To Much Hate And I'm Quitting …

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Re: To much hate and I'm quitting … Oct 10, 2010
desertdudeshj wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:Chocs you can't really mean what you said about Symm and Uaekid? That they are both local and therefore the same? Sorry, but that's just plain daft. You can't lump everyone together because of their nationality, that's like saying you and me have the same opinion because we are British.
I must admit i was surprised at Sym's story about the origins of the Lootah clan, but it's not outside the realms of possibility. Lootah isn't your standard Arabic name. Where ever they came from they look totally Arabic to me, and no trace of the Pakistani roots. I know one of the Mr Lootahs very well indeed and will ask him when I see him. I won't text him as he will want to know why I am asking and it is too much to explain this forum to him and besides he won't appreciate his family name being discussed on an internet forum, they are mega private people.

@Drew, no they weren't the same people doing the rounds after Hurricane Katrina

Doesn't seem right comming from someone who themselves hugley biased views....Pot kettle black, perhaps ?

What are you talking about? Yes I do have some strong views, you are probably harping back to the Jewish posts. It is you that insisted you weren't biased but clearly were when I am quite clear about what I say. To say that two people should be treated as idiots because they are both Emirati is not right in my book. You obviously have a problem with the locals, I don't.

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Re: To much hate and I'm quitting … Oct 10, 2010
Its kind of difficult to really pin down the origins of many local families here apart from those that are directly descended from the original associated Bani Yas tribes who officially first settled the region, and these tend to be part of or linked to the ruling families. The Al Nahyan family themselves were originally members of the Al Bu Falah tribe.

There has been so much trade and intermingling of families and blood for many centuries with influence from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Iran, Pakistan and India that almost every local family can trace back some part of its geneaology to one or other of these countries.

For a local to truly claim he is local, it is measured in recent generations only.

8) 8) 8)

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Re: To Much Hate And I'm Quitting … Oct 10, 2010
Sym, thank you for that info. I did a little research and will continue to do more.

Having read a couple of books on Dubai which gave history, I think origins are just as interesting,
Bora Bora
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Re: To Much Hate And I'm Quitting … Oct 10, 2010
Bora Bora wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:uh..that was actually sym and not kid :D

Both Local so, same same, no different!

I think you need to re-read the post. It was an example that Lootah was Pakistani, given citizenship and was granted to them in spite of them not being Arab. Yes both local, but that wasn't the point.

I'm not sure I am following you bora. you are saying they are Pakistani or Persians ?

Bora bora,
You have given a perfect example of such people who were granted UAE nationality, but not being Arabs,I doubt that, for one reason is the names you have given are Emarities and not Pakistani or Persians and the use of bin ... is also another one , however, lets not get mistaken bcz there are 3 Lootah families ,in writing it looks the same but pronounces differently . now lootah is a gradfather name more than it is a trip name and that’s why you mentioned Alhumari ,Almuhari is the family name.but many tripes lost the family names bcz they were referd to by their gradfather if he was famous , just like DALMOOK family in Dubai is actually from Almuktoom family
But if we are talking about the same lootah ,as you also have mentioned came from Liwa, now liwa is the oldest area of Abudhabi region were ALnhyan and almuktoom decent from known as Alfalasi family ,in any how lootah decent from 5 of the purest native families who lived the area .

Anyway what matters here is the important fact that yes there were lots of families who were granted UAE nationalities ,when the UAE passports came in 70s but were granted to such families from a Persian descending as a thanks from Shack Zaied for their contribution to the poor ppl at the time, many were traders who did not differentiate themselves from the rest, adopted to the community in all its aspects and reached their hands to needy’s when was most wanted before the discovery of oil, they built homes , small clinics and knocked on ppl doors to pass the rice and dates to feed their families and also carried out government missions with the old shacks bcz they were educated. There wives also helped in teaching and other communities duties .

Others like Alboloshi families were also granted passports bcz they contributed in fighting wars against European settlers ,Omanis and Saudis .

Nationalities at the time were granted for those reasons and not for just living here.

-- Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:39 pm --

Bora Bora wrote:Sym, thank you for that info. I did a little research and will continue to do more.

Having read a couple of books on Dubai which gave history, I think origins are just as interesting,

don't go that deep :lol: you will discover that historically we came from Yemen ,after the break down of dam.
so lets keep it in the down low :wink:
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Re: To much hate and I'm quitting … Oct 10, 2010
Bethsmum wrote:I won't text him as he will want to know why I am asking and it is too much to explain this forum to him and besides he won't appreciate his family name being discussed on an internet forum, they are mega private people.

