When Emaratis visit the UK or the US, they can stay up to 6 months per visit. If they want to stay longer for pressing reasons, such as medical reasons, they can get a free extension. Or they can leave to any neighboring country, return back on the same day, and get another 6 months stay.
But when the Britons and Americans visit Dubai, they can stay only up to 30 days per visit, and they have to leave. And cannot return back for 30 days.
The irony is UAE visitors to the UK or the US constitute a
very tiny fraction of their overall number of visitors. As such, the UK or US could care less if UAE visitors stopped coming to their shores. However, the Brits, for example, come in droves to Dubai every year, and the local economy depends on the Brits visitors to a large degree.
So, you would think the UAE, esp. in these hard times, would want to entice more visitors to come, and stay as long as possible, in order to help the local economy -- instead of the other way around.