New Dubai Default - No End In Sight?

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New Dubai Default - No End in Sight? May 28, 2010
Dubai fears reignite on $1.25bn debt payment delay

Dubai's most powerful private equity company, which owns stakes in Travelodge, Merlin Entertainment and DaimlerChrysler, has been forced to delay the repayment of a $1.25bn (£860m) tranche of debt in a shock move that has renewed fears in the emirate's financial stability.

Dubai International Capital (DIC), which is the investment arm of Dubai Holding, a conglomerate owned by the ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rasid al Maktoum, announced it has secured agreement with its six lending banks to push back the repayment of the debt from June until September.
In a short statement, the company said: "The extension period would allow the implementation of a consensual longer-term plan that would enable DIC to maximise the value of its business for the benefit of all its stakeholders."

DIC and its banks agreed to the three-month delay at a meeting in Dubai yesterday. The banks, which are led by HSBC and Emirates Bank, were represented by Deloitte while Lazard, the London-based investment bank, was acting for DIC. The company has agreed to continue to pay interest and amortisation to keep the loans current, a DIC spokesman said.

The move comes amid increasing efforts by government-related entities to restructure loans as Dubai seeks to manage its $109bn debt burden.

Foreign banks, including British banks, have a large exposure to Dubai's debts, which adds to the concern about the financial institutions that are already under pressure from Europe debt crisis.

Just six months ago Dubai World, the bigger conglomerate behind Dubai Ports World, stunned global markets by announcing the need for a standstill agreement on its debts.

Last week, Dubai World said it has agreed in principle with its main creditors to restructure $23.5bn of debt and that it will now seek a final deal with all its creditors by end June.

Dubai Holding is smaller than Dubai World but, since it is owned and controlled by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rasid al Maktoum, its inability to pay its debts is more surprising. The conglomerate is thought to have around $12bn of debt due of which $2.6bn is held by DIC, including the $1.25bn that has just been delayed.

Dubai Holding is divided into DIC and Dubai Holding Commerical Operations which oversees Dubai Holding's property, business-park and hospitality investments, including hotel operator Jumeirah At its peak in 2008, DIC held assets of thought to be in the region of $13bn.

Over five years its high-profile investments have included £800m in Tussauds Group, the owner of the London waxworks, that was merged with Blackstone's Merlin Entertainment Group in 2007 and in which DIC owns a 20pc stake; £700m in Doncasters, the engineering group;and £675m in Travelodge. Through its smaller public equity arm, DIC owns stakes in HSBC Holdings, DamilerChrylser and EADS. ... delay.html

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Re: New Dubai Default - No End in Sight? May 29, 2010
$1.2 Billion is not really a sizable amount for Dubai or the UAE.

It’s alarming when they need to ask for more time to repay such a relatively modest amount. You would think a sum of this size should not pose a big problem for the wealthy ruler of Dubai!!!

8) 8)
Tom Jones
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Re: New Dubai Default - No End In Sight? May 29, 2010
These companies are leveraged to the limit. As soon as their cashflow diminishes, they fail to service their massive debt liabilities and when a rating downgrade occurs...its end of the line for them. Unless brother Abu takes over the contingent liabilities and keeps the party going a little longer, without moving into a firesale of illiquid assets.

Debt is a biatch. Its like slavery.

Remarkable though, how they leveraged up and brought Dubai to collapse like this. Forget pride Emirati's, duty calls ;)
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Re: New Dubai Default - No End in Sight? May 29, 2010
So, there isn't light at the end of the tunnel?
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Re: New Dubai Default - No End In Sight? May 29, 2010
Perhaps there is, but somebody has to pay for it. ;) :D
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Re: New Dubai Default - No End in Sight? May 29, 2010
You want to say that someody has to pay $1.25bn for the light! :lol:
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Re: New Dubai Default - No End In Sight? May 29, 2010
Yes, or else...face the dungeon. Locked in a crater of debt. :D


ps: the lender is on top of the stairs and kicks you back down when you try to surface... 8)
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Re: New Dubai Default - No End In Sight? May 29, 2010
The CEO will just have to find a very rich man to marry. A low cut dress and a pair of high heels should do the trick, he might want to shave his legs though :idea: :idea: :blackeye: :blackeye: :lol:
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Re: New Dubai Default - No End in Sight? May 29, 2010
Despinaki wrote:You want to say that someody has to pay $1.25bn for the light! :lol:

They ran out of CEO's to blame for embezzlement.
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Re: New Dubai Default - No End in Sight? May 29, 2010
RobbyG wrote:In a short statement, the company said: "The extension period would allow the implementation of a consensual longer-term plan that would enable DIC to maximise the value of its business for the benefit of all its stakeholders."

lol..i loved this stmnt in particular.. :lol:
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Re: New Dubai Default - No End In Sight? May 29, 2010
LoL, textbook PR. :D
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Re: New Dubai Default - No End In Sight? May 29, 2010
Did you catch the memo to all UAE press from the Ministry of Good News where they pointed out very sternly that terms such as bankrupt and default were NOT to be used when talking about GRE's ? And that any such reference would be "dealt with" ...

