JoeTGF wrote:The only problem I can see for them is the cost of the paying for a new visa when replacing driviers that quit - Dubai is an extremely expensive place to hire/fire quickly. When you take someone on here you want it to work as the re-hire and training is a lumpy cost to sustain.
To use the words "practical" and "logical" in one sentence is unheard of here. Not only is there the rehiring expenses involved, but the process of cancelling visas and payout of end of service. They would have to writeoff the cost of bringing the first batch in and the costs to process them to enable them to work, and tack on the cost of bringing the replacements. The mind set is that of arrogance, which is exactly the attitude being shown.
Obvoiusly, this wouldn't apply to the taxi drivers, but I have seen companies that think if you hire 5 people at 5,000 per month, they will get 5 times the work done. Not true. Most on that salary are lazy, lazy, lazy. It's the monkey-peanuts concept. Whereas, it would be logical and practical to hire 2 qualified people at 9-11,000 per month. Each can produce the same amount of work as 2-1/2 people, which would probably be a "normal" day for them. End of service payout for 2 as opposed to 5. Possibly a slight saving on annual tickets as the 2 may require a more expensive ticket. Fees for 2 visas, not 5. Medical coverage for 2 rather than 5. Savings on holidays, sick leave, annual leave. At the end of the day you get what you pay for - productive employees.