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Poetry Nov 29, 2024

I have no time for you,
busy as always, I don’t lie,
we will catch up on everything
when I visit you in Dubai.

There is plenty to talk about,
all we missed back and forth,
I am sure, without doubt,
we will have a week of warmth!

I think always about you
but I find no time to say hi,
I will make up for everything
you just prepare the supply.

I don’t need a special treatment,
a tea in Burj Al Arab will be enough,
but it will be your own achievement
if you buy me some luxury stuff.

Take me to all posh places
where I will take selfies and post,
my followers will give me praises,
no worry, I will never mention a host.

And after I leave you for good,
you will be free with no obligations,
I will pay you few hundred dirhams
we had a bussines after all, not a relation.

--- Fri Nov 29, 2024 3:01 pm ---



More! I want more!
Give me! Increase!
I will take it by force.
Add to it! Exceed!
Enlarge my source!

Give what you have!
I don’t mind at all.
Lottery? Bribery?
Bring it in! Fraud?
Baby, I want it all!

Shrink that product!
Steal if you have to.
Lie! Prank and go!
Corruption? Deception?
Cheat on them bro!

Make no Scandal!
Take most and thrive.
Leave crumbs, thou!
I can take more
after they survive!

Dubai forums Addict
Posts: 264

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Re: Poetry 97 days ago

Seventeen years ago to Jumeirah I came,
now celebrating my eighteenth Union Day.
Exactly across the street of my first home,
It is the birthplace of the UAE Union.

Near the big flag - it was easy to explain,
I rode a bike on the road before there was a lane.
Singing and riding ‘without hands’ was my way,
To Jumeirah Beach and back all the day.

I learnt to drive a car in a back street,
there was no police in the midst of the heat.
With the car came a national songs CD,
I tortured neighbours with sound and speed.

The Grand mosque was near enough to me,
praying fajr there was not a big deal.
And near was a beautiful masjid but small,
Right next to is a posh private Qur’an school.

We had to leave dearest Jumeirah for good,
as my children needed to start their school.
Cheap and cheaper were our only choices,
Discounts then were not fifty three percentages.

If I do live to two thousand seventy one,
and avail one hundred percentage discount fun,
a villa in Jumeirah would be a hit,
but a grave with a view will be more fit.

Happy Union Day to you all my dear friends,
I wish that our happiness and health never ends,
and more of good I pray for us from God,
as well as the protection from all evil in the world!

Dubai forums Addict
Posts: 264

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Re: Poetry 94 days ago

“The believers are but brothers…”
The All-Wise God in Qur’an claims,
He orders us to unite with others,
to clean our souls, in His Name!

What change can make us one?
We are different in blood and race!
A spiritual DNA test will be done,
genuine results we must embrace!

Do you believe in Allah’s words?
That is the test, the only one!
Either you treat believers as brothers,
or with Islam you are done!

Let’s repent to Allah together,
and start to act as if we care.
Deeds will be remembered forever,
for Judgement Day we must prepare!

O Allah Almighty, we do regret,
for misjudgment and looking away,
Please our Lord; have mercy and forget,
for Your guidance we now pray!

Dubai forums Addict
Posts: 264

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Re: Poetry 76 days ago

When I put on hijab I was seventeen,

My family did not support nor agree.

Yet who asks for permissions as a teen?

We decide on our own as we are free.

They stopped inviting, not visiting at all,

As a student I lived solo in a rented room.

Still my aunt decided anon to break a wall,

what clothes to gift, she could not presume.

She called the family and asked for advice,

wears a tent on a head - mockingly they replied,

a waterproof fabric she bought, asking no price,

She supported my choices and took my side.

During her visit we rejoiced and laughed,

a thoughtful gift brought a jolly frame of mind;

a waterproof tablecloth for art and craft,

I love my aunty, she has always been so kind.

Later she bought me a scarf made of silk,

a fabrics of satin and plush velvet for a skirt,

A new princess in a town - you would think,

The entire family accepted me in a blink.


--- Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:35 pm ---


Recently I got an allergy on manipulation,
symptoms are zero tolerance and repulsion.
From naive to resistant; I evolved over time,
Intention to use me is considered a crime!
You thought to outsmart me, that was a plan,
Although I saw through you before you began.

You got to know my nature as a giver forever,
asked if I am local, thinking that you are clever.
Yes, my name is Emirati, so far a Bosnian heart,
I would not persist if I were you, stop, be smart!
When I get furious; with anger arises a danger,
from a lovely patient friend I turn into a stranger.

Too many takers I encountered through life,
they abused me, stabbing my back with a knife.
Many never knew the existence of a red line,
how surprised they were to learn that it was mine!
I buried fake friends, their influence is long gone,
if new people are approaching, intuition turns on.

From now on I am open only for genuine souls,
who have no hidden agendas and selfish goals.
With the birth of my children I got the best friends,
They possess integrity and their loyalty never ends!
Praise be to Allah Almighty, He gifted us with heirs,
Protection we seek from Him Alone, in all our affairs.

Dubai forums Addict
Posts: 264

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Re: Poetry 68 days ago

You think of yourself as a master of control,

yet poor little thing, you have a different role;

a slave of the Devil and enabler of his felonies,

evil by nature you approach people as enemies!

The Devil pulls strings commanding your soul;

the destruction of good people as a mutual goal.

Bad news narcissist; neither of you will succeed,

God is protecting people and their families indeed!

Repent before it is too late, set desires to an end,

oh wait, you do nothing wrong and never intend.

Nothing is ever your fault as you do good at last,

we shall count the last deed, not look at the past!

As you sow, so shall you reap when sick and old,

people will run away as none wants to be controlled.

Even the Devil will leave you on the Judgement Day:

I’ve just suggested and you did misdeeds - he will say!

Dubai forums Addict
Posts: 264

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Re: Poetry 37 days ago

How much time you wasted doing hobbies that do not pay,

you could have a few mini jobs instead and work hard every day.

We hate to see you idle and having time for odd hobbies honey,

we want you to work and earn a lot, to send us all your money.

Look at us Shamoosa; we are working all the time without rest,

you should listen to what we suggest and you will be the best.

We wish to you better than you do for yourself, we know all needs,

money is, honey, more important than some random good deeds.

Opportunities you are wasting while living in a such golden range,

leave working for Hereafter now, and focus on money for a change.

Squeeze some drudgery in each and every hour that you find free,

trust us; after a few years, your own value in our eyes you will see.

We would be millionaires by now if we were in your place instead,

all you do is nothing without a profit, engrave that in your head.

Leave volunteering honey for people who are prosperous and rich,

you need to help us build our luxury life, do you understand bi*ch!

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