His two sons have followed in his footsteps.
He trained a lot of Arabs from Qatar and Bahrain and amused the whole family with more of his tales.
We got talking about gays.
One of my family has just discovered they are pregnant. I was telling my Uncle that this person was most concerned about their unborn child. It had been conceived whilst the mother was taking the contraceptive pill. The expectant mother was concerned that because she had a high level of hormones in her body at the time of conception, the baby may be born 'gay'.
My Uncle said it was nature against nurture.
I have 3 gay cousins. (My dad swears it's not from his side). My Uncle reckons that the mothers of these cousins were cold. There was no cuddling of the children when they were little and it's his theory that this is what caused them to be gay. He has also watched a programme recently which looked at identical twins seperated at birth which supported his theory that it's how the child is raised rather than genetics. (I'm pleased I read this back as I had written 'generics' there

So...is it nature or nurture?