I'm Not B!tching...

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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 30, 2010
Does her orange tan match the orange designer tracksuit she wears? Then it must be the same one! We have probably passed like ships in the night! You aren't the lippy one I told to turn down the music are you :wink:

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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 30, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:Does her orange tan match the orange designer tracksuit she wears? Then it must be the same one! We have probably passed like ships in the night! You aren't the lippy one I told to turn down the music are you :wink:

Haven't seen the track suit yet. I couldn't get my speakers thru the door here when I moved in so, no, it wasn't me you told to turn the tunes down. You have to wonder if that lady has friends who should have told her how artificial she looks?
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 30, 2010
I've never seen her with anyone but the dog. He may find her very attractive.
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 30, 2010
ok, back to our regular programming...

It is not the kiddies I mind; it's the parents -they should know better.

BTW, the majority of the kids were western!

I don't frequent resorts as I am a city person - I live in four cities.
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 30, 2010
ambassador i know how it feels. it happens alot in dubai cinemas ALOT! i went to a watch a movie which was 18+ and there were bloody kids running around playing in the cinema and the parents couldnt care at all :D

cant wait to have kids, i am gonna let them loose and get my revenge back :D
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 30, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:I think choc traded in her ovaries for a surf board ! :D

That'll be a wakeboard! And I'm too old for kids now lol
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 30, 2010
Ambassador wrote:It is not the kiddies I mind; it's the parents -they should know better.
BTW, the majority of the kids were western!

You are so right on this account. I can't think of any western families that I know that don't have maid(s) or nannies. Thankfully, they are not the "take the maid to the mall to push the trolley" type and actually raise their kids. The thing is the little brats know nothing of discipline, nor how to make a bed, iron a shirt or wash a dish.

At Mrs. DD's work last night, the boss-man needed to go home early as his wife was melting down on the phone because they "have no nanny" and the "maid they hired canceled last minute". Apparently the one year old had a fever and was crying and the wife could not handle it. The wife happens to be a Paediatrician!!!!!Good thing hubby went home. Spoiled. Brats.
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 30, 2010
Oh my! What on earth did our parents do having to raise us all by themselves, and holding down jobs (3 in my fathers case).

Pfff people these days don't know they're born!
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 30, 2010
Chocoholic wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:I think choc traded in her ovaries for a surf board ! :D

That'll be a wakeboard! And I'm too old for kids now lol

I'm glad I am not the only old person here :lol:
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 30, 2010
sage & onion wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:I think choc traded in her ovaries for a surf board ! :D

That'll be a wakeboard! And I'm too old for kids now lol

I'm glad I am not the only old person here :lol:

I'm not THAT old Sage!
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 30, 2010
There are times and places when you really shouldn't chastise your child in public. I always found a good hard nip would suffice in these situations.
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 30, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:There are times and places when you really shouldn't chastise your child in public. I always found a good hard nip would suffice in these situations.

Agreed. My blood boiled a few years ago when I saw a father literally tearing shreds off his little son, he was literally punching the child in the arm and slapping him about the head, obviously the child was distraught. I told the father if he hit the child again, I would be hitting him!
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 30, 2010
Nothing wrong with taking kids to a resort, but they should be looked after by babysitters in the room with room service ordered, not running loose until late at night in the common areas and nice restaurants with romantic evening dining. If people want to complain about kids in the pools and common areas in the daytime, that is just sad. Kids are part of our families and are the future generation. They should not be kept in their houses and yards all the time until they are graduation high school so that they don't "disturb" other adults in public.

Some of you don't understand the dilemma of helpers/maids/nannies with some families. Often they are not allowed to discipline the kids, the parents think they are the only ones who are entitled to do it. Then there are the helpers who could care less about their job, they do it to make money to send home. Can helpers with that attitude be expected to care about the upbringing of your kids? That doesn't mean no one should have helpers, but it definitely means that people need to be realistic about what child caring and household tasks should be theirs or their helper's or a better team effort.
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 30, 2010
kanelli wrote:Nothing wrong with taking kids to a resort, but they should be looked after by babysitters in the room with room service ordered, not running loose until late at night in the common areas and nice restaurants with romantic evening dining. If people want to complain about kids in the pools and common areas in the daytime, that is just sad. Kids are part of our families and are the future generation. They should not be kept in their houses and yards all the time until they are graduation high school so that they don't "disturb" other adults in public.

It is not about depriving children of certain experience but there is a place (and a time) for that but it should not be "anyplace the parents feel like" regardless appropriatness. Surely there is a market for resorts that cater to children, etc. (I've to them on both sides of the age scale).
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 30, 2010
There is the opposite of that view Ambassador, which is: why should adults be deprived of an enjoyable evening out or a weekend away without the presence of children? Works for me. :wink:

A few weeks ago a couple entered Nobu with a child in a stroller. They were told that carriages and small ones are not allowed in the restaurant. He got all huffy and insisted on a table. Manager kept telling him - no children - it was policy. He was asked to step aside for other guests to get through. He inched over a bit and got on his mobile. Didn't help him any. He, wife - pushing the stroller - were walking around in circles near the lounge area. So, here was a father who got all indignant when he was told no children. The world does not revolve around children and parents should not expect everything to be "child friendly". There are so many places that cater to children, and that's where parents should look to spend time.

There's always Disneyland. :lol:
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 30, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:There is the opposite of that view Ambassador, which is: why should adults be deprived of an enjoyable evening out or a weekend away without the presence of children? Works for me. :wink:

Nothing wrong with that so long as it is not done in the same place where people who are considered hired a babysitter or by people who go to a place where bringing children is appropriate (yes disneyland for example).

