Constantine wrote:
...what she really means is...she wishes she hadnt studied macro economics behind a closed cell with a snoring professor...and she wishes she had won the MTV moonman the silver in it could sponser a trip to disneyland....

...(ducks)...hey just kidding around(wait is that going to fall flatter than a pancake- coz jokes dont exsist in mints case

This actually made me laugh, and not just smile,

but laugh... but I don't get it

(I just get that it was a joke at my expense, that's about all I get lol!)
on a serious note...this system pf parallel credit lines have exsisted for a long time and they are an outlet for women in 3rd world countries to successfully get out of a vicious circle of home-chores-husband-kids...also interesting to notice is the fact that there are certain cottage industries and enterprises in india/bangladesh/nepal...which are women owned/operated...and also double up as shelters for homeless or abused women...and most of these cottage industries have become really profitable especially if it is handicrafts and the next time you do buy that pashmina shawl or the emboidered handicraft at ludicrous are giving a little if not a lot back to these cottage industries...
Defintely, these types of programs are benefitting women who have been abused and who need to get out of poverty for their own safety. I think that cottage industries need serious publicity - more people should know that the higher amounts that they pay for good co-op coffee or fabric is truly helping people that need it most.