Thankfully I don't have any neighbours and as I sit writing this and look out of the window, all I can see is a few sheep. I seem to get on ok with them.
I haven't always been this lucky, as in Germany we lived in blocks of flats, many of which resembled Beruit on a bad day. Even then I seemed to get on with my neighbours, save the odd few words about noise. We used to get over that by inviting all the neighbours to our parties.

I always found it a bit off putting listening to someone elses headboard banging off their bedroom wall

I can't say I've had that many problems in JBR. I don't have any immediate neighbours, the flats always seen unoccupied. There are a few people who are a bit inconsiderate with their rubbish but I have explained my problem and they seem to have come round to the BM way of thinking and actually put it down the chute now instead of chucking it on the floor for the maintenance man to shift.
I'm not keen on kids riding their bikes inside either but if you give them the evil eye they usually leg it. Our tower only consists of small flats so not too many problems along the child line, thankfully.
My sister visited me over the weekend. She lives on a housing estate and can't stand her neighbours on either side. I'm not sure if it's her or the neighbours, to be honest. She has built a high fence around her garden which sounds a bit like Colditz to me.
I always think things can get really fractious living in apartments as you are so close to the neighbours.
So...have you had trouble with 'the neighbours'? The odd screaming match? Have you sorted your differences amicably or have you had to move house?