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MILAN/HAMBURG Jan 06, 2009
Who's going?
anyone fancy mobbing and taking it to the Ultras??

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Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 07, 2009
Heard loads of German voices but alas, the only Italians present were Lebanese in replica shirts. (I thought all the Lebbos were French!) Image
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 07, 2009
Del wrote:Heard loads of German voices but alas, the only Italians present were Lebanese in replica shirts. (I thought all the Lebbos were French!) Image

they are french/arabs!!!!

why replica shirts? aint they rich?

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Jan 07, 2009
sharfraz wrote: why replica shirts?

They're called replica shirts because the players wear real ones.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 07, 2009
Del wrote:
sharfraz wrote: why replica shirts?

They're called replica shirts because the players wear real ones.

oh ok...

thought, they were replicas of the replicas

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Jan 07, 2009
Maybe more chance of some action if it was Juve rather than Hamburger.
Juve are the other fave team with the locals/Lebbos
Dubai Expat Helper
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Jan 07, 2009
I was at the game...

Boring match, Hamburg played much better... Ac-Millan was better with individual skills of Ronladinho and Beckahm...

such a big stadium and no display screens???? and there was no security or police at the stands we are at.. not a single one!!... few fights happened between drunk guys and no one to stop... I had to scream at people who are blocking the view and always standing.... by the end of the game getting out of the stadium with our cars was simply nightmare

I went there as I wanted to test my skills in sport photography and see how good my camera will perform... arrgg and the girls wanted to see Beckham too..

I have uploaded few shots on my blog if anyone interested :/
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