BTW, has nothing to do with whether you love, like or want to be with your kids...it's about consideration for others. Surely I wouldn't expect there to be no kids at McDonalds (although it is not a children's restaurant - although I can't remember the last time I stepped on one- McDonald's that is)
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 30, 2010
dubaidog wrote:At Mrs. DD's work last night, the boss-man needed to go home early as his wife was melting down on the phone because they "have no nanny" and the "maid they hired canceled last minute". Apparently the one year old had a fever and was crying and the wife could not handle it. The wife happens to be a Paediatrician!!!!!Good thing hubby went home. Spoiled. Brats.


-- Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:52 pm --

Bora Bora wrote:There is the opposite of that view Ambassador, which is: why should adults be deprived of an enjoyable evening out or a weekend away without the presence of children? Works for me. :wink:

A few weeks ago a couple entered Nobu with a child in a stroller. They were told that carriages and small ones are not allowed in the restaurant. He got all huffy and insisted on a table. Manager kept telling him - no children - it was policy. He was asked to step aside for other guests to get through. He inched over a bit and got on his mobile. Didn't help him any. He, wife - pushing the stroller - were walking around in circles near the lounge area. So, here was a father who got all indignant when he was told no children. The world does not revolve around children and parents should not expect everything to be "child friendly". There are so many places that cater to children, and that's where parents should look to spend time.

There's always Disneyland. :lol:

Exactly what I am talking about when I say these parents think they have done a huge favour by birthing these runts and needs to world meeds to bend over backwards to accomadate them !

How many times have I come across those stupid double side by side prams hogging an entire isle at supermarkets. While the parents are taking their own sweet time selecting which brand of ketchup they should buy ! Or just being a nuisance, shoveling others like snowplow through a crowd with those things in malls !!!
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 30, 2010
DD2, don't be a hater, bro. Kids are cool. We have all seen and been around the ones that are a pleasure, and the ones that are a pain. When my Goddaughter was 2-3 years old, I could not get enough time with her. She was so smart, polite and a pleasure for me and Mrs. DD to look after at that age. My nephew as well, my bro and sis-in-law have done a great job.

On the PLUS side, we got to give them back at the end of the day!
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 30, 2010
Sorry bro and I will always be a hater and plz no you wont know until you have your own rethoric either ! I think I covered that with TJ earlier in the year.
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 30, 2010
Got to love a bunch of childless adults whinging about kids. :(
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 30, 2010
kanelli wrote:Got to love a bunch of childless adults whinging about kids. :(

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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 30, 2010
Sorry K but like I said nobody did me any favours by birthing any kids and don't expect me to be sympathetic or accomodating in that regards aswell.
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Nov 30, 2010
Some children are wonderful. As I said before my little niece is ace, but her parents have worked really hard to bring her up as a respectful, polite little girl who isn't spoilt or pandered to.
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 30, 2010
Yeah but most expats want to come here and live the Jumeriah jane and joe lifestyle here and couldn't be arsed about rasing kids. Do and get things they could never ream of back home. So they get the "nannies" to do it while they go out and paint the town red.
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Nov 30, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:Yeah but most expats want to come here and live the Jumeriah jane and joe lifestyle here and couldn't be arsed about rasing kids. Do and get things they could never ream of back home. So they get the "nannies" to do it while they go out and paint the town red.

That's where you should show disgust for the parents for having little or no parenting skills, and a bit of sympathy for the children who are being disliked. These kids don't have it easy when it comes to adults in Dubai, and will not be liked by adults and have trouble interacting with other children who have parents that actually do the parenting and for many, extended family to help.

I think due to the fact that there is no extended family here, all the more reason parents should nurture their children. Why anyone would want to raise a child or children that they would be embarrassed by is something I can't understand.
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Dec 01, 2010
DDS, I knew I'd find it!

Next thing to invent is how to get the kids ready and in the car with in 20 minutes and if that ever happens I might even consider having a few of my own !

What happened? It wasn't that long ago you were in the market for an ankle biter!
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Dec 01, 2010
I'm chuffed that your trying to dig up my old stuff, but read I MIGHT think about it, never said I WILL and you didn't read the fine print, there are certain conditions attached. An invention of a certain device, discovering how to live forever might be easier than the said device.

So over all a big NO.
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Re: I'm not b!tching... Dec 01, 2010
I couldn't resist it DDS, I knew somewhere in the not so distant past you'd admitted to having a sneaky yearn for a kiddywinkle! You do right however IMO, they are vastly overrated and cost a bloody fortune. Get yourself a new BM instead. they don't answer back. :bounce: LOLedge!
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Dec 01, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:Sorry K but like I said nobody did me any favours by birthing any kids and don't expect me to be sympathetic or accomodating in that regards aswell.

Did you expect people to birth kids to please others?

I just can't understand, because my kids are so far my greatest joy in life. Parenting is the hardest job I've had yet and I just shake my head at those of you with no kids who feel fit to comment on others' parenting and the behaviour problems of others' kids. You have no idea what is normal for certain ages and instead want to blame the parents or the helpers. Furthermore, you expect young children to act like little adults, which is completely unrealistic. So, I'll just chalk all of this up to childless ignorance.
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Re: I'm Not B!tching... Dec 01, 2010
kanelli wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:Sorry K but like I said nobody did me any favours by birthing any kids and don't expect me to be sympathetic or accomodating in that regards aswell.

Did you expect people to birth kids to please others?

I just can't understand, because my kids are so far my greatest joy in life. Parenting is the hardest job I've had yet and I just shake my head at those of you with no kids who feel fit to comment on others' parenting and the behaviour problems of others' kids. You have no idea what is normal for certain ages and instead want to blame the parents or the helpers. Furthermore, you expect young children to act like little adults, which is completely unrealistic. So, I'll just chalk all of this up to childless ignorance.

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