^ian^ wrote:Does anyone here remember Dubai Forum.
Remember how we said that
We would meet again....
Some Sunny Day.
Forum! Forum!
What has become of you?
Does anybody else in here
Feel the way I do?
(Thanks to Waters, Mason, Wright & Gilmore for the inspiration.)
You can play it on Guitar too, chords are easy.
What Ian, you did not get the link to the New Forum [I saw your name on the list] I'll PM it to you

I absolutely love the six simple but effective rules:
"This is a totally new forum and some of you know each other from that other forumm and know how to participate. Just in case here are the rules:
1. You complain you are suspended for 15 days.
2. You complain again you are banned.
3. You don't like what is being said then leave or do not respond.
4. You are offended by anything then leave or do not respond.
5. The Moderator will delete/edit/move/ban at Moderator's sole discretion.
6. If You do not like rule number "5" see rules Number "1" and "2"."
See you there