Re: new years eve
Dec 21, 2009
Agree with you on that Oli. A lot of new year "parties" going on which as you mentioned usually involves a Club, Some retard who thinks dance and brit pop is actually "music" and trying not to beat up large crowds totally pi$$ed and acting more obnoxious than usual who think they are "cool" adn trying your best for someone not to puke on you.
To answer you question yes there is an alternate, we over at are organising a desert get toghter. Chilled out stuff with a family atmosphere, BBQ, campfire, etc etc in the cold chilly night.You don't need a 4x4 the camp site will be close enough to be accessed by road.
So if in the mood for a chill session. Get you grill, meats and winter gear ready and come on over. No 4x4 also no worries !
As always its totally free, all you gotta do is show up. No grill, no food, no worries there will be plenty to go around anyways.