I Need A New Phone...

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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
The phone is secondary, the man first needs to invest in one of these neck straps


which would enable the errant lil school boy to put his phone on a leash like this,


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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
Dillon wrote:Careful, "The Special One" has just thrown her toys out of the pram in 'Everything You Think You Know About Iran Is Wrong!!??' she doesn't like being lectured y'know? :lol:

hey if u and ur friend end up ripped off in the end, do not start moaning, lectures and complaints!

Because u started it!
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
Truth hurts eeh? :lol:
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
Dillon wrote:Careful, "The Special One" has just thrown her toys out of the pram in 'Everything You Think You Know About Iran Is Wrong!!??' she doesn't like being lectured y'know? :lol:

The truth, painful is it? :lol:
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
hehe the last person who can cause me pain is u, rabbit!

I dont care abt ur language towards me, but I surely dont like lectures, well although u could not get it till I rubbed it in ur face!
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
melika969 wrote:hehe the last person who can cause me pain is u, rabbit!

I dont care abt ur language towards me, but I surely dont like lectures, well although u could not get it till I rubbed it in ur face!

The last thing on my mind is to cause pain of any description to anyone, perhaps a little humility though wouldn't go amiss, but I wouldn't expect you to undersatand that either!

And please rest assured, I'm not in the least offended as I don't feel I've had anything rubbed in my face? :lol:
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Re: I Need A New Phone... Sep 16, 2010
hehehehehe, So this is what u call humor? lol, too much double standards I must say!

"Newbie" can be offensive but "speical one" and " Throwin her toys out" is humor? oh oh, was minx humor too? :lol: :lol:

Give it a rest, seriously!
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
Now back to our regular programming,

Does anyone wear one of those straps? Surely not.
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
Ambassador wrote:Now back to our regular programming,

Does anyone wear one of those straps? Surely not.

If they were in pink, some might consider wearing it! :lol:

but the producer forgot the pink! 8)
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Re: I Need A New Phone... Sep 16, 2010
melika969 wrote:hehehehehe, So this is what u call humor? lol, too much double standards I must say!

"Newbie" can be offensive but "speical one" and " Throwin her toys out" is humor? oh oh, was minx humor too? :lol: :lol:

Give it a rest, seriously!

Well Mel, perhaps we both need to give it a rest?, ‘special one’ was derogatory, ‘Throwing her toys out of the pram’ was factual, and ‘minx’ was perceived, but, I’ll tell you what Mel, here’s a deal! if you promise to keep all your future posts relevant to the subject, and not the Author, so will I, so what do you think? I’m offering you my hand in friendship, will you accept? Or consign our online exchanges to the dark and troubled fields of constant conflict? I hope the earlier! (I looked for a sincere smilie but couldn't find one :) )
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010

How about those phone straps?

I promise I'll let you use the phone sans strap so you can "fight"...
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
LOLOL Ambassador, yes people wear those straps, and the Men's are Cinammon not pink! :shock:
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
melika969 wrote:
Ambassador wrote:Now back to our regular programming,

Does anyone wear one of those straps? Surely not.

If they were in pink, some might consider wearing it! :lol:

but the producer forgot the pink! 8)

Ambssador, this was ur answer! :lol: :wink:

-- Thu Sep 16, 2010 5:59 pm --

Dillon wrote:
melika969 wrote:hehehehehe, So this is what u call humor? lol, too much double standards I must say!

"Newbie" can be offensive but "speical one" and " Throwin her toys out" is humor? oh oh, was minx humor too? :lol: :lol:

Give it a rest, seriously!

Well Mel, perhaps we both need to give it a rest?, ‘special one’ was derogatory, ‘Throwing her toys out of the pram’ was factual, and ‘minx’ was perceived, but, I’ll tell you what Mel, here’s a deal! if you promise to keep all your future posts relevant to the subject, and not the Author, so will I, so what do you think? I’m offering you my hand in friendship, will you accept? Or consign our online exchanges to the dark and troubled fields of constant conflict? I hope the earlier! (I looked for a sincere smilie but couldn't find one :) )

Ok, fine, we can be friends(me and you,), but if u attack my other friends in any way, then I ll have to give u the proper reply!
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
melika969 wrote:Ok, fine, we can be friends(me and you,), but if u attack my other friends in any way, then I ll have to give u the proper reply!

No but if's, no conditions, as the forum rules, comment on the subject NOT the Author! :)
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Re: I Need A New Phone... Sep 16, 2010
I repsect the rules, that s a requirement for a MOD!

but if someone is going to pick on me or my friends then i have to reply!
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Re: I Need A New Phone... Sep 16, 2010
Hey Mel, how are you today, seem to be a little under pressure, no problem relax and have a couple.

Back to the subject whaich Mobile would you recomend?
sage & onion
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
Hey Sage, I m great thanks, just looking forward to weekend dinner and Shisha! :mrgreen:
no worries abt the pressure! It s all under control!

About the Mobile, well Im not a technology person at all! I tend to stick to my old gadgets, but I have a cousin who is a technology freak and he always makes me to change my mobiles or to get an ipod!

I have one Nokia Xpress music for more than 2 years now and am pretty happy with it! I dropped my phone several times and almost everyday, but this one is really cool after all the damages! :D
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
Dillon wrote:LOLOL Ambassador, yes people wear those straps, and the Men's are Cinammon not pink! :shock:

I think there might be a market for those things :idea:
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
Dillon wrote:
melika969 wrote:Ok, fine, we can be friends(me and you,), but if u attack my other friends in any way, then I ll have to give u the proper reply!

