This means that everyone will now have to sit the UAE DL test!

Can anybody confirm this?
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
sage & onion wrote:Didn't hear about this one, no problem for me though, sat my test here.
yorky500 wrote:sage & onion wrote:Didn't hear about this one, no problem for me though, sat my test here.
Sounds to me like the RTA want everyone to drive like a bunch of TWATS, not just the ones who have to sit the test here! S&O being the exception of cos![]()
PrettyPenny wrote:So it'll be a bigger hassle for all of us who do have driver's licences from the States and Europe. In my opinion it was discriminatory to make those who have licenses from any continent/country aside from the special few do a driving test. Why should this be the case at all?? So we have a bunch of loonies (myself included) who having driver's licenses from the few countries in which supposedly there are better drivers. Sure we've done our tests, but surely they aren't the same in each continent, or country, or city. And then we have the remaining populace, who have done their tests in the UAE. In effect everyone is on the streets driving in which ever way THEY see fit. Perhaps putting in some sort of uniformity to the regulations for receiving a driving license will improve the situation. And end the discrimination as well (ie driving tests for all OR no driving tests for all).[/b]
PrettyPenny wrote:So it'll be a bigger hassle for all of us who do have driver's licences from the States and Europe. In my opinion it was discriminatory to make those who have licenses from any continent/country aside from the special few do a driving test. Why should this be the case at all?? So we have a bunch of loonies (myself included) who having driver's licenses from the few countries in which supposedly there are better drivers. Sure we've done our tests, but surely they aren't the same in each continent, or country, or city. And then we have the remaining populace, who have done their tests in the UAE. In effect everyone is on the streets driving in which ever way THEY see fit. Perhaps putting in some sort of uniformity to the regulations for receiving a driving license will improve the situation. And end the discrimination as well (ie driving tests for all OR no driving tests for all).[/b]
^ian^ wrote:I taught myself to drive.
yorky500 wrote:Just heard that with effect from 1st january 2007, all expats holding DL's that automatically alowed them to transfer to a UAE one i.e. Brits, yanks etc, will NOT BE ALLOWED TO DO SO
This means that everyone will now have to sit the UAE DL test!![]()
Can anybody confirm this?
yorky500 wrote:^ian^ wrote:I taught myself to drive.
Drive or fly, hence the AV, which in the former case is appropriate.
sage & onion wrote:PrettyPenny wrote:So it'll be a bigger hassle for all of us who do have driver's licences from the States and Europe. In my opinion it was discriminatory to make those who have licenses from any continent/country aside from the special few do a driving test. Why should this be the case at all?? So we have a bunch of loonies (myself included) who having driver's licenses from the few countries in which supposedly there are better drivers. Sure we've done our tests, but surely they aren't the same in each continent, or country, or city. And then we have the remaining populace, who have done their tests in the UAE. In effect everyone is on the streets driving in which ever way THEY see fit. Perhaps putting in some sort of uniformity to the regulations for receiving a driving license will improve the situation. And end the discrimination as well (ie driving tests for all OR no driving tests for all).[/b]
Not a particularly bad idea for everyone to take a test, however who is to decide if you pass or not???Also back in the days that the rules were set, about who could and couldn't get a license, their were a lot of problems because people were coming here with licenses that had been purchased in their own countries without ever having taken a test.
zam wrote:And yorky as you have said, those countries that were exempted from the beggining have stricter and very professional standards, which means their driving skills are good, so there should be no prob test or no test ayt!
^ian^ wrote:I often think that the driving lessons are terrible anyway. The standard of driving on the road is just shocking, and even from people who have had to get their licence here and do the tests.
The standard of driving regardless of nationality is TERRIBLE.
And where did 666 get his licence from?
^ian^ wrote:I often think that the driving lessons are terrible anyway. The standard of driving on the road is just shocking, and even from people who have had to get their licence here and do the tests.
The standard of driving regardless of nationality is TERRIBLE.
And where did 666 get his licence from?
asc_26 wrote:^ian^ wrote:I often think that the driving lessons are terrible anyway. The standard of driving on the road is just shocking, and even from people who have had to get their licence here and do the tests.
The standard of driving regardless of nationality is TERRIBLE.
And where did 666 get his licence from?
Could be under the table...