Dubai World Unit Loses Control of W Union Square (Update1)
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By Nadja Brandt and Jonathan Keehner
Dec. 8 (Bloomberg) -- Dubai World’s Istithmar lost control the W New York Union Square hotel in a foreclosure auction today.
LEM Capital won an auction for some of the debt backed by the luxury Manhattan property purchased by Istithmar in 2006. LEM bid $2 million for the debt. The results were announced at the auction in Manhattan today.
“We are pleased to have completed this step to assume ownership of the W New York Union Square,” the acquirers said in a statement. “Despite the recent downturn of the hotel industry, and the defaults that led to today’s foreclosure auction, we are optimistic about the future. Our intention is to ensure a seamless transition of ownership.”
Dubai World’s Istithmar unit paid $285 million for the W Union Square. State-owned Dubai World is seeking a “standstill” agreement with lenders as it attempts to restructure $26 billion of debt.
Lenders have poured more than $100 billion into Dubai, at least $34 billion of which went to Dubai World, according the Moody’s Investors Service. Dubai World said on Nov. 30 said it is considering selling off assets as part of a restructuring.
Luxury hotels have been hurt by a decline in business and leisure travel during the recession. A drop in room rates at the W Union Square, named by Conde Nast Traveler as one of the world’s top 500 hotels in 2005, has cut its net cash flow, according to data compiled by credit-rating company Realpoint LLC.
“As Istithmar World has demonstrated repeatedly throughout the financial crisis, we have stood by the investments in our portfolio,” Istithmar spokesman Abdelaziz Al Mazam said Nov. 18 in response to questions about debt on the W Union Square. “As signs have begun that the global economy is recovering, we expect to continue to do so with increased confidence.”
Well there ya go, one less asset to borrow against. The thing is that this is just the start, once the first thread is pulled the rest will unravel faster than a pair of crocheted underpants in a spin dryer.
I await with interest how the deaf dumb blind dubai lovers will put a positive spin on this, ......... over to you sage