MAC wrote:here is my take
english = bunch of wannabe chavs who could not get hired in england if their life depended on it
scotish = fcking drunks no one understands
welsh = too much inbreeding
irish = a bit confused but fun
australians = those fckers never stop having fun
americans = nice, and I am glad they are here
indians = why the fcuck do they have to travel in packs from greatgrandmother to 1 year old child just to go and buy milk at the grocery store!
Paksitanies = see above
Bangladeshi = see above and above
sri lankan = see above and above and above
mauritians = confused
filipinos = getting screwed
east europeans = crooks
europeans = having the life of your time - english not = europeans
blacks = fcked all over dubai not different
thai, chinese = same difference just ask the japanese
latin americans = what the hell are you doing here
arabs = enjoy while it lasts - americans will be taking over
me = me
Wow... it's been a while since I've seen such incoherent racial discrimination from a self-righteous undereducated boy in learning.
Tropic23 wrote:I`m sure he is from India.
Hmm... I doubt it. Though he still could be.
MAC wrote:
i'm sure you are a fcking moron
Try to avoid labeling people with the names that you are your self please.
Dr.Angel wrote:chill...why r u so frustrated ?? be proud of whatever u r mac.

im an indian...even if u consider we indians as big time loosers or whatever...still im not gona shy away from the fact that im an indian!
He really sounds like some kid going through puberty... all the stress and confusion getting to him. If he's ashamed of admitting his race, then it shows just how mentally impaired he is.
MAC wrote:
muslims and jews identify first with their faith and only if you push them too far do they identify with their enticithy.
ask a german/polish/french/american jew what he is and he will tell you: jewish.
ask a catholic american/iris/latin american/german christian what he is and he will tell you; american, irsihs, latin american, german, etc.
ask a muslim from UAE, India, Pakistan, etc and he will say: confused

Well these are some deplorable generalizations. Do people still really think of each religion as a one mind, one heart troupe?
It's sad to see how badly educated kids are today.