Obi-Wan Is Dead

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Obi-Wan is dead May 16, 2011
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Obi-Wan Is Dead May 16, 2011
Are you in mourning?
Bora Bora
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Re: Obi-Wan Is Dead May 16, 2011
DK might be, being a Jedi and all ?
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Re: Obi-Wan is dead May 16, 2011
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Flying Dutchman
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Re: Obi-Wan Is Dead May 16, 2011
^^^^^ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Bora Bora
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Re: Obi-Wan is dead May 16, 2011
Hmmm...well there are inconsistencies in the report that I am sure Shaf would have a field day with!

The report claims the illustrious Jedi Knight was found near the planet of Alderaan...which of course we all know was completely destroyed by the death star in episode IV.

It then later claims he was hiding on a planet in the same system as Tatooine....which we all know is the furthest point in the galaxy from any bright point, and is actually in the outer rim. Nowhere near Alderaan!

As for dumping his body out of the airlock...Jedi can hold their breath for a very long time!

Yoda tells us that the summit of a Jedi's training is to surpass the physical bounds of humanity and use the Force to transcend the barriers of death and exist as a part of the all surrounding presence.

On top of that, Darth Vader is a stinky poo who likes looking at little boys bottoms and holds his lightsabre together with gaffer tape!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dubai Knight
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Re: Obi-Wan Is Dead May 16, 2011
Boy DK you really are a star wars fan eh ? :D

Was getting bored, running out of movies to watch, I thought the prequels were shyte the first time I watched them when they came out but thought they deserved another watch in HD, if nothing else for the FX's, so D/L'ed the six episodes.

Your star wars trivia is spot on bro, just watched Alderan being blown up by the death star today and also remember the quote about tatooine by little Anni. Not really liking the added CG in the special editions though.

Emipre strikes back it is tommorow ! And hopefully return of the Jedi would have finished D/L ing by then as well. 30gigs for 6 movies not bad I say.
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Re: Obi-Wan is dead May 17, 2011
Creatively and content wise, Empire Strikes Back was the best in the series. It broke a lot of new ground in terms of SFX at the time but also brings one or two plot lines together that George Lucas tried to add background to in the prequels. Return of the Jedi is just a good romp with a happy ending! The final release included the wooden dummy (Hayden Christiansen) appearing in the final scene as Anakin Skywalker instead of the unknown actor who played him when he takes his mask off.

There are actually 3 more episodes after this that have not been made as the original story was conceived in 9 parts. They were never fully completed but are now available as books written by a guy called Kevin Anderson and mainly deal with the problems associated with the freedom movement becoming the official government. They are actually not bad and cover a variety of interesting political and socio economic points, but would not make very good action movies!

Once you get past the 'movie' aspects, there are some important messages in the stories.


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