OOOhhh Arnie, am I to reveal here that you are the fourth amigo? Why, you tell me you were a frequent poster on JBRcommunity although you never did reveal your username. Why so? Are you ashamed of what you posted or what? Why are you slagging of JBR? Did you rent there but had to leave? Did you never live there but just posted anyway?
Only frequented by people interested in their service charges? That'll be you then.
BM is proud of her time on JBRcommunity. You aren't so, obviously.
-- Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:31 pm --
melika969 wrote:oh btw, who is my lover???
See MCL, you got demoted!!!
-- Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:36 pm --
Bethsmum wrote:It's my pleasure DDS, I knew you would be following me! I particularly made an attempt to get everyone in who I would get a reaction from. Didn't I do well? LOL

yea rriiiighhhhtttt!!!!!
Mel, I'm going to be gentle with you here. Are you insinuating by the 'yea right' that BM didn't realise her post would be reposted here?
Can I point out my bit in the original post where I said BM was being watched LOL. This is a hint as big as a dustbin lid that I knew this would happen.
Oh dear..........
-- Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:34 pm --
sage & onion wrote:melika969 wrote:Bora, those are the links that she posted in THEIR forum to enlighten the whole JBR club!

You mean she posted that nonsense on the Concrete Jungle chat site, well, well Big Mama really has nothing to do with her time, I had to laugh about the refence to Tico, having met up with both of you on deifferent occasions it would be a most unlikely liaison.
Sagey, sagey, sagey (as BM would say to her horse) why the long face? There really is no need to appear as dull as dish water when you can get help. Make an appointment and go along to your doctor and get some HRT. This really will help you recover your sense of fun. And when you're feeling particularly dull, double up on the dose.