The last 100 topics are sooooooooooooooooooo boooooooooring i feel like crying!
I just went throught many people (history posts) You get that link when you click on the di swear i HAD SO MUCH FUN READING THROUGH THEM ALL!
And this is what im doing going back throught time...
But then i feel like i have to bring it all back....
Its my obligation to announce that JAMAL & ISH sleep togather and are in love (thats why theyr enot on the forum cursing has concured all)
Poor Liban...although he was of no use at all..i still miss him posting (u bums scared him off with ur crap abt sadam and politics and all that boring stuff that no one cud care less off!)
Bushra, ur right, i read aloto fur previous just aint the same here...too many newbies who dont really know how to get down hard core....
Kanelli is gone

Zam has time for DFM (plus she got so ugly now...=/)
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What can i say.....i want that dam nick back!
Webadminitrator....cudnt find that skinny looking freak! him sooooo many times....grrrrrrrrr
YORKY oh yorky where did u go man! ever since u selled or those GORGEOUS CARS of urs...ur heart has been broken....
hmmm....who else..... favoruite old weisel mmm...weird...i even forgot his nick...the old moderator? AH ARNIGANG....ever since jamal slept with his daughter! he just cudnt face this place anymore...poor old fag.
and SmartD...i think this guy got promoted or something...i actually smelled perfume on him last time we met! he gooone@!

aaaall the nice pppl are the very last one....
Any of u guys still out there? pls reply? dont leave me here all alone....
Its so dark in here....

Since ladies forum went.....MOST OF THE ladies went with it! HAHAHHAHA....theyre gone tooo