No but if's, no conditions, as the forum rules, comment on the subject NOT the Author! :)

This isn't about supporting friends that are prepared to hide behind your skirts Mel, one last chance? :)
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
Dillon wrote:
Dillon wrote:
melika969 wrote:Ok, fine, we can be friends(me and you,), but if u attack my other friends in any way, then I ll have to give u the proper reply!

No but if's, no conditions, as the forum rules, comment on the subject NOT the Author! :)

This isn't about supporting friends that are prepared to hide behind your skirts Mel, one last chance? :)

Dillon, your getting boring, relax and let Mel enjoy her weekend.
sage & onion
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Re: I Need A New Phone... Sep 16, 2010
melika969 wrote:I repsect the rules, that s a requirement for a MOD!

but if someone is going to pick on me or my friends then i have to reply!

on the other hand you could just keep your thoughts to yourself regarding "your friends". You dont "have to" reply "you choose to reply/"
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
sage & onion wrote:Dillon, your getting boring, relax and let Mel enjoy her weekend.

Mel is an adult and has the same choices as everyone else, if you don't like what you read scroll past it!
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
sage & onion
Dillon, your getting boring, relax and let Mel enjoy her weekend.[/quote]

Oh dear, I see my English lesson fell on deaf ears. The word is you're and not your. BTW Dillon boring? LOL. I think mel needs to calm down, the more agitated she becomes the more incoherant her posts are, she will have a coronary at this rate. Maybe someone would like to explain to her that she won't get very good reception on an ipod! I couldn't possibly volunteer this advice, she may just blow her last gasket rather than take asvice from a retard, after all she is a moderator! I'm very impressed!

-- Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:26 pm --

[quote="melika969 wrote:
Dillon wrote::shock:

What are u on about?

Bethsmum wrote:I beg your pardon Mel but I am not flirting with you! My affections lie elsewhere I'll have you know! BM is not for spreading it about!

:lol: :lol: I was not talking abt flirting with me!
oh and for ur affections, keep it private please, nobody is interested here!

Mel is it true that when you were born the midwife slapped your mother?

-- Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:33 pm --

sage & onion wrote:Dillon, your getting boring, relax and let Mel enjoy her weekend.

There we go again with our English bobos. Sagey are you American? The word is you're (you are) not your. Dillon's what is boring? Your is a possessive word. I can assure you that Dillon is not boring. Now that will give Mel something to think about over the weekend won't it, because she won't be making many calls on her ipod!
Hey, and me a retard! I've impressed myself there! Well impressed. :bounce:
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
Now we have a new Engrish teacher on the forum, this should be fun. :lol:
sage & onion
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 16, 2010
Not an English teacher Sagey, this is just basic basic English taught in most primary schools. Note I said most.
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 17, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:Not an English teacher Sagey, this is just basic basic English taught in most primary schools. Note I said most.

I have not been to one of them in a while.
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 17, 2010
So I'm told. It''s no excuse for standards to slip though.

-- Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:21 am --

melika969 wrote:Hey Sage, I m great thanks, just looking forward to weekend dinner and Shisha! :mrgreen:
no worries abt the pressure! It s all under control!

About the Mobile, well Im not a technology person at all! I tend to stick to my old gadgets, but I have a cousin who is a technology freak and he always makes me to change my mobiles or to get an ipod!

I have one Nokia Xpress music for more than 2 years now and am pretty happy with it! I dropped my phone several times and almost everyday, but this one is really cool after all the damages! :D

Mel, it's terribly common for a lady to smoke. Just think of your skin in your advancing years! You will get those horrid lines around your mouth, most unattractive. Where as I am in remarkable fine fettle for a 107 year old lady! Another word of advice, don't let any freak make you do anything, you have rights, just remember that. :bounce:
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Re: I Need A New Phone... Sep 17, 2010
PFFFF! I dont think I ever gathered so much attention in the forums! :lol: :lol:

It s boring to go trough all of it, So I m just gonna say, move on people! Well well I know u cant BM, so u should just keep on ur show of stupidity and ignorance! u are a bunch of good laugh for us I must say!

-- Fri Sep 17, 2010 12:48 am --

arniegang wrote:
melika969 wrote:I repsect the rules, that s a requirement for a MOD!

but if someone is going to pick on me or my friends then i have to reply!

on the other hand you could just keep your thoughts to yourself regarding "your friends". You dont "have to" reply "you choose to reply/"

Yes I m aware of that!!!

-- Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:13 am --

sage & onion wrote:
Dillon wrote:
Dillon wrote:
No but if's, no conditions, as the forum rules, comment on the subject NOT the Author! :)

This isn't about supporting friends that are prepared to hide behind your skirts Mel, one last chance? :)

Dillon, your getting boring, relax and let Mel enjoy her weekend.

You are a sweet heart Sage! :love2:

-- Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:26 am --

This isn't about supporting friends that are prepared to hide behind your skirts Mel, one last chance?

But but but u and ur other friend tend to, pick on people, attack everybody even smilies and using below belt insults! So u can not ask me to stay on topic as long as u have no control on ur attitude!

Again, u started it! I had nothing to do with this thread, u dragged me in!
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Re: I need a new phone... Sep 17, 2010
Mel, I'm so pleased I have provided you with some entertainment, as you have done with me. I would just like to remind you though, twas you who started all of this back in the early days. Far be it for me to say that you and your lot should learn a lesson, what goes around , comes around. You may like to ponder that while you are trying to get a signal on your ipod. :bounce:
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