I believe Non-Muslims are not allowed to enter Makkah and Madinah yet there are Non-Muslim Media people as well as Jewish investments in the two cities?why?
Will there be a change in KSA in the future?I am curious.
are there any Saudis here?
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Abrar wrote:I believe Non-Muslims are not allowed to enter Makkah and Madinah yet there are Non-Muslim Media people as well as Jewish investments in the two cities?why?
Will there be a change in KSA in the future?I am curious.
are there any Saudis here?
Abrar wrote:I believe Non-Muslims are not allowed to enter Makkah and Madinah yet there are Non-Muslim Media people as well as Jewish investments in the two cities?why?
Will there be a change in KSA in the future?I am curious.
are there any Saudis here?
1) It is not a Saudi law but Sharia law not to allow non-beleivers in our Holy Cities.
2) Non-Muslim media people. No there are non. Foreigners for foreign media outlets, of course, but check your sources, these people are Muslim.
HP wrote:1) It is not a Saudi law but Sharia law not to allow non-beleivers in our Holy Cities.
Corrupt people from all muslim world rush to Saudi arab in order to get rid of sin . are they beleivers?what is the definition of beleivers and non beleivers? How can u say that who is beleivers and who is non-beleivers?2) Non-Muslim media people. No there are non. Foreigners for foreign media outlets, of course, but check your sources, these people are Muslim.
what is the Gurantee that muslim money is Halal ?
HP wrote:1) It is not a Saudi law but Sharia law not to allow non-beleivers in our Holy Cities.
Corrupt people from all muslim world rush to Saudi arab in order to get rid of sin . are they beleivers?what is the definition of beleivers and non beleivers? How can u say that who is beleivers and who is non-beleivers?
HP wrote:2) Non-Muslim media people. No there are non. Foreigners for foreign media outlets, of course, but check your sources, these people are Muslim.
what is the Gurantee that muslim money is Halal ?
HP wrote:you can not even call kaffir to a real kaffir (according to islam). anyway ,everyday i recite "kalma" and take one glass of milk before sleep ,how can u call me kaffir
HP wrote:Abrar wrote:I believe Non-Muslims are not allowed to enter Makkah and Madinah yet there are Non-Muslim Media people as well as Jewish investments in the two cities?why?
Will there be a change in KSA in the future?I am curious.
are there any Saudis here?
They are not allowed in holy cities ? why ?
if corrupt people from all over the world come and visit these holy cities in the hope that God will forgive their sins then whats wrong in non muslims and the money of non muslims?
You totally say nonsense and contradict yourself. If they go to the holly rand to get rid of the sins, so they belive that there is a god and they try to seek forgivness. So if they go there, they are belivers, they are not there to take photographs for sure.
What you know about islam to say this.. No you can tell a Kaffir that he is one. according to our religions if someone said that another person is Kaffir it hits either of them. if the guy is really kaffir then it is, if not then the other guy (the one said the word) is now, or so he got to ask for forgivness if he said it about a muslim guy or a beliver.
yshimy wrote:Yeah god is everywhere, so what do you suggest? no churches, no mosques, no vatican, no mecca, no madina, no makdes?
anywa, don't expect you to understand what is piligramage is about.
And No, i Can say kaffir to a real one. it is in the quran in surat al kaferun "kol ya ayoha al kaferoun" "say you kaffirs" in the sect of "al kafferun"
Plz don't ever think you know about my religion than me, because if you did, you would have been a muslim
but in Haj, According to our religoin which you Claim you understand. The person who preform haj if god accepted his piligram "which in shaa allah will do as he is the forgiver" he will go back to his home as a newly born baby without a single sin.
Chocoholic wrote: I KNOW that! I used to live in Saudi and we used to drive past the big sign on the freeway every week that says - Christians this way!!!!!
Abrar wrote:coz Non-Muslims have absolutely no business there.its a religious site not a tourist one.
heard something like Saudi men travel to UAE for fun.are there any Saudis in this Dubai forum.I want to know how much support the Sharia law has there.
Abrar wrote:coz Non-Muslims have absolutely no business there.its a religious site not a tourist one.
heard something like Saudi men travel to UAE for fun.are there any Saudis in this Dubai forum.I want to know how much support the Sharia law has there.
HP wrote:Abrar wrote:coz Non-Muslims have absolutely no business there.its a religious site not a tourist one.
heard something like Saudi men travel to UAE for fun.are there any Saudis in this Dubai forum.I want to know how much support the Sharia law has there.
If i travel in Italy and i find a sign board saying " muslims go that way", i would be crazy and find it insult.
Holy prophet never ever stopped non-muslims from these holy cities or even from mosques? We should let these people to come and see those places ,nothing is harm in visiting.
Saudi Govt is example of " cartoon govt". I dont know what Islam have they implemented in their own country?
Hmmm... Would you also allow kafreen to touch the Noble Quran?
Liban wrote:There are other ways to learn. The Quran is Pure.
yshimy wrote:HP,
It is our religion who abide us not to let Non-Muslims to our holy places nor touch the Quran. It is in the core of our religion. and it is the teachings of prophet muhamed PBUH.
If you want to make sure, as a scholar, and don't just assume things man.
Really, you are giving wrong information to ppl.
yshimy wrote:HP, it seems i'll start to like you, i thought you will keep going and going and we both will end up banned or framed.
Anyway, i lost too, because i was replying to your fast posts i arrived to work late and lose some money((