A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past.
What are you nostalgic for? When and Why?
I'm a very nostalgic person, specially when it comes to my childhood. The feeling of pure innocence, the feeling that no matter what you do, you'll always be protected by your parents. My father was my hero, and my mother was my source of warmth. True love existed, but we were too young to realise it. We only get to know it when we grow up and start dealing with real life. There is an image which I cannot forget, of myself as a 7 years old kid smiling to my mother as she was taking the photo with her camera. I still have that photo, and everytime I look at it, I can't stop myself from being nostalgic towards that smile of mine, which was incomparable to any other smile I had as an adult.