I agree with Bethsmum and I still strongly don't appreciate his family name being discussed here, as it seems you have no other things to talk - in other words, do not have a life! Seriously you are grown-ups, please do know what you can and cannot talk about! There are so many things that can be discussed out there! Please have a respect and just talk about something else!!!!!!!

oh... Did i say respect?... Upps! I'm being such an idiot..... what respect in this forum???.....
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Re: To Much Hate And I'm Quitting … Oct 10, 2010
Dilara, discussing history and family names among Emaratis and other GCC people is something normal.
Nothing disrespectful about it, and in fact its considered a science, Genealogy.

There are a number of famous online forums that ONLY discuss family names and its history.

However, I hear you and totally understand your good intentions =)

-- Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:39 am --

Bora Bora wrote:Sym, thank you for that info. I did a little research and will continue to do more.

Having read a couple of books on Dubai which gave history, I think origins are just as interesting,

It is interesting indeed!

Some other backgrounds that you'll find among locals come from East Africa, North Western Iran, there are even two local Chinese families in Sharjah (one of them used to teach me at college). :mrgreen:

P.S: I wouldn't recommend buying/reading those good looking history books of Dubai they sell in Magrudy's or Boarders, its only praises and mention couple of famous Arab families here, and ignoring the rest. A number of good history books were taken away from the libraries (sadly), it was too disappointing that some people (authorities) want to hide some facts from others.

Back in university, we had a course called "UAE Society", one main portion of it was spotlighing on the different group of families here, and I was totaly upset when they chose to only summarize the existance of local Persians, local Africans and Balochi people as the following "..there were also some non-Arab elements that existed within the society and melted in the Arab community". That was so disappointing : (
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Re: To Much Hate And I'm Quitting … Oct 11, 2010
symmetric wrote: There are a number of famous online forums that ONLY discuss family names and its history.

Well is this forum one of them?... I don't think so...... The thing is, this forum topic went way beyond the concept, which I really don't appreciate... I just hope that you understand my point/concern!....

and plus, sorry if i have been very rude, I'm just going through a bad phase nowadays.. Well I'm done with this topic, think I'll go back talking about how much I hate Justin Bieber! hahaha
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Re: To Much Hate And I'm Quitting … Oct 11, 2010
dilara wrote:
symmetric wrote: There are a number of famous online forums that ONLY discuss family names and its history.

Well is this forum one of them?... I don't think so...... The thing is, this forum topic went way beyond the concept, which I really don't appreciate... I just hope that you understand my point/concern!....

IMO, there is nothing offensive about this discussion. While discussing the origins of those mentioned, there is no disrepect shown. The people mentioned are not ashamed of their heritage, and the fact that it is documented and known, what is the issue? It is, in fact, a healthy discussion. You see, expats are not privvy to the discussions that locals have about the heritage of either themselves or others, nor do many people take the time to learn about UAE heritage. Much has to do with the separation of locals and expats. Fortunately I have several local friends. :)

Lighten up. Read and learn. There have been many posts in the past that were not "appreciated" by some and there will be more in the future. If something is posted that you don't appreciate, the solution to that is - ignore the thread.
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Re: To Much Hate And I'm Quitting … Oct 11, 2010
I know the family well... Anyways, yes I'll be ignoring the thread, no worries! Enjoy your time doing whatever you wish to do... One way or another people will be talking/discussing more.. Since human beings have a mouth, they will keep on talking... But in contrast here, as long as they have fingers they will be typing more ;) :D hehehhhe

ps. Those two ears to hear clearly or two eyes to see clearly doesn't really mean that they are enough to understand.. perceiving isn't understanding right? :)

Anywho... ciao ;)
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Re: To Much Hate And I'm Quitting … Oct 11, 2010
dilara wrote:I know the family well... Anyways, yes I'll be ignoring the thread, no worries! Enjoy your time doing whatever you wish to do... One way or another people will be talking/discussing more.. Since human beings have a mouth, they will keep on talking... But in contrast here, as long as they have fingers they will be typing more ;) :D hehehhhe

ps. Those two ears to hear clearly or two eyes to see clearly doesn't really mean that they are enough to understand.. perceiving isn't understanding right? :)

Anywho... ciao ;)

It seems everyone knows someone in this town. :lol: What perceptions (which can be either correct or incorrect) are you referring to? One can either confirm or correct their perceptions if they took some time to learn - using their ears to listen where others may have more knowledge and their eyes to read.

Kid and Sym have something very interesting to contribute on heritage and, being locals, they can enlighten us, as well as clear up some of your perceptions.
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