New Born Baby

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New born baby Mar 05, 2012
Hi everyone.

I came up with this topic as I'm expecting a baby and really want everyone to share their experiences when they first hold their babies. Their first night with the baby. And and also when they found out that they're pregnant. I know finding out about this must have been so exiting. i will share my experience but would really appreciate if people come in and contribute. Its going to be my first baby I'm really excited yet nervous.
waiting for some amazing replies :)

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Re: New Born Baby Mar 05, 2012
Hi Lisa! It is Lisa I take it from your username?

Where do I start? What would you like to know? I had 3 completely different experiences with my daughters.
My eldest was born in Cyprus, her dad was in the army and we were posted there for 2 years. I'm trying to think back to when I found out I was pregnant, obviously it was about 7 months before I gave birth, but I can't remember how I found out. I was about 2 weeks overdue with the baby and one afternoon I went into labour with avengence. I had my first pain and then 10 minutes later, I had another one, from then on they came every 3 minutes. I told my husband that I was in labour and he insisted he had his tea before we went to the hospital. He made himself steak, chips and onions whilst I lay on the bed. :P
We finally got to the hospital and I was admitted. In those days ladies were given an enema, which was most unpleasant but did save you any embarrassment in the later stages of labour, if you get what I mean? :shock:
What really sticks in my mind about being in labour was my husbands breath, he stunk of onions. I'm not sure if that was why I was sick, but I was, all over the floor.
I hadn't (or I should say he hadn't) left anytime for pain relief so I gave birth totally aware of everything and not drugged up to the eyeballs. It took 6 hours from start to finish. I remember her being born and the midwife put her on my chest. She opened her eyes and looked at me and I recoiled in horror, I wanted a boy! There was no sudden rush of love like you read about in the books but she did grow on me :D She turned out to be a very lovely little girl who was the spitting double of her dad. Thankfully that was all she interited, his good looks.

--- Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:35 pm ---

I conceived my second daughter while we were still living in Cyprus and we moved to Germany when I was a couple of months pregnant. With all the moving bit and my other daughter, who was still a baby and the fact that it was winter in Germany and I couldn't drive, I never had the pregnancy confirmed. When I finally got round to seeing my doctor, I was about 36 weeks pregnant (I think). :D I never had a days illness with her. I went into labour and was rushed into a German hospital as the army one was about 2 hours drive. I was admitted and a couple of hours later all the pains stopped. The germans are a funny lot and they would not let me leave the hospital. I ended up being in that hospital for 2 weeks before they finally decided to induce her. I told my husband what time all this was going to happen but he was delayed on army business, or so he claimed, as he missed it all. I think he was put off the first time when I was sick on his shoes :D
She was the most beautiful baby, after I got over the shock of having another girl :P All that and I didn't speak a word of german. I did by the time I was discharged.

--- Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:48 pm ---

Beth is my youngest and she was born in England. She does not have the same father as my two eldest girls but is the double of them, even the one who looks like my ex husband, which is a bit worrying :drunken:
I didn't go into labour as such, but my waters broke when I coughed, the day before she was due. I told her dad about it but he didn't seem overly concerned and managed to get 8 hours sleep in (I can pick them, can't i?) I wasn't in labour, so I could see where he was coming from when he said there was no rush! She was born two days later. Unfortunately it was all very quick at the last minute and he missed the birth. I couldn't be bothered to wait for him :P
Beth is my favourite. I think I'm allowed to say that as she is quite a bit younger that her sisters and they had left home at this point. It's a standing joke that she is my favourite and is refered to as such :P by her sisters.
It wasn't a shock giving birth to another girl as I had prior warning with the wonders of modern technology.

Now I have to get back to work but if I can help you with anything else just ask!

Don't worry if you don't get that instant rush of love, it will come to you eventually. You will be very tired and things can look bleak if you're knackered but all will be well if it isn't initially.

Good luck and I hope everything goes without a hitch! If you can laugh your way through it, it will help.

Keep us posted Lisa!!!
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Re: New Born Baby Mar 05, 2012
It really is such an amazing feeling when you see your baby for the first time. It is super cool to meet the little person who has been with you for many months, and suddenly you can look into their eyes and see what family traits they have. I remember being a bit scared, thinking how much safer it felt having them on the inside and now they are out in the big bad world. One of my favourite things about my babies was cuddling them and smelling their heads. At least something smells good, considering the poop and spit-up to come :)

Everyone's reaction is different depending on their circumstances and frame of mind, so don't worry about how you "should" feel after seeing your baby. As BM experienced, she had to get over the feelings of disappointment over having a girl instead of a boy. Then there are some who had traumatic birth so they are tired and need time to process things. If you feel detached from your baby and depressed for weeks after your birth then you may have post-partum depression and you need to speak with your doctor. When I was pregnant with my 3rd the doctors in that office gave moms a questionnaire to fill out during different stages of the pregnancy after the birth to keep tabs on her emotional state to try to spot any depression. I thought that was a great idea. Anyhow, no matter how one feels after birth, there are support groups out there for others who are struggling with the same feelings. Always get out there and be with other moms and babies, don't struggle alone at home.

