desertdudeshj wrote:RobbyG wrote:My faith lies with the Big Bang theory which is 90 percent verifiable to date. 10 percent of the scientific knowledge is yet to be found in order to explain our existance
You do no this was mentioned in the Quran way before any the moderen day scienctist knew about it.
Well, no I don't know the Quran mentioned that. But there a reason for that. Simply because there are so many different versions of the Quran written these days, that everyone (at least some one did one day whether he was right or not) could have written it. Its the same with the Bible. Who says what's written is true? My great great great great grandpa (respect) didn't know what we know today!? Did he?
desertdudeshj wrote:[Regarding the Bomb. Its kinda Ironic how the US is so tight assed about other possesing it and casuing genocide about this issue, when seeing that they were the only ones to ever actually use this horrible WMD not once but twice. If trying to wipe out an entire city not once but twice is not genocide then I dunno what is !
I know its sounds ironic. the US can throw a bomb and you (name a state) not. But its really about a learning curve. The US admits it made a huge mistake, but it did end a World War II as the Japanese AND United States got scared bigtime, logically. Fifty years down the road and Japan still have misformed children and severe physical disabilities. Why did you think Japan didn't had an army for decades after they gave up in WWII. War is your worst nightmare and only results in more and more grief and damage. Bombs get bigger and bigger to win!
ps: Both bombs were thrown right after eachother and consequences follow for decades afterwards, next to total destruction of everything in direct contact with the bomb's outwash.
RobbyG wrote:Live your life in peace and democracy. Freedom of choice and speech. No cover ups, no nothing. Men and Woman equally strong in every part of life.
Isn't this what every one eventually strives for. To be left alone and live in peace.[/quote]
The world get more crowdy everyday and one day we have to shake hands bordering eachother. Have you seen growth figures of 1.3 billion Chinese and 1 billion Indians that reproduce like puppies!?

We better get acquainted now, before we all kill eachother when ends meet. Lets get rid of bombs and bad behaviour and be constructive in trade. The world's demographics look frightening and with rising gets even more crowdy in 50 years from now!!
Don't go in denial please. WE NEED EACHOTHER. Or you must move to outer space earlier than I go