Believe it or not - I should care as much - this is not the end either ! There is a list of quasi gov and private business lined up to "standstill" their debt :roll:

And for those with a long memory - I am still waiting for UAEKids Dubai Thought Police to come and arrest me, no wait there a bunch of people in black shirts and jackboots outside my office ..... NOOOOoooooooooooo

I did LMAO hearing the chairman of Dubai World tell the press that Europe could learn from Dubai ????

We have ... we will never ever lend to the camel traders ever again unless adequate security (preferably Treasuries/Bunds/Gilts) are place as security in the event of another standstill/bankruptcy/default

Later :lol:
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Re: New Dubai Default - No End in Sight? May 29, 2010
We have ... we will never ever lend to the camel traders ever again unless adequate security (preferably Treasuries/Bunds/Gilts) are place as security in the event of another standstill/bankruptcy/default

You are right..But I don't think Dubai's economic development/growth model was of an islamic origin, rather it was capitalist in all aspects..(We already know the fact that UAE is a colonised state, so no surprises)

It looks like what Dubai experienced was something similar to what Asians experienced 10 years prior..
• Another reason some have espoused as the cause of the crisis was the pressure from the U.S. Treasury Department for East Asia to open its economies to foreigners. These changes provoked a flood of capital —that is, the kind of capital that looks for the highest return in the next day, week, or month, as opposed to long-term investment in things such as factories. In Thailand, as an example this short-term capital helped fuel an unsustainable real estate boom. Just as suddenly as capital flowed in, it flowed out. And, when everybody tries to pull their money out at the same time, it causes an economic crisis. ... rs-on.html

The native population is a minority with 85% of Dubai’s population being composed of expatriates. For many, this would be considered a success story as Dubai has attracted the world to its tiny emirate, but in this apparent success lays the myth of economic development, which has now brought the desert empire to its knees.
Dubai has merely exploited limited natural resources and has been importing talent from abroad with little skills and knowledge-transfer to drive its economy. Dubai was always nothing more than a mirage in the desert; it's growth and survival was dependent upon the talent and expertise of foreign entities. It could only offer specialist services such as banking and finance as a means to guarantee it's future, along with tourism. As these sectors rely heavily on the goodwill and confidence of foreigners, if in any way this sentiment was affected, Dubai’s desert empire would crumble.

This is exactly what happened with the Global credit crunch. In order for financial companies to shore up their losses they have withdrawn their money from expensive and lavish projects. Service companies which relied on loans are now seeing this dry up as one bank after another either collapses or requires government bailouts. ... -bust.html

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Re: New Dubai Default - No End In Sight? May 29, 2010
For once I don't disagree with the opinion or sentiment from the above blog, global capital waves are well documented and from a lay perspective very easy to explain, money flows to the source of best return regardless of race, creed, culture or religion.

What was (is) unique with the Dubai experience is the total numbskulled, in your face, stupid, blind, PR driven, utter nonsense put forward by every mouthpiece for sale (and I include the global press in this critique) telling us that "it's all ok". Not even Thailand or Malaysia were that stupid back in '97

Whose yardstick are they using ? Spongebob Squarepants' ?
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Re: New Dubai Default - No End In Sight? May 29, 2010
^^^ :lol: No worse VW. Its an islamic mindset that copied the fallacious Keynesian economics used in the Western hemisphere. They thought the sky was the limit. Now they are grounded in sorrow. ;)
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Re: New Dubai Default - No End In Sight? May 29, 2010
... but surely Sukuks are divine by design,nature & theology ?

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Re: New Dubai Default - No End In Sight? May 29, 2010
^ :)

The problem is it is not magic - you still can't make a silk purse out of sow's ear, and if you borrow - you need to pay back!

With the sukuk though - the risk is primarily with the lender(s) - but fundamentals still apply. A fool and their money are soon parted applies to Muslim fools as well! ;)

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Re: New Dubai Default - No End In Sight? May 29, 2010
But of course. Don't you dare and try to touch their sacred Sukuk. :D

I rather have interest payments. At least the yield increases when principle goes down. Sukuk bonds must lose double these days. No interest payments AND loss of principle.

Slappp on your pecker. Start drilling oil again Dubai. OPEC would be crying since more supply will dominate market pricing lower. Russia has a shitload also waiting to flood the market and they are not bound by OPEC quota's. Price drop anyone? ;)

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Re: New Dubai Default - No End In Sight? May 29, 2010
Holy cow Robbie - please arrange an interview for the soon to be vacated Minister of Finance role, ^Shaf^ he sounds a little over qualified but give him a day or so and I am sure he can be dumbed down a tad.

Note, please keep him off the board of the local banks as there is not a good history of Min.Fins and banks

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Re: New Dubai Default - No End In Sight? May 29, 2010
Haha wonderful. You may correct me when i'm wrong. ;)
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Re: New Dubai Default - No End In Sight? May 29, 2010

Coming to an emirate near you ........ SOON


-- Sat May 29, 2010 8:31 pm --

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Re: New Dubai Default - No End In Sight? May 29, 2010
Whoehahahaha. Epic 'toon mate. LMAO. :lol:
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Re: New Dubai Default - No End in Sight? May 29, 2010
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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