Exciting times ahead for you lisachee, I wish you all the best!
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Re: New Born Baby Mar 05, 2012
Bethsmum ,

yeah its Lisa. And your story is amazinggg specially the shocking part.

Will surely upload how i will feel after i will hold my baby. Right now her kicks are not letting me sleep at night :( I get more excited when it comes to shopping. Everything is so cutee.. And im glad its a girl, all boys clothes are so dry i mean they dont have any variety. So i've finally started shopping. They shall deliver the stroller and car seat this week. Will buy few apparels.

Im planning to buy breast pump as well.

--- Mar 05, 2012 ---

kanelli ,

my nephew is 6 months old so my sister say the same. When she heard his voice for the first time she said it was the happiest moment of her life.

Thank you so much for the best wishes. I really hope everthing goes well and another reason of online shopping is to keep my mind busy with that dont want to think about it much. I get really scared :(
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Re: New Born Baby Mar 05, 2012
lisachee wrote:Im planning to buy breast pump as well.

This is serious advice. Get the double electric breast pump. It's worth it.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: New Born Baby Mar 06, 2012
Good luck with baby; I wish all goes well and according to your expectations!!!
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Re: New Born Baby Mar 11, 2012
Flying Dutchman ,

Thank you for the advice. Actually I havent seen anyone using electric breast pump. All I see is the manual ones.

--- Mar 11, 2012 ---

Nucleus ,

Thank you so much!! Just pray everything goes well :)
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Re: New Born Baby Mar 19, 2012
hii need a little favor from you all. I'm looking for stroller. Which one should I go for. Im buying it online. Can anyone suggest me :)
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Re: New Born Baby Mar 19, 2012
Ask three parents, and you will get six opinions concerning strollers. It's a heated subject. We had the maxicosi, and I was not completely happy with it (not super user friendly). Also check how it fits in the car (there are different standards if I remember correctly), if you decide on a detachable one. There are several safety measures, and if I am not mistaken, Romer is the safest.
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Re: New Born Baby Mar 19, 2012
A Phil and Ted's may be a good idea, especially if you plan to add to the family fairly soon after the first. It has a doubles kit that you can buy to fit two children in the stroller. Easy to push on sand and uneven sidewalks.
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Re: New Born Baby Mar 20, 2012
How are you doing Lisa? Is it warm in Dubai and are you feeling the heat? And most importantly, are your ankles swollen? I do hope not!

I can't give you any advice on strollers, we call them baby buggies where I come from. I only know that I don't like those with 3 wheels.
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Re: New Born Baby Mar 21, 2012
Hi Lisa,

Good luck! My prayers with you. Have a safe and effortless delivery!

Congrats in advance...


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Re: New Born Baby Mar 22, 2012
Cherryni wrote:I love baby, but afraid of giving birth, paradox

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It is just something you have to go through, and personally I didn't find it that bad. Believe me, after 9 months of pregnancy you'd be excited to finally give birth. :lol: Loving children and wanting to be a parent is the important part - the birth is a small physical part considering the tough job of parenting for life.
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Re: New Born Baby Mar 22, 2012
The funny thing is that you actually never recall the "pain" of giving birth. You can remember the pain better when you look at a scar on your knee or hand from a serious cut.
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Re: New Born Baby Mar 22, 2012
Bora Bora wrote:The funny thing is that you actually never recall the "pain" of giving birth. You can remember the pain better when you look at a scar on your knee or hand from a serious cut.

So true, you are full of endorphins after and excited to hold the baby. There is some pain for days after, as everything needs to heal, but you forget about it eventually. It is a physical experience, much like how an athlete who runs a marathon deals with the pain during the race and then has some days of recovery afterwards.
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Re: New Born Baby Apr 02, 2012
Cherryni ,

Felt the same way before I had my first pregnancy.. I think most women feel that way at first but when the baby is already there, you'll surely say, every piece of labor/hurt is all worth it. :)

To Lisa, good luck and wishing you a safe delivery and good health for you and your baby.
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