will continue to suffer, this world is never short of suck ups right?
Misery Called Life wrote:A great thread XPT.
I'm sure all the sycophants will love him even more for it. Nevermind that to make a stupid point with the swiss over his own son breaking the law, thousand of his own people suffered and will continue to suffer, this world is never short of suck ups right?
sage & onion wrote:symmetric wrote:XPT wrote:Ghadafi has declared JIhad on Switzerland and asked that all muslims boycott Switzerland and Swiss products..
That man is simply a JOKER
Who Concs or gadafi?